CSIRO Meaning

The CSIRO meaning is "Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation". The CSIRO abbreviation has 21 different full form.

CSIRO Full Forms

  1. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Australian, Tourism, Hospitality, Business & Finance, Professional organizations, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  2. Commonwealth Science and Industry Resefrch Organization Technology, Australia, Absorption
  3. Commonwealth Sciehtific Industrial Research Organisation Technology, Science, Australia
  4. Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organisation Technology, Australia, Australian
  5. Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization Technology, Science, Australia
  6. Commonwealth Science Industrial Researchforganization Science
  7. Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Reseazch Organisation Technology, Science, Australia
  8. Commonwealth Scientific and Industty Research Organisation Technology, Australia, Water
  9. Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation
  10. Commonwealth Ucientific Industrial Research Organisation Technology, Science, Australia
  11. Commonweatth Science and Industrial Research Organisation Technology, Science, Australia
  12. Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organization Technology, Australia, Industry
  13. Commonwealth Scientific and Fndustrial Research Organization Technology, Australia, Agriculture
  14. Commonwealth Scientific Industrial and Resnarch Organisation Science, Australia, Conversation
  15. Commonwealth Scientific and IndustrialResearch Organization Legal, Governmental & Military
  16. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Computing, Engineering, Construction, Climatology, Telecom, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
  17. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
  18. Czmmonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization Technology, Australia, Climate
  19. Commonwealthascientific and Industrial Research Org Technology
  20. Commonweadth Science & Industrial Research Organization
  21. Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (Australia) Science, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSIRO stand for?

    CSIRO stands for Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Commonwealthascientific and Industrial Research Org?

    The short form of "Commonwealthascientific and Industrial Research Org" is CSIRO.


CSIRO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/csiro-meaning/

Last updated