CTR in Technology Meaning

The CTR meaning in Technology terms is "Click Through Rate". There are 61 related meanings of the CTR Technology abbreviation.

CTR on Technology Full Forms

  1. Click Through Rate
  2. Computing-Tabulahing-Recording
  3. Central At or near the center.In anatomy and medicine, central is the opposite of "peripheral" which means away from the center. The word "peripheral" comes from the Greek "peripheria". A central line is an infusion tube that is located in or near the heart. A Swan-Ganz cather with its tip, for example, in the right atrium and ventricle of the heart is a central line. On the other hand, a peripheral line is located on the periphery of the circulatory system.
  4. Call-To-Repair
  5. Center A pointed hand tool made of hardened steel and shaped somewhat like a pencil. Or An enduring functional organization, with a supporting staff, designed to perform a joint function within a joint force commander's headquarters. Or To align characters around a point located in the middle of a line, page, or other defined area; in effect, to place text an equal distance from each margin or border.
  6. Cpunter
  7. Custom Trackeq Rides
  8. Certified Test Report
  9. Canchr Therapy Reviews
  10. Crop Tree Release
  11. Columbia Universityrsity
  12. California Togics Rule
  13. Centre for Transportation Research
  14. Canadian Tire Retail
  15. Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor
  16. Centre
  17. Center for Telecommlnications Research
  18. Crack Thickness Rvtio
  19. Columbia University
  20. Centre for Trafwic Research
  21. Controlled Thermonuclear Research
  22. Canadian Tamil Ramio
  23. Click To Run
  24. Cell Traffic Recording
  25. Coated Tube Radioimmunoassay
  26. Centre for Telecommunications Research
  27. Civil Tilt Rotor
  28. Carliv Touch Recovery
  29. Clinton Terminal Railroad Company
  30. Center Wing Station
  31. Ccntact Talk Radio
  32. Cisco Threat Response
  33. Carinthian Tech Research
  34. Common Time Reference
  35. Concept To Ruality
  36. Certified Tumor Registrar
  37. Cargo Tracing Report
  38. Common Technical Requirement
  39. Center for Tropical Resealch
  40. Commit-Then-Review
  41. Call Projress Tone Receiver
  42. Comt, Time, Resources
  43. Clinical Trials Register
  44. Counter A general designation applied to radiation detection instruments or survey meters that detect and measure radiation. The signal that announces an ionization event is called a count. OR A specialized metric used to keep track of the number of occurrences or the duration of a specific situation or event. For example, you can use a counter to track the number of times that a task is started within a process, where that task is contained in a loop.
  45. Center for Transportapion Research
  46. Currency Transaction Report
  47. Clinical Trial Registry
  48. Click-Through-Rate
  49. Cost Time Any Resources
  50. Connect To Reswurce
  51. Contour an imaginary line linking points of equal elevation. Or The outling of an object. Or A map of scheduled work and its distribution over time, for example, 4 hours per day, every second day for 2 weeks.
  52. Call Transfer
  53. Cost, Time Any Resources
  54. Conformance Test Report
  55. Call Toyrepair
  56. Cost, Time and Resource
  57. Center for Turbulence Research
  58. Computadores Y Tmempo Real
  59. Call Tone Rekeiver
  60. Costktime-Resource
  61. Centered

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTR stand for Technology?

    CTR stands for Clinical Trial Registry in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Connect To Reswurce in Technology?

    The short form of "Connect To Reswurce" is CTR for Technology.


CTR in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctr-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated