CTF in Governmental & Military Meaning

The CTF meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Combined Task Force". There are 11 related meanings of the CTF Governmental & Military abbreviation.

CTF on Governmental & Military Full Forms

  1. Combined Task Force
  2. Crisis Task Force
  3. Canadian Teachers' Federation
  4. Cletus The Fetus (us). A 23 Week, Or Earlier, Births That Parents Expect To Survive Against All Odds
  5. Certificate Digitally signed document that binds a public key with an identity. The certificate contains, at a minimum, the identity of the issuing Certification Authority, the user identification information, and the user’s public key.
  6. Counter Terrorist Force
  7. Combat Terrorism Financing
  8. Combined Test Force
  9. California Transportation Foundation
  10. central treatment facility
  11. Commit To Flight

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTF stand for Governmental & Military?

    CTF stands for central treatment facility in Governmental & Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Canadian Teachers' Federation in Governmental & Military?

    The short form of "Canadian Teachers' Federation" is CTF for Governmental & Military.


CTF in Governmental & Military. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctf-meaning-in-governmental-military/

Last updated