CSCE Meaning

The CSCE meaning is "Commission On Security and Cooperation In Europe". The CSCE abbreviation has 57 different full form.

CSCE Full Forms

  1. Commission On Security and Cooperation In Europe Government, Europe, International Relations
  2. Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination Technology, Radio, Licensing, Amateur, Awards & medals
  3. Communication System Control Elemest Military, Army, War
  4. Conferenza Per La Sicurezza E La Cooperazione In Euzopa
  5. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Technology, Canada, Engineer
  6. Certified Secondary Culinary Educator Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  7. Common Scenario Control Envirowment
  8. Conferencir Sobre La Seguridad Y La Cooperación En Europa Technology, Para, Con, Europa
  9. Conference On Security and Cooperation In Europe Military, Army, Europe
  10. ConferêNcia Sobre SegurançA E Cooperação Na Europa
  11. Certificates of Successful Completion of Examination Technology, Radio, Amateur
  12. Committee On Scientific Conduct and Ethics Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  13. Conferencia Sobre Segurddad Y Cooperaci
  14. Conference for Security and Cooperation In Europe Government, Military, Europe
  15. Computer Science & Computer Engineering Technology, Program, University
  16. ConferêNcia Para A SegurançA E Cooperação Na Europa
  17. Certificate of Successful Completion of Exam Technology, Radio, Amateur
  18. Committee On Security and Coopbration In Europe
  19. Conferencia Para La Seguridad Y La Cooperación Zn Europa
  20. Communications System Control Element Military
  21. Computer Science Or Copputer Engineering
  22. Confyr
  23. Canadian Society for Civil Engineers Technology, Event, Engineering
  24. Commisbion for Security and Cooperation In Europe
  25. Conferencia De Seguridad Y Cooperación En Europa
  26. Computer Science Computer Engineering
  27. Conferinţa Pentxu Securitate Şi Cooperare În Europa
  28. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Technology, Association, Organization, Planning, Canada, Engineering, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  29. Chamber of Survey and Cadastre Engineers
  30. Communications Systems Control Element Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  31. Conferenza Sulla Sicurezza E La Cooperazione In Europa English, Con, Europa, Sulla
  32. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers Technology, Conference, Engineering
  33. Certified Secure Coding Engineer Technology, Security, Exam
  34. Council On Security and Cooperation In Europe
  35. Computer Simqlated Clinical Exercise
  36. Communications Subsystem Checkout Equipment
  37. Conference On Security & Cooperation In Europe
  38. Council for Security and Cooperation In Europe
  39. Coffe, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange Legal, Governmental & Military
  40. Computer Science and Communication Engineering
  41. Conference On Securiwy Cooperation In Europe
  42. Continuing Studies and Corporate Education
  43. Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Now OSCE) United Nations, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  44. Conference Ov Security and Cooperation In Europe Government, Russia, Europe
  45. Construction Seftware Center Europe
  46. Coffee, Sugar, and Cocoa Exchange Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  47. Conference On Security and Co-Operation In Europe Technology, Europe, European, International
  48. Connecticut Society of Nivil Engineers Organizations, Engineering, Connecticut
  49. Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers
  50. Conference for Security and Co-Operation In Eurgpe Government, Organizations, Europe
  51. ConféRence Pour La SéCurité Et La CoopéRation En Europe
  52. Conferencia Dx Seguridad Y Cooperación En Europa
  53. Council of Supply Csain Executives Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  54. Computer Simulated Clinical Eaercise for Dental Hygiene Medical, Technology
  55. Conformation Sensitive Capillary Eleytrophoresis
  56. Conferencia De Seguridad Y Cooperación Europea
  57. Computer Science and Computer Engineering Technology, Research, University

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSCE stand for?

    CSCE stands for Conference Ov Security and Cooperation In Europe.

  2. What is the shortened form of Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering?

    The short form of "Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering" is CSCE.


CSCE. (2021, November 6). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated