CUS Meaning

The CUS meaning is "Because". The CUS abbreviation has 100 different full form.

CUS Full Forms

  1. Because Bc is a popular abbreviation of "because" that is used in text messages and on the web. It is typically seen when a person is explaining something and they have limited time and/or character space. Although the abbreviation is very popular, it should only be used in informal situations. It is similar to the _b/c_ abbreviation but is more common and requires less characters. Science, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Genealogy, Genealogical, Morse Aids, Forum, Technology, Computing, Modern Slang, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Email, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Radio, Morse Code, Wannas
  2. Ceetro Universitario Sportivo Sport, Con
  3. Centro Universitario Sportivo Education, Sport, University, Con
  4. Customer A passenger or patron who rides Metro or inquires about service or A group or organization that is associated with one or more applications. A customer can be an external organization that accesses a data center or an internal department within a company. Technology, Corparate, United Kingdom, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business, Medical, Common Medical
  5. Common Use System
  6. See You Soon Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Email, Online, Forum, Computing, Sms, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  7. Commander Undersea Surveillcnce Technology, Military, Submarine
  8. Cipta Usaha Sejati Technology, Indonesia, Agro
  9. Chronic Ulcxrative Stomatitis Medical
  10. Cooling Units Technology, Power, Wine, Cellar
  11. Commercial Utiligies
  12. Central Update Nerver
  13. Cooperating Units Military
  14. City Uniteu Steel
  15. Confederación De Unificación Sindical
  16. Centre Universitaire De Savoie
  17. Coyote Ugly Saloon
  18. Compression Ultrasonography Medical
  19. Coasts Under Stress
  20. Confederacy Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.
  21. Commerce Undergraduate Society Student, Education, Organizations
  22. Central Unix Service
  23. Conductor Universal En Serie Technology, Para, Con, Serial
  24. Centre for Urban Studies Technology, Research, Study
  25. Correctional Unit Supervisor
  26. Community Use of Schools Business, Organizations
  27. Coal Utilization Science
  28. Conf
  29. Cambodia University for Specialties Technology, Cambodia, Specialty
  30. Commander, Undersea Surveillance Military, Submarine, Commander
  31. Canada Andjthe United States
  32. Concordia Universityrsity System Education
  33. Centre for Urban Schooling
  34. Corazones Unidos Siempre Latin
  35. Clean Up Systam
  36. Cambodian University for Specialties Education, Cambodia, Specialty
  37. Comité Universitaire De Solidarite
  38. Concordia University Sysbem College, Education, Lutheran
  39. Centre for Ultrasound Studies
  40. Copper Supplement Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  41. Clean-Upnsystem
  42. Conservation Units Science, Brazil, Salmon
  43. Camara Uruguaya De Semillas
  44. Coefficient D'usilisation Du Sol
  45. Cqmputing Units
  46. Central Utility Supply
  47. Coordinatively Unsaturated Site Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  48. Classification Jnits Technology, Safety, Processor
  49. Conférence Universitairersuisse
  50. Channel Units Technology, Communication, Patent
  51. Calensar Users Business, Technology
  52. Codinr Units
  53. Corporate Universities Business, Technology, University, Learning
  54. Commoncuser Software Technology
  55. Central User Service Technology
  56. Coordination Units
  57. City Utioities of Springfield
  58. Conpiguration Units
  59. Centrum ÚČTovníKov Slovenska
  60. Credit Union System
  61. Calcutta Urban Service
  62. Cobertura Universal De Salud Para, Con, Social
  63. Consumer Utzlity Services
  64. Autocad Custom Dictionary File Computing, File Extensions
  65. Chi Upsilon Sigma
  66. Customer Signoff Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  67. Customers Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  68. Constitutions of The United States
  69. chronic unpredictable stress Medical
  70. Chicago Urological Kociety
  71. Cuscutaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  72. Continental Uiited States
  73. Cities of The United Ststes
  74. Constivuent Universities
  75. Cushitic (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
  76. Chlcago Union Station Chicago, Train, Station
  77. Current Urban Studies
  78. Csntiguous United States
  79. Circueferentially Uniform Stiffness Technology, Composite, Vibration, Beam
  80. Credit Units Program, Education, Course
  81. Consolidated Utility Services
  82. Columbus Municipal Airport, Columbus, New Mexico, United States Mexico, United States, New Mexico, Iata Airport Codes
  83. Cheoical Update System Science
  84. Currency Update Service
  85. Conterminous United States Science, Water, Hydrology
  86. Chmonic Unpredictable Stress Medical
  87. Cyprus Union of Shipowners Business, Company, Shipping
  88. Columbus, New Mexico USA Airport codes
  89. Channel Unit Subsystem
  90. Cumulative Updates Microsoft, Technology, Server
  91. Container Unloading System
  92. Customs Unions Business, Trading, Russia, Economics, Certificate
  93. Christian Unions Student, Organizations, University
  94. Customs Union and Statistics
  95. Cambridge Union Society Unions, Governmental & Military
  96. Cumberland Elementary School Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
  97. Contact Us Search
  98. Chogce Ur Self
  99. Custom Unions
  100. Canexus Income Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CUS stand for?

    CUS stands for Corazones Unidos Siempre.

  2. What is the shortened form of Columbus Municipal Airport, Columbus, New Mexico, United States?

    The short form of "Columbus Municipal Airport, Columbus, New Mexico, United States" is CUS.


CUS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated