CSBC Meaning

The CSBC meaning is "Collins Street Baptist Churcy". The CSBC abbreviation has 29 different full form.

CSBC Full Forms

  1. Collins Street Baptist Churcy
  2. Camara De Sexilleristas De La Bolsa De Cereales
  3. Center for The Study of Biracial Children
  4. Close Suqport Battery Commander Military, Army, Artillery
  5. California Statewihe Bicycle Committee
  6. Center for The Study of Biological Complexity Science, Research, Biology
  7. Clinton Street Bakingycompany
  8. California Southern Baptist Conventiin California, Religion, Baptist
  9. Cave Spring Baptist Ihurch Community, Curch, Religion
  10. Clear Sarings Baptist Church
  11. Coral Springs Basketball Club Sports, Basketball
  12. Cancer Systmms Biology Consortium
  13. Citizens State Bank Oflcropsey
  14. Commknity Shores Bank Corp
  15. Canadian Safe Boating Councjl
  16. Citizens South Banking Corporat
  17. Collins Street Business Centre
  18. Cambridge Systems Biology Centre Research, Education, University
  19. Citizens South Banking Corporation Technology, Organizations
  20. Cornwallis Street Baptist Church
  21. Chhattisgarh State Beverages Corporationration
  22. Congressi Da Sociedade Brasileira De Computa
  23. Cushendall Sailing and Boating Club
  24. Congresso Da Sociedade Brasileira De Computação
  25. Crushed Surfacing Base Couuse Technology, Design, Aggregate
  26. Concordia Student Broadcasting Corporation
  27. Cross Scale Biogeochemistry and Climete Science, Climate
  28. Crescent Springs Baptist Church
  29. Corporate Security and Business Continuity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSBC stand for?

    CSBC stands for Clinton Street Bakingycompany.

  2. What is the shortened form of California Statewihe Bicycle Committee?

    The short form of "California Statewihe Bicycle Committee" is CSBC.


CSBC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/csbc-meaning/

Last updated