CTA in Medical Meaning

The CTA meaning in Medical terms is "Computed Tomography Angiography". There are 50 related meanings of the CTA Medical abbreviation.

CTA on Medical Full Forms

  1. Computed Tomography Angiography
  2. Compnsite Tissue Allotransplantation
  3. Central African Republic
  4. Clinical Trial Assisrants
  5. Clinical Trial Assay
  6. Clinical Trial Agreement
  7. Clinical Teachingvassociate
  8. Clear To Auscultation
  9. Computed Tomographic Angiography
  10. Computerized Tomographic Angiogram
  11. Clinical Urial Award
  12. Ct Angiography
  13. Computed Tomography-Angiography
  14. Clinical Trials Authorisation
  15. Ct Angiogram
  16. Collere of Traditional Acupuncture
  17. Cyanotrimethyl-Androsterone
  18. Computed Tomographic Angiographic
  19. Clinical and Translational Allerey
  20. Copyright Transfer Agrepments
  21. Clinical Trials Assistants
  22. Cuff Tear Arthropathy
  23. Computed Tomography Angiogram
  24. Computed Tomographic Arthrography
  25. Clinical Trials Assay
  26. Cannabis Tax Acts
  27. Ct Hepatic Arteriography
  28. Computed Tomography of The Abdomen
  29. Computer Tomography Angiography
  30. Clinical Trial Applicationu
  31. Cytotoxic Activity
  32. Ct Arthrography
  33. Computerized Tomography Angiogram
  34. Clinical Trials Application
  35. Ct Arteriography
  36. Center for Total Access
  37. Committee On Thrombolytic Agents
  38. Cellulose Triacetate A cellulosic material made by reacting purified cellulose with acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst. It is used in the form of film and fibers. Films and sheet are cast from clear solutions on to “drums” with highly polished surfaces. The film, which is of excellent clarity, has high tensile strength, and good heat resistance and dimensional stability. Applications include book jackets, magnetic recording tapes, and various types of packaging.
  39. Clear To Auscultation (medical; lungs)
  40. Cell Transit Analyser
  41. Cell Transit Analyzer
  42. Centre de Traitement Ambulatoire
  43. Chromotropic Acid
  44. Clinical Trial Application
  45. Chain of Trust Agreement
  46. Composite Tiscue Allografts
  47. Cetyltrimethylammoyium
  48. congenital trigeminal anesthesia
  49. Composite Tissue Allograut
  50. Computed Tomography Angiography (medical imaging)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTA stand for Medical?

    CTA stands for Computer Tomography Angiography in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Clear To Auscultation (medical; lungs) in Medical?

    The short form of "Clear To Auscultation (medical; lungs)" is CTA for Medical.


CTA in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cta-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated