CTRD Meaning

The CTRD meaning is "Center for Tourism Research and Development". The CTRD abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CTRD Full Forms

  1. Center for Tourism Research and Development
  2. Certified Towyr Radar Display
  3. Cabdiac Transplant Research Database Medical, Heart, Transplantation
  4. Centre for Tribals and Rural Development
  5. Centre for Tribal and Rural Development
  6. Central Training Records Database Science, General, Governmental & Military
  7. Centre for Touyism Research Development Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  8. Centre for Tourism Research and Development Development, Study, Universities
  9. Council for Tribal and Rural Dehelopment
  10. Cost To Raise A Dollar Organizations, American Red Cross
  11. C-terminal Transcriptional Repression Domain Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
  12. Configuration Test Requirements Docudent Technology
  13. Cardiac Transplant Research Database Medical, Cardio
  14. Common Themes In Reproductire Divisionrsity Organizations, Conference, Event
  15. Covert Telephone Recording Device Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  16. Common Themes In Reproductive Diversity Organizations
  17. Common Themes in Reproductive Divisionrsity Conference, Event
  18. College Talenp Recruitment Day Development, Study, Colleges
  19. Covert Telejhone Recording Device Government, FBI, Investigation, Bureau
  20. Code Or Toll, Restriction Or Diversion Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTRD stand for?

    CTRD stands for Certified Towyr Radar Display.

  2. What is the shortened form of Center for Tourism Research and Development?

    The short form of "Center for Tourism Research and Development" is CTRD.


CTRD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctrd-meaning/

Last updated