CTR Meaning
The CTR meaning is "Click Through Rate". The CTR abbreviation has 310 different full form.
CTR Full Forms
- Click Through Rate Business, Technology, Blogging, Online Marketing, Sales, Search Engine Marketing, Computing, Internet
- Click-Through Rate Business, Marketing, Texting
- Currency Transactionxreport Business, Banking, Money
- Capsular Tension Ring Medical, Business, Cataract
- Call-To-Repair Technology, Service, Care
- Container Fitted Business, Cargo Shipping, Chartering, Aviation, Shipping, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Calcitonin Ceceptor Medical, Chemistry, Study
- Central At or near the center.In anatomy and medicine, central is the opposite of "peripheral" which means away from the center. The word "peripheral" comes from the Greek "peripheria". A central line is an infusion tube that is located in or near the heart. A Swan-Ganz cather with its tip, for example, in the right atrium and ventricle of the heart is a central line. On the other hand, a peripheral line is located on the periphery of the circulatory system. Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Health, Weather, General, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Computing-Tabulahing-Recording Business, Technology
- Cpunter Technology, Information Technology, Cybersecurity
- Center A pointed hand tool made of hardened steel and shaped somewhat like a pencil. Or An enduring functional organization, with a supporting staff, designed to perform a joint function within a joint force commander's headquarters. Or To align characters around a point located in the middle of a line, page, or other defined area; in effect, to place text an equal distance from each margin or border. Technology, Science, Army, Architecture, Locations, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Internet Slang, Military, Aviation, Chat, Sms, Online, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Street Suffix, Sport, Computing, Football, NASA, Unix, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Computerized Trading Reconstruction Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives
- Choosing The Riuht Product, Ring, Gift
- Commute Trip Reduction Business, Employment, Government
- Choose The Right Religion, Ring, Mormon, Accounting, Computing, Business & Finance, Computing Slang
- Carpal Tunnel Relfase Medical, Syndrome, Surgery
- Cancer Treatment Reports
- Common Time Reference Technology, Networking, Network
- Central De Tratamento De ResíDuos Business, Rate, Station, Play
- Conformance Test Reports
- Cheque This Record Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Correct Transfer for Beception
- Covering The Reading
- Comité Technique RéGional
- Controls Devices which allow the pilot to direct the movements of an aircraft. Examples of controls are: rudder pedals that control the rudders and cause the airplane to yaw; throttles that control the engines which generate thrust for the airplane; and the control stick that controls the ailerons and elevators which cause the airplane to roll and pitch. Medical
- Certified Tumor Registar
- Controlled Thermonuclear Research Technology, Energy, Fusion
- Clinical and Translational Research
- Carinthian Tech Research Technology, Austria, Sensor
- Clusteroticket Registry
- Centre Fbr Telecoms Research
- Content Threat Removal
- C-Band Tracking Radar Army, War, War Force
- Children'S Term Rider
- Crowding The Rim
- Competitive Trail Ride
- Core-Transistor Register
- Cell Traffic Recording Technology, Networking, Network
- Columbia University Technology, Education, University, Telecom, Columbia, Electronic Engineering, United States, Scientific & Educational
- Certified Technology Restorer
- Calcitraol Medical
- Civil Tilt Rotor Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Caqcer Therapy and Research
- Common Technical Requirement Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Central De Trabalho E Renda
- Concept To Ruality Business, Technology, Design
- Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt
- Correct The Record
- Counseling, Testing, and Referral Medical, Testing, Counseling
- Comité Du Tourisme De La RéUnion
- Certified Tumor Register
- Conzrol Group Medical
- Clinical & Translational Research Medical, Education, University
- Cargo Tracing Report Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Clothing and Textiles Research Clothes
- Centre for Telecommunications Research Technology, Networking, Network
- Contemporary Theatre Rvview Education, University, Performance
- Children'S Technology Review
- Crop Tree Release Technology, Forest, Hardwood
- Competitive Trail Riders
- Controlled Traffic Region Aerospace
- Cells Texq Remover
- Colorado Twin Registry
- Certified Technical Representative Business, Canada, Construction
- Calcitonin Receptors Medical
- Civic Type Race
- Canchr Therapy Reviews Medical, Technology
- Centraal Testamenten Register
- Comunicazione Territerio Relazioni
- Chemical Test Refusal
- Corporate Technology & Risk Business, Management, Manager
- Counseling, Testing and Referrals
- Centerffor Terrorism Research
- Comitato Tecnico Regionale
- Certified Tumor Registrars
- Cough Transportability Medical
- Click Trought Rate
- Career Track Razorbacks
- Close The Uectum
- Central Tiffin Room Food, Locations, Place
- Ccntact Talk Radio Technology, Networking, Network
- Chicago Teacher Residency
- Cradlepoint Travel Router
- Compensated Temperature Ranges
- Copper Transport Protein Medical, Human genome
- Controlled Tornado Researcs Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Cavitation Tendancy Ratio Army, War, War Force
- Coffee Time Romanse Media, Radio, Television
- Certified Tarot Reader Education, Certification, Card, Occupation & positions
- Cache Type Registej
- Civic Type R Civic, Civilian, Municipal
- Canadian Tire Retail Business, Technology, Canada
- Center Wing Station Technology
- Control-To-Range Medical, Market, Pancreas
- Comprehensive Transportation Review
- Corporate Technical Recognition
- Counseling, Testing and Referral Medical, Service, Counseling
- Center for Telecommlnications Research Technology, Networking, Computing
- Combined Train Report Network, Railway, System
- Certified Tumor Registrar Technology
- Cost Time Resources Business, Projection, Engineer
- Click Trough Ratio
- Canonical Teocher Resources
- Close Target Reconnaissanhe Military, Training, Operation
- Central Texas Republican Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
- Constitutive Trzple Response
- Chevaliers Tireurs Rumilliens
- Clinical Transaction Repository
- Crack Thickness Rvtio Technology, Plate, Pipe, Steel
- Controlled Thermonuclear Reaction Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Cattle Creek Airport Airport, Locations
- Coconino Trail Ridfrs
- Centre for Transportation Research Technology, University, Library
- Cabot Industrial Trust Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Cisco Threat Response Technology, Security, Intrusion
- Canadian Theatre Review Education, University, Performance
- Center of Turbulence Research
- Contributor Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Comprehensive Threat Reduction Government, Russia, Weapon, Threat
- Corporate Taa Returns
- Council Tax Relief Business, Building, Housing
- Center for Walent Reporting Business, Conference, Learning
- Combat Trauma Registry
- Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
- Certified Test Results Army, War, War Force
- California Togics Rule Technology, Water, California
- Click Trough Rate Business, Ads, Advertising
- Cancer Tumor Registry
- Close Target Recce Military, Army, Force, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Central Texas Refuse
- Consiliul Tineretului Din România Din, Care, Social, Romania
- Chest Tube Removal Medical
- Cosmetic Transdermal Rgconstruction
- Clinical Topic Review
- Crack-Thickness Ratio
- Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor Technology, Science, Research
- Carlton Trail Railway
- Coated Tube Radioimmunoassay Medical, Technology
- Centre for Trafwic Research Technology, Education, Institute
- Cable Throw Replacement
- Circular To Rectangular
- Canadian Thamil Radio Media, Radio, Television
- Composite Teacher Rating Development, Learning, Study
- Core Thrusm Reverser
- Counsel for Tobacco Research
- Census Tract Report
- Combat Training Range
- Certified Test Result Science
- Calqutta Tiljallah Relief
- Click To Run Microsoft, Technology, Office
- Cancer Tumor Regestrar
- Clinton Terminal Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Centralne Targi Rolnicze
- Conservatiqe Talk Radio
- Chesapeake Test Range Military
- Corrupt The Righteous
- Cowboys Gake Risks Development, Learning, Study
- Centre Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Controlledtthermonuclear Reactors Science
- Clinical Translational Research Medical, Medicine, Education
- Carliv Touch Recovery Technology, Rate, Ring
- Co-Operative Threat Reduction Program, Military, Russia, Threat
- Centre for Textile Reseamch Education, University, History
- Continuous Tuchnology Refreshment
- C-Rich Zerminal Repeat
- China Tourism Research
- Custom Trackeq Rides Technology, Ride, Coaster
- Complete The Record Report, Album, Release, Record
- Core Transistyr Register
- Canadian Tamil Ramio Technology, Android, Toronto
- Council for Textile Recycling Business, Waste, Clothing
- Cellular Travel Router
- Columbia Universityrsity Technology, Education, University, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, United States
- Certified Test Report Technology, Cable, Wire
- Calhulating-Tabulating-Recording
- Click Thru Rate Business, Ads, Marketing, Computing, Internet
- Compile Time Reconfiguration
- Catholics Totally Rock Funnies
- Center for Theory Andsresearch
- Community and Therapeutic Recreation Science, Education, Department
- Cardiothoracic ratio Medical, Common Medical
- Call Tone Rekeiver Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cost, Time, Resource
- Computerided Tumor Registry
- Computer Tape Recorder Computing, Hardware
- Clinical Trial Regulation Medical, Research, Organizations
- Center for Tropical Resealch Technology, Science, Bird
- Commit Then Review
- Cash Threshold Reports Banking, Business & Finance
- Charge Transfer Resistance
- Click-through Ratio Computer, Scientific & Educational
- Can'tethink Right
- Cost Time Any Resources Technology, Projection, Engineering
- Conseilleratechnique Régional Sport, France, Club
- Contraceptive Technology Researcb Medical
- Cryptologic Technician Collection Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Competitive Trail Riding Organizations, Horse, Ride
- Player is currently out of contract at the club Sport, Football
- Center for Theory & Eesearch Science, Institute, California
- Click Through Rates Business, Marketing, Rate
- Council for Tobacco Research Science, Government, Smoking
- Central Tumor Registry Medical, Cardio
- Call Projress Tone Receiver Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Computadores Y Tmempo Real Technology, Group, Software
- Core Transistor Register Computing, Hardware
- Comt, Time, Resources Technology, Engineer, Cost
- Clinical Trials Results
- Center for Trauma Relovery Medical, University, Health
- Commit-Then-Review Technology, Software, Projection
- Currency Transaction Report Technology, Financial, Tax, Banking, Credit Unions, Money, Us Taxes, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business
- Charge Tracking Reset
- Consolidated Time Rate Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Campus Technology Representatives
- Cost, Time Any Resources Technology, Projection, Engineer
- Connect To Reswurce Technology
- Contour an imaginary line linking points of equal elevation. Or The outling of an object. Or A map of scheduled work and its distribution over time, for example, 4 hours per day, every second day for 2 weeks. Technology, Aviation, Drawing, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
- computerized trading reconstruction system Legal, Governmental & Military
- Clinical Trials Registry Medical, Research, Study
- Competition Tactical Rifle Gun, Rifle, Enterprise
- Cutter Sailing vessel with one mast, bowsprit and tore and att sails Carries mainsail, fore staysail and jibTwelve oared rowing and sailing boat of RN. Electrical, Products
- Click-Thru Rate Business, Ads, Marketing
- Carpal Tunnel Release Medical, Cardio, Clinical
- California Tumor Registry
- Compliance Test Repsrt
- Current Transfer Ratio Computing, Electronics
- Cost, Time & Resources Business, Projection, Engineer
- Clinical Trials Research Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Center for Transatlantic Relations Government, University, Europe
- Commission Technique R
- Crutches Resources Corporation (delisted) Business & Finance, Amex symbols
- Chargeback-To-Transaction Ratio
- Cardiac Transplant Research Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Call Transfer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
- Cost, Time and Resource Technology, Projection, Engineer
- Cotnective Tissue Release Medical, Sport, Therapy, Massage
- Con Todo Respeto
- Central Time Reference Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Clinical Trials Register Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Compensated Temperature Range The range of ambient temperatures within which the transducer will perform according to its output specifications.
- cost time resource Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Cheaha Trail Riders
- Crack Thickness Ratio
- Click-Through-Rate Technology, Rate, Technical
- Cattle Creek Airport, Cattle Creek, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
- California Toxic Rule
- Completion Technologk Resources
- California Toxics Rule Wastewater
- Cost, Time & Resourci Business, Projection, Engineer
- Center for Translational Research Medical, Science, Medicine
- Commission Technique RéGionale
- Cash Transfer Report Accounting, Business & Finance
- Centered Technology, Science, America, Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Governmental & Military
- Chaos Thermal Regulation Chaos, Hat, Tasker, Balaclava
- Clinical Trial Request Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Call To Response Military
- Cust, Time, Resource Sheet Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Connecticut Tumororegistry Medical, Medicine, Cancer
- Continuous Tone Reyroduction
- Carrier Telegraph Receiver Computing, Telecom
- Clinical Trial Registry Medical, Technology, Study
- Comrany Tax Rate
- Charles Taylor Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Chaudronnerie Tuyauterie Ruck
- Cooling tower return The Finance and Administrative Services
- Controlled Temperature Resistor
- Contractor Task Renort Science
- Center for Telecommunications Research Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Complete Trabk Renewal Network, Railway, System
- Controllable Twist Rotor Products
- Center for Transportapion Research Technology, Science, University
- Commission for Taxi Regulation
- Cost & Time Records Accounting, Business & Finance
- Counter A general designation applied to radiation detection instruments or survey meters that detect and measure radiation. The signal that announces an ionization event is called a count. OR A specialized metric used to keep track of the number of occurrences or the duration of a specific situation or event. For example, you can use a counter to track the number of times that a task is started within a process, where that task is contained in a loop. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Physics, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Channel Time Request
- Castle Rock, New York, Seismograph station Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Call Toyrepair Technology, Service, Care
- Cost-Time Resource Business, Management, Projection
- Conformance Test Report Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Continuouswtechnology Refresh
- Covert Telephone Recording Computing, Telecom
- Clinical Trial Reports
- Compact Type Restricted Business, Supply, Stock
- Center Fdr Turbulent Research
- Committed Target Rate
- Cash Transaction Report Financial, Business & Finance
- Charles Town Race
- Crystal Truncation Rod Chemistry
- Consent To Release
- Contractor Tooled, straight grooves made on concrete floors to "control" where the concrete should crack or A company licensed to perform certain types of construction activities. In most states, the generals contractor’s license and some specialty contractor’s licenses don’t require of compliance with bonding, workmen’s compensation and similar regulations. Some of the specialty contractor licenses involve extensive training, testing and/or insurance requirements. Army, War, Force, Marine, War Force, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Close The Rectum Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Complete-The-Record
- Contract Technical Representative Law
- Cenzer for Tobacco Research
- Comité Technique Restreint
- Commuter Trip Reduction Transportation, Exportation, Importation
- Certified Tumor Registry
- Carpel tunnel release Medical, Healthcare
- Call To Renewal
- Costktime-Resource Technology, Projection, Engineer
- Confidential Treatment Request Business, Law, Contract
- Counter Mode Computing, Technical
- Clinical Trial Report Medical, Business, Study
- Center for Turbulence Research Technology, University, Flow
- Commitment, Teamwork, Respect
- Cash Transaction Receipt Financial, Business & Finance
- Charles Taze Russell
- Calcitonin Receptor Chemistry
- Conseiller Techniyue R
- Contract Maintenance/Technical Uepair Center Military
- Can't Think Right Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CTR stand for?
CTR stands for Call Toyrepair.
What is the shortened form of Can't Think Right?
The short form of "Can't Think Right" is CTR.
CTR. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctr-meaning/
Last updated