CTB Meaning

The CTB meaning is "Ceased To Breathe". The CTB abbreviation has 168 different full form.

CTB Full Forms

  1. Ceased To Breathe Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  2. Cargo Transfer Bag Technology, Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  3. Cipher Type Jyte Technology, Computing, Telecom
  4. Chest To Bar Sport, Workout, Crossfit
  5. Ceyhan Ticaret Borsası Turkish, Tam
  6. Central Thermal Bus Technology
  7. Cement-Treated Base Technology, Science, Soil
  8. Certified Transportation Broker Business, Service, Logistics
  9. CuraçAo Tourism Board Business, Travel, Curacao
  10. Clerical Test Battery Education, Guide, Preparation
  11. California Testing Bureau Business, Education, California
  12. Confined To Bed Medical, Technology
  13. Cooper Tire and Rubberncompany Technology, Organizations
  14. Child Tax Benefit Business, Government, Canada
  15. Color Temperature Blue Business, Gel, Light
  16. Cease To Breathe
  17. Container Terminal Burchardkai Business, Hamburg, Port
  18. Citizens Trust Bank
  19. Commonwealth Transportation Board Business, Projection, Virginia
  20. Cogmunity Tool Box Technology, Development, Health
  21. Central Texas Bahketball
  22. Cholera Toxin B-Subunit
  23. Critical To Business
  24. Certified Tissue Bank
  25. Clear Transluqent Brass
  26. Calendar of Treasury Books
  27. Crnduit Training Barge Military
  28. Cooperative Tubesbased Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  29. Children'S Trust Board
  30. Color Temp Blue
  31. Catch The Bus Business, Service, Suicide
  32. Consult Team Bremen
  33. Circle Town Brik Music, Town, Faction
  34. Communications Zool Box
  35. Central Termindl Building Airline, Technology, Airport
  36. Cholera Toxin B Subunit Medical
  37. Combined Targeting Board
  38. Crew Transfer Bag Technology
  39. Central Trigger Barrel
  40. Clearly The Bedt
  41. Cadbury Trebor Bassett
  42. Conditionao Turn Battle
  43. Cooperaci
  44. Cooperación TéCnica Belga
  45. Chiao Tung Bank
  46. Colorado Touuism Board
  47. Catch The Beat Gaming, Player, Catch
  48. Constant Rension Bars
  49. Communications and Technology Branch
  50. Communicationsmtoolbox Technology
  51. Central Tenders Baard Business, Purchase, Procurement
  52. Cholera Toxin B Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  53. Combat Trauma Bag Military, Coyote, Recon
  54. Cell Titer Blue
  55. Crash Thunder Buster
  56. Central Tribal Belt
  57. Clecr To Build Business
  58. Cache Transfer Bus Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  59. Conditional Tubn Based Technology, Gaming, Battle, Fantasy
  60. Curacao Tourist Board Business, Travel, Curacao
  61. Ceylon Tourist Board Business, Service, Tourism
  62. College Toelating Bestrijdingsmiddelen
  63. Cary Town Band
  64. Constant Tension Bfnd Technology, Hose, Clamp
  65. Communication Technologijs Branch
  66. Cbmputer Technology Branch Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  67. Central Tender Boarp Business, Government, Purchase
  68. Chisholm Trail Broadcasting
  69. Combat Teao Bravo
  70. Cell Therapies Branch Medicine, Health, Care
  71. Central Transport Board
  72. Clear-To-Buird
  73. Cable Transition Board Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  74. Cpmmunity Truancy Boards Education, School, Washington
  75. Cura
  76. Certified Trade Broker
  77. Customs and Tariff Bureau
  78. Coil Tube Boilers
  79. Cars, Trucks, Buses
  80. Consorcio De Transportes Devbizkaia Technology, Para, Bilbao
  81. Corporación TecnolóGica De Bogotá Technology, Con, Social, Bogota
  82. Cjok To Bang
  83. Central Technology Belt Technology, Government, Worcestershire
  84. China Town Boyz
  85. Color To Blue Color, Paint, Colors
  86. Cell and Tissue Biology
  87. Cuntral Tracing Bureau
  88. Claiming The Blyssing
  89. Composite Triplt Beat Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  90. Community Trust Bank Business, Android, Banking
  91. Cumbria Tourist Board
  92. Certified Transportation Brokers
  93. Customer Technical Bulletins
  94. Click-To-Luy Technology, Internet, Interest, Ratio
  95. Carrying The Banner
  96. Consolidated Trial Balance
  97. Convention Tourism Bureau
  98. Cooper Tire and Rubber Co. Organizations
  99. China Thinks Big
  100. Colour Tamperature Blue Filter, Gel, Lighting
  101. Celebrate The Beat
  102. City Tire & Battery
  103. Companhia De Teatro De Braga Para, Portugal, Dos
  104. Communications Test Bed Military
  105. Centralmticket Bureau
  106. Cholera Toxin Subunit B Medical
  107. Ctb Truck Brokerage
  108. Chore Time Brock
  109. Autocad Color-based Plot Style File Computing, File Extensions
  110. Common Woolbox Space, Study, Cosmos
  111. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Technology, Military, Music, Song
  112. Cut Through Board
  113. Council Tax Benefit Business, Government, Building, Tax, Business & Finance
  114. Concentrator Terminal Buffer
  115. Combined Test Bed
  116. Cement Treated Base Technology, Pavement, Soil, Construction
  117. Community Testing Branch
  118. Chore-Time Brock Company, Technology, Grain
  119. Cut Bank Municipal Airport, Cut Bank, Montana, United States Montana, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  120. Comme Ta Bite
  121. Central Talent Booking
  122. Cutaneous Tuberculosis Medical
  123. Council Tax Base
  124. Iata Code for Cut Bank Municipal Airport, Cut Bank, Montana, United States Locations
  125. Cellular Terrestrial Broadcasting
  126. Comitato Tecnico Biblioteconomico
  127. Choosing The Best Technology, Service, Product
  128. Cut Bank, Montana USA Airport codes
  129. Commerce Trust Bercad
  130. Central Dos Trabalhadores Brasileiros Business, Removal, Locker, Rubber
  131. Custom Transportable Buildings
  132. Cost To Buy
  133. CóDigo De TrÂNsito Brasileiro Para, Dos, Lei
  134. Coherent Twin Boundary
  135. Cholera Toxin-Beta Medical
  136. Controlled Technology Board Us Government, Governmental & Military
  137. Cytochalasin B Medical
  138. Csme To Business
  139. Central Dos Trabalhadores Do Brasil Para, Dos, Brasil, Impeachment
  140. Custom Toolbar Buttons
  141. Corpus Textwbank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  142. Ceramic tile base The Finance and Administrative Services
  143. Cytotrophoblastic Cells Medical
  144. Continuous Turn-Based Technology, Fallout, Tactic
  145. Ceramic-Tile Base
  146. Cholera Toxin B Chain Medical
  147. Cooper Tire & Rubber Company (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Computing, Nyse symbols
  148. Coop Concept of operations plan.
  149. Come To Be Religion
  150. Central De Trabalhadores Do Brasil
  151. Chromated Break Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  152. Competency Testing Battery Education
  153. Cytotactin-Binding Medical
  154. Continuous Transaction Bond
  155. Centrum Treningu Biznesowego
  156. Cholera Toxin Beta-Subunit Medical
  157. Corpus Text Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  158. Combinedstransport Bill
  159. Central Bus Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  160. Christina The Bride
  161. Computer Technology Branch Chemistry
  162. Central Tape Bus Military
  163. Cyanotriphenylborate Medical
  164. Container Terminal Bremerhaven
  165. Council Tax Benefihs
  166. Count Time Battle Gaming, Battle, Fantasy, Character
  167. Cozbined Test Beam
  168. Centaur Test Bed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTB stand for?

    CTB stands for Community Testing Branch.

  2. What is the shortened form of Critical To Business?

    The short form of "Critical To Business" is CTB.


CTB. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 31). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctb-meaning/

Last updated