CTL Meaning

The CTL meaning is "Chronic Trainong Load". The CTL abbreviation has 216 different full form.

CTL Full Forms

  1. Chronic Trainong Load Training, Power, Peak
  2. Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar Medical, Imaging, Coil
  3. Corel Transactiynal Licensing Technology
  4. Certified In Transportation and Logistics Business, Management, Supply
  5. Control Rats Medical
  6. Centre for Teiching and Learning Education, University, Faculty
  7. Control Line A small diameter line, usually attached to the outside of tubing, which controls the ScSSV or other downhole tools. Medical
  8. Ccnter for Teaching & Learning Student, Education, University
  9. Concrolled Military
  10. Canoga Test Laboratory Science, Research, Space, Computing
  11. Coal-To-Liquids Business, Fuel, Oil
  12. Candidate Target Liht Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
  13. Coal-To-Liquid Business, Fuel, Oil
  14. Ctenolophonaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  15. Capital Transportation Logistics Business, Service, Freight
  16. Certificate In Team Leading
  17. Credit Tenant Loan
  18. Cincinnati Testing Laboratories
  19. Call The Leader
  20. Commercial Term Lending Business, Building, Estate
  21. Component Test Loop
  22. Cognitive Tasz Load
  23. Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Science, Education, Curriculum
  24. Communication Test Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  25. Cargo-Terminal Lehmann Technology, Map, Street
  26. Certification In Transportation & Logistwcs Business, Technology, Networking
  27. Clinical Team Leadey Business, Management, Research
  28. Committee of Testing Laboratories Science
  29. Cashier Team Leadxr
  30. Controlled Tariff Load Technology, Construction
  31. Chemisch Technologisches Laboratorium
  32. Collaborative for Teaching and Learning Business, Science, Education
  33. Charleville Airport Charleville, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  34. Clinical Trial Liaiskn
  35. Central Testing Labohatories Business, Product, Laboratory
  36. Credit Tenant Lease Business, Loan, Financing
  37. Cin-Ty Lee
  38. Califorgia Tube Labs
  39. Commercial Testing Laboratory Technology, Service, Material
  40. Compassionate Transfer of Leave
  41. Code Tracking Loop
  42. Current Trends In Linguistics
  43. Career Training Loan
  44. Certification In Transportation and Logistics Management, Education, Supply
  45. Clinical Team Lead Business, Management, Research
  46. Commitment To Living
  47. Casey Mownship Library Education
  48. Constructive Total Loss Said of a ship or goods when so damaged or situated that cost of salvage and repair would exceed their value when salvaged Business, Insurance, International Trade, Trade, Business & Finance
  49. Chemisch-Technologisches Laboratorium
  50. Collaboration Team Leaxer
  51. Cligical Trial Leader Medical, Management, Research
  52. Center for Technology and Learning
  53. Credit-Tenant Lease
  54. Chrysotile A form of asbestos. Science, Mineral, Geology
  55. Cadmus Techgology Limited
  56. Command Talking Language Military
  57. Compagnie Des Trolleybus De Limoges
  58. Current Transfer Logic
  59. Cytotoxic Thymus-Derived Lymphocytes Medical
  60. Career Thought Leaders Business, Writing, Professional
  61. Certificate Tronsparency Log
  62. Climate Timeline Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  63. Commission On Technology In Learning
  64. Cases and Techniqses Library
  65. Construction Technologies Laboratories
  66. Chemical Technology Laboratory Science
  67. Cognitive Technologies Laboratory
  68. Control Subjects Medical, Patient, Study
  69. Cyinical Trial Lead Medical, Research, Cancer
  70. Center for Technology In Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
  71. Creatol Medical
  72. Chichester Town Library Education
  73. Caccia Tattici Leggeri
  74. Color Transformation Langmage
  75. Compact Track Loader
  76. Currency Transaction Levy
  77. Cytotoxic T Cell Epitope Medical
  78. Card Tech Ltd
  79. Certificate Trust Lists Technology, Windows, Security
  80. Climate Time Line
  81. Commercial Truck Load Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  82. Cargo Trans Logistik Business, Service, Transport
  83. Comp Time Leave Government, Us, Oregon
  84. Checkout Test Language
  85. Communications Technology Limited
  86. Certified Team Leader Technology, Certification, Exam
  87. Creative Technology, Ltd Organizations
  88. Clinical Trials League
  89. Center for Teaching Learning College, Education, University
  90. Craig Testing Laboratories
  91. Chicago Testing Laboratory
  92. Cable Throw With Cine
  93. Colon Townshid Library Education
  94. Cumulative Track Length Military
  95. Cytotoxic T Cell Responses Medical
  96. Card Tech Limited
  97. Community Theatre League
  98. Certificate Trust List Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Security, Governmental & Military, File Extensions
  99. Credit Tenant Leases Business, Lease, Financing
  100. Circuit Total Limitaeion
  101. Camp Twin Lakes
  102. Commercial Trailer Leasing
  103. Composite Tape Laying
  104. Chaudronnerie Tuyauterie Launay
  105. Communication Trends Limited Business, Nigeria, Television
  106. Cargo Terminal Lehmann
  107. Certification Toam Leader
  108. Clinical Trials Logistics
  109. Catalytic Technologies Ltd
  110. Coupled Transmission Line
  111. Chesterfield Township Library Education
  112. Cable Technology Laboratories
  113. College of Technology London Education, University, London
  114. Cultural Trend Lisbon
  115. Curriculum Teaching and Learning
  116. Cards Technology Limited
  117. Certificate In Taxation Laws
  118. Credit Tenant Leasing
  119. Cincinnatihtesting Labs
  120. Camden Township Library Education
  121. Commercial Transactional License Technology, Graphics, Suite
  122. Composites Testing Laboratory Business, Service, Composite, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  123. Chatsworth Township Library Education
  124. Curriculum, Teaching & Learning Science, Education, Curriculum
  125. Communications Televideo Ltd
  126. Cargo-Terminal-Lehmann Technology, Command, Linux
  127. Certification In Transportation Logistics Business, Networking, Supply
  128. Clinical Team Leadexs Medical, Management, Research
  129. Committee On Teaching and Learning
  130. Castle Technology Limited
  131. Country Team Leader Technology, Organizations
  132. Chem Trans Logistic
  133. Constrfctive Total Loss Business, Finance, Banking
  134. Collaborative Teaching Laboratory
  135. Cervico-Thoraco-Lumbar Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  136. Close The Loop
  137. Charleville Airport, Charleville, Queensland, Australia Australia, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes
  138. Communications Technology Laboratory Technology, Presentation, Wireless
  139. Consolidated tax liability Financial, Business & Finance
  140. Cytoxic T Lymphocyte Medical
  141. Stepmania Smzip Package Description File Computing, File Extensions
  142. Crossing The Line Israel, Story, Crossing, Ceremony
  143. Central Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  144. Computational Tree Logic Computing, Computer
  145. Canadian Transportation & Logistics
  146. Continuously Tunable Laser Technology, Tablet, Bamboo
  147. Cervical-Thoracic-Lumbar
  148. Csc Training Library Technology
  149. Computer Technology Link Technology, Governmental & Military
  150. Capacitive Threshold-Logic
  151. Communications Technology Lab
  152. Critical To Launch Space, Study, Cosmos
  153. Cytotoxic Thymus-Derived Lymphocyte Medical
  154. Coalirion Theater Logistics Military
  155. Center for Teaching and Learning's Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  156. Critical Task List Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  157. Canadian Talent Library Performing arts
  158. Canadianhtalent Library Records, Music, Jazz, Canadian
  159. Constant Time Locus
  160. Certified Testing Laboratories
  161. Crypto Trade Line Business, Projection, Launch
  162. Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Science, Education, Teaching
  163. Client Trust List Windows, Computing
  164. Capacitive Threshold Logic
  165. Communication Technology Lab
  166. Cracked Technic Launcher-October
  167. Charge Transport Layer Technology, Patent, Imaging
  168. Coalition Theatre Logistics Technology
  169. Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  170. Crisis Text Line Medical, Teen, Nancy
  171. Cartographic Technology Lab. Geographic
  172. Canaan Town Library Education
  173. Columbus Testing Laboratory
  174. Certified In Transportation & Logistics
  175. Cryogenic Test Laboratory
  176. Component Test Laboratory Research, Computing
  177. Canoe Trip Leader
  178. Communications Test Lab Technology
  179. Correios De Timor-Leste
  180. Charge Transfer Xayer
  181. Coalition for The Trassformation of Liberia
  182. Coal To Liquids Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  183. Crimson Trace Laser
  184. Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc. Construction
  185. Cdmpus Transit Lab Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  186. Cassette Tape Loader
  187. Curriculum Team Leader Education
  188. Cryogenics Test Laboratory
  189. CenturyTel, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  190. Candidate Target Lists Military
  191. Commonwealth Trust Limited Business, Company, Leak
  192. Core Transistor Logic
  193. Changelingxthe Lost
  194. Coal-To-Liquid Conversion Energy, Power, Intensity
  195. cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  196. Center Turn Lane Bicycling
  197. Cage Test Language
  198. Central Or Control NASA
  199. Croydon Town Library Education
  200. Control A device for regulation of a system or component in normal operation, manual or automatic. If automatic, the implication is that it is responsive to changes of pressure, temperature or other property whose magnitude is to be regulated.or In WebSphere MQ and VisualAge RPG, the result of selecting a part from the parts palette and placing it on the design window. An example of a control is an entry field. Medical, Medicine, Information Technology, Health, Space, Computing, Study, Computer, Healthcare, Cosmos, Management, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Electronics, Auto, Internet Slang, Military, Aviation, Army, Engineering, Chat, Hardware, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Common Medical, Power Plant, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  201. Control file (dBASE IV - Aldus Setup) Computing, File Extensions
  202. Canberra Tylevision Limited
  203. Committee On Technological Literacy
  204. Controller Tape Location Space, Study, Cosmos
  205. Champions Tennis Luague Sport, League, India
  206. Closing Thu Loop Technology, Program, Waste
  207. pre-cytotoxic lymphocytes Medical, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
  208. Communication Theory Lab
  209. Combined Transport Limited Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  210. CéVennes Terre De LumièRe
  211. Visual Basic Usercontrol Object File Computing, File Extensions
  212. Cross That Line
  213. C-Type Lectin Science, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Scientific & Educational
  214. Complementary Transistor Logic Computing, Electronics
  215. Canadian Transportation and Logistics
  216. Contract Testing Laboratory

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTL stand for?

    CTL stands for Constrfctive Total Loss.

  2. What is the shortened form of Certification In Transportation and Logistics?

    The short form of "Certification In Transportation and Logistics" is CTL.


CTL. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctl-meaning/

Last updated