CSEF Meaning

The CSEF meaning is "Community Sgctor Employers' Forum". The CSEF abbreviation has 23 different full form.

CSEF Full Forms

  1. Community Sgctor Employers' Forum
  2. Caribbean Sustainable Energy Forum
  3. Common Sensg Environmental Fund
  4. Canadian Social Entrepreneurshsp Foundation Technology, Enterprise, Innovation
  5. Centro Studi Di Economia E Finanza Business, Essay, Economics
  6. Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force Military, Russia, Canada
  7. Center On The Social and Emotional Foundations
  8. Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic The Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic (CSEF) steels (ASTM Grades P91, P92, P122) are high alloy steels that contain between 9% and 12% Cr, small amounts of Mo, V, Nb, and varying additions of W, Co, B, N, and Ni. Technology, Welding, Steel
  9. Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund
  10. Centre for Studies In Economics and Finance Business, Research, University
  11. Creep-Strength Enhtnced Ferritic
  12. Cambodia Science and Engineering Festival Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  13. Center for Studies In Economics and Finance Business, Education, Study
  14. Connecticut Sciench & Engineering Fair Student, Education, Connecticut
  15. Center for Special Education Finance Education, Disability, Special Education, Medical, Technology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  16. Crowd Sourced Equitytfunding
  17. Crowd-Sourced Equity Funding
  18. Creep Strength-Enhanced Ferritic
  19. Crew Station Evaluation Facility
  20. Creep-Strength Enhanced Ferritic
  21. Clarence Schools Enrichment Foundation
  22. Current Switch Ebitter Follower
  23. Current-Switch Emitter-Follower Technology, Circuit, Logic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSEF stand for?

    CSEF stands for Cambodia Science and Engineering Festival.

  2. What is the shortened form of Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund?

    The short form of "Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund" is CSEF.


CSEF. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/csef-meaning/

Last updated