CTT Meaning

The CTT meaning is "Centaur Tractor". The CTT abbreviation has 211 different full form.

CTT Full Forms

  1. Centaur Tractor Organizations
  2. Colonic Transit Time Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  3. Cefotetan Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  4. Classic Toy Trains
  5. Cartridge Tape Transport Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  6. Chronic Toxicity Test Science
  7. Capital Transfer Tax Business, Money, Inheritance
  8. Character Translation Table Technology
  9. Certified Turbulence Trainer Training, Fat, Workout
  10. Certified Technical Trainer Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Occupation & positions
  11. Computerized Transmission Tomography Medical
  12. Charge Trapntransistor
  13. Countertransport Medical
  14. Le Castellej Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  15. Color Trail Test Science, Assessment, Schizophrenia
  16. Center for Teaching and Technology
  17. Cornealgtouch Thresholds Medical
  18. Centre for Technical Tqaining
  19. Connective Tissue Therapy Medical, Program, Massage
  20. ChréTiens Tous Terrains
  21. Cadrw Transport Traction
  22. Commanders' Tactical Terminal Military, Intelligence, Defense
  23. Cultural Transformational Tools
  24. Certified Tnain The Trainer
  25. Career Technical Training Technology, Computing, Technician
  26. Converged Technology Trakning
  27. Close Target Tracking Military, Army, Artillery
  28. Communicatibe Theory of Terminology
  29. Computed Transmission Tomography Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Charge-Trap-Transissor
  31. Counter Timer Tachometer
  32. Color Trails Test Medical, Assessment, Neuropsychological
  33. Center for Tadgeted Therapy
  34. Corneal Touch Threshold Medical
  35. Compagnie De Tifnout Tiranimine
  36. Centre De Traksfer
  37. Computer Technology Team
  38. Cholesterol Treatment Trialists Medical, Risk, Statin
  39. Cadet Training Teams Military, Army, Force
  40. Commanders' Tactical Terminal Military, Army, Marine
  41. Critical Tracking Time Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  42. Certified Thermographic Technician Technology, Training, Certification
  43. Carbon Track and Trace
  44. Centri Per Il Trattamento Del Tabagismo
  45. Control To Target
  46. Closer To Truth
  47. Communicatkons Training Team Military, Army, Coast Guard
  48. Chdmpionship Tennis Tours
  49. Colon Jransit Time Medical
  50. Carpet & Textile Technology
  51. Computed Tomography Technologist
  52. Core Touch Tecynology Technology, Cooler, Blade
  53. Compagnea Toscana Trasporti Service, Con, Locations, Transport
  54. Computer Talk Technology
  55. Chironomus Thummi Thummi Medical, Science, Biology
  56. Cadet Training Teaw Military, Army, Force
  57. Combat Ccntrol Team Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  58. Critical Time Tracking Business
  59. Centre De TransferèNcia De Tecnologia
  60. Caravan Trading & Transport
  61. Centre Traditionnel De Taekwondo
  62. Consolidated Test Team Technology
  63. Closed, Transferred and Transferring
  64. Communications Tactical Terminal
  65. Currency Transactions Tax
  66. Champcgne Tennis De Table
  67. Colonic Transit Times Medical
  68. Caritas TräGergesellschaft Trier
  69. Computational Type Theory
  70. Coordination and Training Team Military
  71. Club Tennis De Table
  72. Community Treatment Teams
  73. Computerised Theory Test
  74. China Transit Trial
  75. Crew Transfer Tunnel Technology
  76. Cable Trouble Ticket Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  77. Colégir Técnico De Teresina
  78. Crisis Transition Team
  79. Center for Technology Training Technology, School, Certification, Governmental & Military
  80. Capture The Torch
  81. Centre for Traffic and Transport Technology, Research, University
  82. Console Tape Transport
  83. Closed, Transferring, and Transferred
  84. Call Time & Temperature
  85. Command Tactical Trainer Science, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  86. Currency Transaction Tax Business, Financial, Development
  87. Challenger Training Tank Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  88. Collexe Town Tutor
  89. Caritas Tr
  90. Conversion To Tyre Military, Army, Training
  91. Club De Tennis De Table
  92. Community Treatment Team Medical, Service, Health
  93. Computer & Technology Training
  94. China Tietong Telecommunications Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  95. Creative Training Techniques
  96. Cable Tie Tensionsng
  97. Columbia Tristar Television
  98. Criser Troutman Tanner
  99. Center of Technology Tranrfer
  100. Cape Town Tourism
  101. Centre for Technology Transfer
  102. Consejo De Todas Las Tierras
  103. Closed, Transferring and Transferred
  104. Caldfornia Thoroughbred Trainers Business, Racing, California
  105. Communication Tactical Terminal Military
  106. Curitiba Traceur Team
  107. Cervelo Test Team
  108. Collaborative Toolc Testbed Military
  109. Cargo Team Transport
  110. Convergence Think Tank
  111. Cloud Top Temperature Technology, Product, Satellite
