CUI Meaning

The CUI meaning is "Center for Ultrafast Dmaging". The CUI abbreviation has 71 different full form.

CUI Full Forms

  1. Center for Ultrafast Dmaging Science, Research, Hamburg
  2. Centre Foreultrafast Imaging Science, Research, Hamburg
  3. Controlled Unclassified Inzormation Technology, Auditing, Services
  4. Character User Snterface Technology, Computing, Telecom
  5. Character-Oriented User Interface Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  6. Chronic Urinary Infection Medicine, Health, British
  7. Corrosion Under Insulation Technology, Science, Inspector
  8. Coatings Under Insulation Presentation, Coating, Corrosion
  9. Concordia Universihy, Irvine College, Education, University
  10. Concordia University Information
  11. Centre Universitaire Informatique Technology, Science, Server, Recherche
  12. Corrosion-Under-Insulation Technology, Inspector, Inspection
  13. Cmp User Interface Military
  14. Concordia University At Irvine
  15. Cojcept Unique Identifier Medical, Technology, Medicine
  16. Centre Universitaire D'Informatique Technology, University, Geneva
  17. Cornell University Insect
  18. Clustered Unique Index Technology
  19. Concordia University Irvine Student, College, Education
  20. Common User Interface Technology, Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Electronics
  21. Centre for Urban Innovation
  22. Core User Interface Technology
  23. Clinical Utility Index Science, Development, Drug, Model
  24. Concept Unique Identifiers Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine
  25. Command Usei Interface Technology, Software, Linux
  26. Cod Unic De Inregistrare Business
  27. Central University of Iowa
  28. Concrete User Interface
  29. Client User Interface Technology, Command, Minecraft
  30. Computer User Interface
  31. Codul Unic De Inregistrare Business, Din, Care, Cod
  32. Center for Urban Infrastructure
  33. Concrete Usage Index
  34. Chronic Uterine Infection Medical, Medicine, Health
  35. Corrosion Under Insualtion Science
  36. Composite User Interface Technology, Software, Linux
  37. Coating Under Insulation
  38. Contrat Unique D'Insertion
  39. Concordia Universityrsity-Irvine Education
  40. Communications Unlimited Inc
  41. Carrillo, Colombia Airport codes
  42. Crop Use Intensity
  43. Collected User Information Technology, Service, Networking
  44. Custom User Interfaces
  45. Common User Item Technology
  46. Controlled Unclassified Information Governmental & Military, International Development
  47. Colegio Universityrsitario Ingles
  48. Colegio Universitario Ingles
  49. Custom User Interface Technology, Command, Auto, General, Governmental & Military
  50. Common Usage Item Space, Study, Cosmos
  51. Committee on Unlawful Interference Aviation, Governmental & Military
  52. Centro Universitario Internazionale
  53. Autodesk Custom Workspace File Computing, File Extensions
  54. Cod Unic De Identificare Technology, Din, Romania
  55. Customize User Interface Technology, Command, Auto
  56. Common Unique Identifier Science, Medicine, Research
  57. CóDigo ÚNico De Identificación Para, Con, Guatemala
  58. Capacity Utilisation Index
  59. Crawford University Igbesa Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  60. Customized User Interface Technology, Command, Auto
  61. Command User Interfaces Technology, Memory, Interface
  62. CóDigo Universal De Instalação
  63. CóDigo ÚNico De Identidad
  64. Cancun Air ICAO Aircraft Codes
  65. Customer User Interface Technology, Auto, Steel, Computing, IT Organization
  66. Combined Unit Inspection Military, Army, Airforce, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  67. Cycling Under The Influence
  68. Currillo Airport, Currillo, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes
  69. Curillo Airport Airport, Locations
  70. Colors Unlimited International
  71. Customizing The User Interface

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CUI stand for?

    CUI stands for Core User Interface.

  2. What is the shortened form of Centre Universitaire Informatique?

    The short form of "Centre Universitaire Informatique" is CUI.


CUI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated