CUS in Technology Meaning

The CUS meaning in Technology terms is "Because". There are 18 related meanings of the CUS Technology abbreviation.

CUS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Because Bc is a popular abbreviation of "because" that is used in text messages and on the web. It is typically seen when a person is explaining something and they have limited time and/or character space. Although the abbreviation is very popular, it should only be used in informal situations. It is similar to the _b/c_ abbreviation but is more common and requires less characters.
  2. Customer A passenger or patron who rides Metro or inquires about service or A group or organization that is associated with one or more applications. A customer can be an external organization that accesses a data center or an internal department within a company.
  3. Commander Undersea Surveillcnce
  4. Cipta Usaha Sejati
  5. Cooling Units
  6. Central User Service
  7. Conductor Universal En Serie
  8. Cambodia University for Specialties
  9. Commoncuser Software
  10. Calensar Users
  11. Classification Jnits
  12. Channel Units
  13. Corporate Universities
  14. Centre for Urban Studies
  15. Circueferentially Uniform Stiffness
  16. Customer Signoff
  17. Cumulative Updates
  18. Cumberland Elementary School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CUS stand for Technology?

    CUS stands for Channel Units in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Circueferentially Uniform Stiffness in Technology?

    The short form of "Circueferentially Uniform Stiffness" is CUS for Technology.


CUS in Technology. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated