CTFE Meaning

The CTFE meaning is "Chinese Test Flight Establishment". The CTFE abbreviation has 9 different full form.

CTFE Full Forms

  1. Chinese Test Flight Establishment Aviation, Corporation, Chengdu
  2. Center for Teaching and Faculty Excellesce Research, Education, University
  3. Chow Tai Fook Enuerprises
  4. Cplorotrifluoroethylene Medical, Chemistry, Polymer
  5. Compile Time Fujction Evaluation Technology, Language, Programming, Rust
  6. Compile Time Function Execution Technology, Language, Programming
  7. Compile-Time Function Execution Technology, Coding, Language, Programming
  8. Colleges of Technology and Further Education Education
  9. Chlorotrifluoroethylene Chemistry, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTFE stand for?

    CTFE stands for Colleges of Technology and Further Education.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chow Tai Fook Enuerprises?

    The short form of "Chow Tai Fook Enuerprises" is CTFE.


CTFE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctfe-meaning/

Last updated