CSF Meaning

The CSF meaning is "Cerobrospinal Fluid". The CSF abbreviation has 282 different full form.

CSF Full Forms

  1. Cerobrospinal Fluid Medical
  2. Cancer Slope Factor Technology, Environment, Risk
  3. Control System Flowchart Technology, Program, Programming
  4. Cerebrospinal Fluids Medical
  5. California Scholarship Federation Education, Organizations, California
  6. Color Settings File Technology, Program, Photoshop
  7. Cerbrospinal Fluid Medical
  8. Colony-Stimulating Factor Medical, Medicine, Oncology
  9. Colony Stimulating Factor Medical, Oncology, Granulocyte, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NAACCR
  10. Curriculum and Standards Framework Government, Education, Learning
  11. Cerebro Spinal Fluid Medical, Brain, Cerebrospinal
  12. Colony-Stimulating Factor-1 Medical, Science, Receptor, Macrophage
  13. Critical System Functionality
  14. Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Medical, Science, Brain
  15. Colony, Stimulating Factor Medical, Colony, Macrophage
  16. Creil Air Base Creil, Picardy,France Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  17. Cerebral Spinal Fluid Medical, Technology, Medicine, Pharmacy
  18. College of Sports & Fitness
  19. Cool Sig Forums Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  20. Comprehensive Soldier Fitness Military, Army, Psychology
  21. Cell Site Functions Technology
  22. Community Sports Foundation Organizations, City, Norwich
  23. Contrast Sensitive Function
  24. Chercheurs Sans FrontièRes
  25. Cambridge Sustainable Food
  26. Civil Society Forum Organizations, Russia, Partnership
  27. Corporate Sustainability Forum Technology, Organizations, Event
  28. Coll
  29. Chantiers Spatiaux FrançAis
  30. Cosmetic Surgery Forum
  31. Christian Singles Fellowship Service, Group, Organizations, Religion
  32. Configserver Security & Firewall Technology, Server, Panel
  33. Central Signals Establishment Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  34. Converged Services Framework
  35. Children'S Scholarship Fund Education, School, Children
  36. Cancer Slope Factors
  37. College of Santa Fe Science, Education, School
  38. Consolidated Sinking Fund Business, India, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  39. Christadelphian Samaritan Fund
  40. Csf Couriers, Limited Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  41. California State Fullerton
  42. Common Service Functions Military
  43. ConféDéRation Syndicale Des Familles
  44. Cerebrospinal Spinal Fluid Medical
  45. Customer Service Facilities Business, Helicopter, Bell
  46. Cashin Spinelli & Ferretti
  47. Compound Submission Form
  48. Cavernous Sinus Fistulas
  49. Community Solutions Fund Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  50. Contract Status File Technology
  51. Chemical Support Facility
  52. Cambridge Science Festival Science, Mathematics, Event
  53. Civil Society Fund
  54. Channel Select Filter Technology, Signal, Frequency
  55. Cosmetic Surgery Foundation Medical, Technology
  56. Christian Secular Forum
  57. Config Server Firewall Technology, Linux, Panel
  58. Central Security Force Military, Egypt, Cairo
  59. Control Shore Function Technology
  60. Chief of Security Forces
  61. Cancer Family Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Defect, Scientific & Educational, British medicine
  62. Clinician-Scientist Fellowship Medical, Science, Education
  63. Conservation Strategy Fund Business, Economics, Environment
  64. Chip Select Function
  65. Cristianos Sin Fronteras
  66. Common Services Framework Technology, Presentation, Control
  67. Configuration State Functions Technology, Program, Quantum
  68. Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Medical
  69. Curriculum Standards Framework Science, Australia, Education, School
  70. Carson Scholars Fund Book, Education, Trauma
  71. Compost Stormwater Filter
  72. Cat Super Feeder Pet, Automatics, Feeder
  73. Community Services Fund
  74. Contract Settlement Form
  75. Chemical Storage Facility
  76. Cal State Fullerton Education, Sport, Development, Study, Titan, Universities
  77. Civil Service Fund
  78. Commonwealth Shooting Federation Sport, Organizations, Affair
  79. Channel Selection Filter
  80. Christian Science Fiction Technology, Book, Rick
  81. Confidential Statements of Formula
  82. Center for A Sustainable Future Education, University, Growing
  83. Controller Shore Function Technology
  84. Chicago Studebaker Flyers Basketball, Basketball Team
  85. Canadian Surgery Forum Organizations, Android, Master
  86. Climate Smart Farming
  87. Conseil SupéRieur Des Finances
  88. Conseil Sup
  89. Chinese Society of Forestry Technology, China, Forest
  90. Crippling Skeletal Fluorosis
  91. Configurational State Functions Science
  92. Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak Medical
  93. Carrier Switching Frequencies
  94. Common Service Framework Technology, Presentation, Control, Computing, Telecom
  95. Community Support Frameworks Business, Development, Greece
  96. Cat Scratch Fever
  97. Community Service Fund
  98. Consumer Service Fund
  99. Chemicals Stakeholder Forum
  100. Call Service Fault
  101. Common Strategic Framework Business, Research, Innovation
  102. Chambre De La S
  103. City Service Firm Sport, City, Football, Hooligan
  104. Casualty Staging Facility Military
  105. Confidential Statement of Formula Technology, Science, Pesticide
  106. Cell Switch Fabric
  107. Controller Services Feature
  108. Chiari and Syringomyelia Foundation Medical, Pain, Malformation
  109. Canadian Standard Freeness Technology, Pulp, Forest Industry, Products
  110. Clients Services Framework
  111. Coruscant Security Force
  112. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
  113. China Sourcing Fair Technology, China, Exhibition
  114. Credit Surety Fund Business, Credit, Philippine
  115. Configuration Spin Function Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  116. Central Square Foundation Education, India, Khan
  117. Carrier Strike Force
  118. Common Sense Family
  119. Community Supported Fishery Business, Fish, Seafood
  120. Cathy Savage Fitness
  121. Community Services Foundation
  122. Consumer Service Facility Business, Postal, Us Post
  123. Christian Scholarship Fund
  124. Czech Science Foundation Science, Research, University
  125. Call Service Function
  126. Common Stock Fund
  127. Chambre De La SéCurité FinancièRe
  128. Cyber Security Framework Technology, Industrial, Risk
  129. Citizens Scholarship Foundation
  130. Casual Soccer Firm
  131. Computational Sciences Facility
  132. Cell Structure Function Technology
  133. Controlled Space Flight Technology, Star, Toy, Trek
  134. Chiari & Syringomyelia Foundation Medical, Symptom, Malformation
  135. Canadian Special Forces
  136. Client Signal Failure
  137. Corrective Service Facility Technology, Management, Warp
  138. Cost Per Square Foot
  139. Credential Store Framework Technology, Security, Service
  140. Configuration Summary Form Military
  141. Central Spinal Fluid Medical, Medicine
  142. Carrier Security Fee
  143. Common School Fund
  144. Catholic Superannuation Fund
  145. Community Service Foundation
  146. Constant Spreading Factor
  147. Christian Scholarship Foundation
  148. Czecho-Slovak Forces
  149. California State Forest
  150. Community Strategic Framework
  151. Common Simulation Framework Technology, Service, Boeing
  152. Certified State Filer
  153. Cutoff Shifted Fiber
  154. Citizens' Scholarship Foundation
  155. Casting Success Factor Media, Radio, Television
  156. Comprehensive Science Forms Technology
  157. Cell Structure and Function
  158. Community Structural Funds
  159. Contrast Sensitivity Filter
  160. Chernobyl Shelter Fund Business, Technology, Safety
  161. Camocim Super Fight
  162. Civil Society Facility Program, Government, Projection
  163. Corrections Staff Fellowship
  164. Costo, Seguro Y Flete
  165. Configserver Security Firewall Technology, Security, Cyber
  166. Central Simulation Facility
  167. Cooling Systems & Flex
  168. Carolina Sun Foxes
  169. Combat Special Forces Army, War, War Force
  170. Conseil Spirite FrançAis
  171. Consolidated Support Facility
  172. Christian Schools of Florida Education, Teaching, Florida
  173. Culture and Science Foundation
  174. California State Fair
  175. Common Services Facility Science
  176. Certified Safe Farm
  177. Customer Service First Business, Florida, Courier
  178. Citizen'S Scholarship Foundation
  179. Cash Store Financial
  180. Geomedia Coordinate System File Computing, File Extensions
  181. Casio Science Foundation
  182. Catalyzed Soot Filter Business, Science, Diesel, Chemistry
  183. Community-Supported Fishery
  184. Cabot Specialty Fluids Technology, Drilling, Cesium
  185. Ceramic Silicon Foam Products
  186. Colony-Stimulating Factors Medical, Cell, Granulocyte
  187. CHIEF SHIPFITTER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  188. Catholic Secular Forum Catholic, India, Slayer
  189. Community Schools of Frankfort Education, Indiana, School District
  190. Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation
  191. Coral Sea Fishery
  192. ChildreníS Survival Fund Medical
  193. Council On Synthetic Fuels
  194. Content Sealed Format Computing, File Extensions
  195. Signaling Control Function Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  196. Catalysed Soot Filter Business, Diesel, Catalyst
  197. Communications Sans Fil
  198. Connecticut Science Fair
  199. Community Support Framework
  200. Carcinogenic Slope Factor Environment
  201. Cost Sensitivity Factor NASA
  202. Collaborative Standards Forum Science, Medicine, Research
  203. Combined service forces Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  204. Catholic Schools Foundation Education, Boston, Scholarship
  205. Community Salmon Fund
  206. California Scholastic Federation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  207. Church of San Francisco
  208. Copper Stabilization Fund
  209. Children Support Foundation
  210. Controlled Surface Flow
  211. Cal3d Binary Skeleton File Computing, File Extensions
  212. CéGep Sainte-Foy
  213. Cat-Scratch Fever
  214. Connected Service Framework Microsoft, Technology, Server
  215. Coronary Slow Flow
  216. Classical Swine Fever
  217. Crankshaft Speed Fluctuation Auto
  218. Central Supply Facility NASA
  219. Climate Smart Forestry
  220. Command Support Functions Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  221. Catholic-Christian Secular Forum Film, Catholic, India, Hosanna
  222. Community Safety Forums Government, Crime, Brighton
  223. Calgary Soccer Federation
  224. Christian Survivors Forums Internet Slang
  225. Copenhagen Songwriters Festival
  226. Children Schools and Families
  227. Contract Stationers Forum
  228. Clustered Star Formation Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  229. CéGep De Sainte-Foy
  230. Cita Sehat Foundation
  231. Connected Services Framework Microsoft, Technology, Service, Software, Computing
  232. Coronary Sinus Blood Flow Medical, Blood Test
  233. Cytostatic Factor Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  234. The Cash Store Financial Servicess, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  235. Configuration State Function (part of Ci Wave Function) Chemistry
  236. Classical Signal Field
  237. Chaos Solitons and Fractals Computing, Serial Publication
  238. Catchment Sensitive Farming Business, England, Grant
  239. Community Safety Forum Government, Crime, Brighton
  240. Calculated Salary Foundation
  241. Christian Student Fellowship Organizations, University, Balloon
  242. Coordinate System File
  243. Children, Schools & Families
  244. Consol Synthetic Fuel Organizations, Ecology, Energy Assessment, East
  245. Clasair ICAO Aircraft Codes
  246. Circumferential Supracrestal Fiberotomy Medical
  247. Congressi Stefano Franscini Technology, Research, Conference
  248. Coronary Sinus Flow Medical, Technology, Medicine
  249. Critical Success Factor Critical success factor (CSF) is the term for an element that is necessary for an organization or project to achieve its mission. It is a critical factor or activity required for ensuring the success of a company or an organization. The term was initially used in the world of data analysis, and business analysis. For example, a CSF for a successful Information Technology (IT) project is user involvement.
  250. Configuration Spin Function (a Wave Function) Chemistry
  251. Central Switching Facility
  252. Catastrophic System Failure
  253. Community of Saint Francis Society, Order, Saint
  254. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
  255. Calcium Stone-Forming Medical
  256. Christian Sportsmen'S Fellowship
  257. Congregation of the Holy Family, Italy Religious orders
  258. Cooperative Student Fellowship
  259. Children'S Survival Fund Government, Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  260. Connexion Sans FrontièRe
  261. Creil Air Base, Creil, France France, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  262. Circular Shape Factor Medical
  263. Congressional Sportsmen Foundation
  264. Coronado Schools Foundation Business, Island, Eagle
  265. Customer Services Functions
  266. Adobe Color Settings File Computing, File Extensions
  267. Catalytic Seed Fund
  268. Catalyzed Soot Filters
  269. Community of St Francis Community, Order, Saint, Franciscan
  270. Cerebrospinal Fluid A fluid in the brain and spinal cord that cushions them against shock. Medical, Medicine, Research, English, Treatment, Health, Veterinary, Neurology, Science, Surgery, Nursing, Healthcare, Laboratory, Biology, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Otolaryngology, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR
  271. Chaos Solitons Fractals Science, Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  272. Caesium Formate Oilfield, Oil Exploration, Oil Field, Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
  273. Christian Socialist Fellowship
  274. Compressed Synthetic Fiber Products
  275. Children'S Surgical Foundation
  276. Complex Stacking Fault
  277. Canterbury School of Florida Florida
  278. Catholic Student Fellowship Education, Group, Officer
  279. Cincinnati Shakespeare Festival
  280. Congressional Sportsmen'S Foundation Organizations, Hunting, Sportsmen
  281. Corellian Security Forces
  282. Crew Storage Facility Space, Study, Cosmos

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSF stand for?

    CSF stands for Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow.

  2. What is the shortened form of Christian Student Fellowship?

    The short form of "Christian Student Fellowship" is CSF.


CSF. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/csf-meaning/

Last updated