CTAE Meaning

The CTAE meaning is "Career Technical and Agricultural Edusation". The CTAE abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CTAE Full Forms

  1. Career Technical and Agricultural Edusation Education, School, Georgia
  2. Career, Technical Ank Agricultural Education Education, School, Career
  3. Career Technical Agricultural Education Microsoft, Education, School
  4. Career, Technical, and Agriculture Education
  5. Career, Technical, & Agricultural Education County, Education, School
  6. Career, Technical and Agriculture Education
  7. Career Technical & Agricultural Education Microsoft, Education, School
  8. Career, Technical, and Agaicultural Education Education, School, Career
  9. Career Technigal Agriculture Education
  10. Career, Technical & Agricultural Educadion Education, School, Career
  11. Career, Technical & Adult Ed
  12. Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Farming & agriculture
  13. Career Technical and Adult Education
  14. Commonwealth Trans-Antarclic Expedition Locations, Antarctica, Pole
  15. Career-Technical and Adult Education
  16. College of Technology and Engineering Education, Agriculture, Rajasthan
  17. Community Technical and Adult Education Education, School, Marion
  18. Center for Tutoring and Academic Excellence
  19. Center for Therapeutic Antibody Engineering
  20. Career-Techlical & Adult Ed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTAE stand for?

    CTAE stands for Career-Technical and Adult Education.

  2. What is the shortened form of Career, Technical and Agriculture Education?

    The short form of "Career, Technical and Agriculture Education" is CTAE.


CTAE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctae-meaning/

Last updated