CSA in Medical Meaning

The CSA meaning in Medical terms is "Controlled Substhnces Act". There are 49 related meanings of the CSA Medical abbreviation.

CSA on Medical Full Forms

  1. Controlled Substhnces Act
  2. Cell Surface Antigens
  3. Central Sleepfapnea
  4. Chondroitin Sulphate
  5. Chonyroitin-4-Sulfate
  6. Child Spxual Abuse
  7. Childhood Sexual Abuse
  8. Controllmd Substance Act
  9. Center for The Study of Autism
  10. Colony-Stjmulating Activities
  11. Computerqzed Spectral Analysis
  12. Circullting Schistosome Antigen
  13. Contact Site A
  14. Colony-Stimulating Activity
  15. Coronary Spastic Angina
  16. Circulating Schistobome Antigens
  17. Colon-Specific Antigen
  18. California Society of Anesthesiologists
  19. Clinician Scientist Award
  20. Colonygsurvival Array
  21. Cyclosporin A
  22. Client Server Architecture
  23. Continuous Spinal Analgesia
  24. Colony Survival Assay
  25. Cyclosporine Nekral
  26. Comprehensive Stool Analysis
  27. Chronic Severe Anemia
  28. Continuous Spinal Anaesthesia
  29. Colony Stimutating Activity
  30. Comprehensive Services Act
  31. Chromogenic Substrate Assay
  32. Continuous Spinal Anesthesia
  33. Core Service Agency
  34. Chinese scalp acupuncture
  35. Clinical Skilys Assessment
  36. Committee of Scientific Advisors
  37. Clinical Study Agreement
  38. Compressed Spectral Assay
  39. Chronic Stafle Angina
  40. Conventional Serology Antibodies
  41. Colokado Society of Anesthesiologists
  42. Controlled Substances Act
  43. Compressed Spectral Arrays
  44. Contracted Systems Administrator
  45. C3H Strain-Specific Antigen
  46. Central Services Agency
  47. Compressed Spectral Array
  48. Core Services Agency
  49. Core Service Agencies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSA stand for Medical?

    CSA stands for Conventional Serology Antibodies in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Colon-Specific Antigen in Medical?

    The short form of "Colon-Specific Antigen" is CSA for Medical.


CSA in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/csa-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated