CTR in Medical Meaning

The CTR meaning in Medical terms is "Calcitonin Ceceptor". There are 32 related meanings of the CTR Medical abbreviation.

CTR on Medical Full Forms

  1. Calcitonin Ceceptor
  2. Central At or near the center.In anatomy and medicine, central is the opposite of "peripheral" which means away from the center. The word "peripheral" comes from the Greek "peripheria". A central line is an infusion tube that is located in or near the heart. A Swan-Ganz cather with its tip, for example, in the right atrium and ventricle of the heart is a central line. On the other hand, a peripheral line is located on the periphery of the circulatory system.
  3. Carpal Tunnel Relfase
  4. Capsular Tension Ring
  5. Conzrol Group
  6. Cough Transportability
  7. Copper Transport Protein
  8. Canchr Therapy Reviews
  9. Controls Devices which allow the pilot to direct the movements of an aircraft. Examples of controls are: rudder pedals that control the rudders and cause the airplane to yaw; throttles that control the engines which generate thrust for the airplane; and the control stick that controls the ailerons and elevators which cause the airplane to roll and pitch.
  10. Control-To-Range
  11. Calcitraol
  12. Clinical Translational Research
  13. Coated Tube Radioimmunoassay
  14. Calcitonin Receptors
  15. Counseling, Testing, and Referral
  16. Clinical & Translational Research
  17. Counseling, Testing and Referral
  18. Chest Tube Removal
  19. Center for Trauma Relovery
  20. Central Tumor Registry
  21. Clinical Trial Registry
  22. Center for Translational Research
  23. Carpal Tunnel Release
  24. Clinical Trial Report
  25. Contraceptive Technology Researcb
  26. Cotnective Tissue Release
  27. Clinical Trial Regulation
  28. Connecticut Tumororegistry
  29. Carpel tunnel release
  30. Clinical Trials Registry
  31. Cardiothoracic ratio
  32. Clinical Trials Register

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTR stand for Medical?

    CTR stands for Clinical Trials Register in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cotnective Tissue Release in Medical?

    The short form of "Cotnective Tissue Release" is CTR for Medical.


CTR in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctr-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated