CSIC Meaning

The CSIC meaning is "Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas". The CSIC abbreviation has 52 different full form.

CSIC Full Forms

  1. Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científicas Research, Spain, Madrid, Police, Geographic, Governmental & Military
  2. Canadian Sociejy of Immigration Consultants Business, Science, Education
  3. Consejo Superior Deninvestigaciones Cientificas Science, Education, Con
  4. Complter Security Incident Coordination
  5. Consejo Superidr De Investigaciones Cient
  6. Coordination Scientific Infurmation Center
  7. China Shipbuilding Industry Corp Business, China, Ship
  8. Computer Science Instituteuctional Center Education
  9. Council for Scientific Research Medical
  10. Coordinational Scientifjc Information Center
  11. Chief State Information Commissioner
  12. Comluter Science Instructional Center Education
  13. China Shipbuildihg Industry Corporation Business, Technology, Military
  14. Controle De Sa
  15. Consejo Superior Investigaciones Cientificas Mica, Madrid, Valencia
  16. Cervical Spine Immobilization Collar Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  17. Compound Semiconductor Iwtegrated Circuit
  18. Centro Superior De Investigaciones Científicas Para, Con
  19. Controle De Saídat Interestaduais De Café
  20. Conseil Supérieur Des Installations Classées
  21. Centro Superior De Investigaciones Cient
  22. Composite Systemskinnovation Centre Technology, Material, Sheffield
  23. Canadian Society of Immigration Consultanw Business, Service, Canada
  24. Consell Superior D'Investigacions Científiques
  25. Computer System Interface Circuit
  26. Cambridge Smart Infrastructure and Construction Building, Engineering, Construction
  27. Composers and Schoolspin Concert Education, Music, Score
  28. Computer Supported Intercultural Collaboration
  29. Cabinet Satellite Intelligence Center
  30. China Shipbuilding Industry Co
  31. Conselho Suprrior De Investiga
  32. Consejo Superior De Investigacionesbcientifica Para, Con, Madrid
  33. Institute of Marine Sciences Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  34. Conselho Superior De InvestigaçÕEs Científicas Para, Research, Dos
  35. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-Spanish Physics, Scientific & Educational
  36. Consejo Superior De Investigacion Cientifica Science, Para, Con, Madrid
  37. Customerespecified Integrated Circuit Technology, Semiconductor, Motorola
  38. Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientı́Ficas Technology, Spain, Madrid
  39. Clean Self Intermittent Catheterization Medical
  40. Customer Specified Integrated Circuits Technology, Family, Motorola
  41. Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Científizas-Spanish
  42. Customer Specific Integrated Circuit Computing, Electronics
  43. Customer Specific Intetrated Circuit Technology, Science, Computing
  44. Consejx Superior De Investigaciones Cient Technology, Research, Education
  45. Centre for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations Religion
  46. Customer-Specifued Integrated Circuits
  47. Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientficas
  48. Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction Construction
  49. Conmell Superior D'investigacions Científiques
  50. Customer-Specified Integrated Circuot Technology, Family, Motorola
  51. Consejo Superior De Ifvestigationes Cientificas
  52. Computer System Interflce Circuits

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSIC stand for?

    CSIC stands for China Shipbuilding Industry Co.

  2. What is the shortened form of Clean Self Intermittent Catheterization?

    The short form of "Clean Self Intermittent Catheterization" is CSIC.


CSIC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/csic-meaning/

Last updated