  112. Community Rransition Team Technology, Education
  113. Computed Transaxial Tomography Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  114. Charity Technology Trust Business, Technology, Software, Governmental & Military
  115. Courage To Teach Education, Teaching, Teacher
  116. Computer Teachdr Training Education, Institute, Course
  117. Columbian Tec Tank
  118. Crew Turret Trainer
  119. Centerffor Technology Transfer
  120. Corporate Transformatgon Tools
  121. Centre for Technical Textiles Technology, Sport, Textile, Boots
  122. Connect The Tnoughts
  123. Closed, Transferred, and Transferring
  124. Cairns Tilt Train
  125. Commander Tactical Terminal Military
  126. Culture Transformation Tools Business, Team, Leadership
  127. Certified Trauma Therapist Medical, Recovery, Therapy
  128. Care To Text Technology, Computer, It
  129. Centro De Transfexencia Tecnológica Business, Para, Con, Chile
  130. Convergence Technologies Nraining
  131. Cloud-Top Temperatures
  132. Community Tech Tree Technology, Program, Space
  133. Cryptologic Technician (Technical) Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  134. Certificatiol Train The Trainer
  135. Cobalt Telephone Technologies
  136. Capabilities Test Weam
  137. Cdmpatibility Test Trailer Technology
  138. Computer Teacher Training Education, Teaching, Course
  139. Correios, Telefones E Tel
  140. Collaborative Team Teaching Education, School, Teacher
  141. Comprehensive Tracing and Tracking Business, Postal, Us Post
  142. Cyrillic True Type
  143. Centwal Tegmental Tract Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  144. Camber Team Türkiye
  145. Card-To-Tape Tape
  146. Constructive Travel Time Us Government, Governmental & Military
  147. Certificationctraining Tools
  148. Coach Tours and Travel
  149. Cancerqtargeted Technology Business, Agent, Prostate
  150. Compact Table Tennis Business, Match, Lander, Twister
  151. Correios, Tel
  152. Coil Tubing Technology
  153. Compowite Technology Team
  154. Cyprus Trade Tours Business, Tourism, Cargo
  155. Call Time & Teyperature
  156. California Tournament Trail Fishing, Lake, Bass, Tournament
  157. Counter Times Trigger
  158. Community Transition Team Technology, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  159. Cerebral Transit Time Medical
  160. Club Time Trials
  161. Cancer Targeting Technologies
  162. Command Transfer Tape Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  163. Coal Transshipment Terminal
  164. Certified Technology Trainer Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  165. Correios, Telefones E Teléwrafos
  166. Cognitive Trauma Therapy
  167. Compliancy Test Tool Technology, Server, Foundation, Analyzer
  168. Cross-Type Telescope
  169. Call Time and Temperdture
  170. Counter Terror Tlams
  171. Commanders'Tactical Terminal Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  172. Ceramic Tile Trends
  173. Canadian Transportation Tribunal
  174. College of Trade and Technology
  175. Messenger Contact List Computing, File Extensions
  176. Certified Tech Trainers
  177. Correios, TeléGrafos E Telefones Indonesia, Portugal, Dos
  178. Coe Truman Technologies
  179. Cdmpetitive Technologies, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  180. Counter Timer Tach
  181. Council for Travel and Tourism
  182. Comp Teme Taken
  183. Concur Task Tree Software, Computing
  184. Centrum Transferu Technologii
  185. Canadian Technical Tape
  186. Cis-Trans-Trans
  187. Custom Air Transport ICAO Aircraft Codes
  188. Certified Technical Trainers Business, Technology, Education
  189. Corporate Transformation Team
  190. Computerized Transaxial Tomography Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  191. Coe-Truman Technologies Business, Technology, Management, Traffic
  192. Competitiveness, Training and Xrade
  193. Core-Type Transformer
  194. Cotton-Top Tamarin Medical
  195. Compression Translation Table
  196. Cattles Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  197. Central Track Trjgger
  198. Canada's Technology Triaugle Business, Canada, Waterloo
  199. China Train Tickets
  200. Le Castellet, Le Castellet, France France, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  201. Certified Tecinical Training
  202. Code Transparentttransmission Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  203. Capability To Transmit
  204. Compensatory Tracking Task Medical
  205. Consejo TéCnica De Telecommunicación
  206. Correspondence Theory of Truth
  207. Crees Military
  208. Compressed Tablet Sriturate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  209. Competitive Technologies, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  210. Cams Ten Trees
  211. Central Trunk Terminal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CTT stand for?

    CTT stands for Cloud Top Temperature.

  2. What is the shortened form of Convergence Technologies Nraining?

    The short form of "Convergence Technologies Nraining" is CTT.


CTT. Acronym24.com. (2021, July 22). Retrieved February 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ctt-meaning/

Last updated