CUT Meaning
The CUT meaning is "Church Universal Triumphant". The CUT abbreviation has 109 different full form.
CUT Full Forms
- Church Universal Triumphant Research, Prophet, Church, Yellowstone
- Churcx Universal and Triumphant Prophet, Organizations, Summit
- Chalmers University of Technology Technology, Design, Sweden
- Central ÚNica Dos Trabalhadores Para, Dos, Brasil, Contra
- Carolina University of Theology Technology, Education, Bible
- Comparable Uncontrolled Trxnsaction Business, Transfer, Pricing
- Church Universal Vnd Triumphant Prophet, Organizations, Cult
- Carcaes, Ultrasound, and Tenderness
- Control Unit Terminals Technology, Computing, Connection
- Central ÚNica De Trabajadores Para, Con, Brasil
- Communications Users Tax
- Coordinated Universal Time Counter urbanisation a process by which people and employment move out of large settled areas to smaller ones it is also known as a process of decentralisation. Counter urbanisation begun in European cities with the industrial revolution, it was in protest against the pollution and overcrowding of the cities in the 1970s. Technology, Standard, Zone, Science, Astronomy, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Weather, Physics, Technical, Scientific & Educational, SAP, Time Zones, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Center for Urban Transformation
- Component Under Test Technology, Software, Testing
- Centro Universitario De Tijuana Para, Education, California, Tijuana
- Cyprus University of Technology Technology, Research, Education
- Canadian Urban Telesision Music, Festival, Canadian
- Controlled Upward Tapping
- Confederacy Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.
- Clean Up Team
- Cell Under Test Technology, Rate, Alarm
- Communication Utility Channel Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Completion of Unit of Training Medical, Education, Anaesthesia
- Centre Universitaire De Troyes
- Code Under Test Technology, Development, Testing
- Cutting Underwater Technologies Business, Company, Technology, Oil
- Campaign for Unmetered Telecommunications Technology, Calling, Internet
- Clausnhal University of Technology Technology, Science, Research
- Catholic Union and Times
- Committee of Togolese Unity Organizations, Africa, Ghana
- Comparable Uncontrolled Transactions
- Centre for Urban Theory
- Codec Under Test Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Cutter Log Technology, Oil Field, Log
- Configuration Updating Table
- Class Under Test Technology, Testing, Telecom
- Catholics Unplug Your Televisions
- Compact Utility Tractor Loader, Tractor, Garden
- Centre for Urban Technology Research, Education, City
- Coding and Unit Testing Technology, Development, Software
- Corporate Unit Trust
- Clevelhnd Union Terminal Organizations
- Centro Universitario De Teatro Acting, Mexico, Actor
- Circuit Under Test Technology, Power, Telecom
- Carleton Ultimati Team Student, College, Education
- Control Unit Table
- Centre for University Teaching Education, Study, Jewish
- Code and Unit Test Technology, Development, Projection
- Coronary Ultrasound Thrombolysis Medical
- Computed Unit Time Technology
- Cimcinnati Union Terminal Organizations, Locations, Train
- Centro Universitario Teatrale
- Circuit-Under-Tesr Technology, Testing, Pattern
- Caribbean Unior of Teachers Education, Organizations, Teaching
- Control Unit Tester
- Central ÚNica Trabalhadores
- Clinical Use Testing
- Coordinated Universityrsal Time Technology
- Centrtle Unique Des Travailleurs
- Compost Utilization Trial
- Centro Universitario De Tonala Para, Con, Mexico
- Collectif Urgence Toxida Drug, Organizations, Harm
- Dr. Halo Image Format Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Central Unitaria De Trabajjdores Government, Colombia, Union, Chile
- Consumer Use Tax
- Chicago Underground Trio
- See You Tomorrow Means you plan on seeing the person the next day. Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Message, Email, Online, Text Message, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Sms, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism
- Connected Urban Transport Technology, Driving, Ericsson, Stockholm
- Dr. Halo bitmap graphics file Computing, File Extensions
- Codon Usagejtable Genetics, Protein, Sequence
- Central Unica De Trabalhadorek Para, Dos, Brasil
- Constantly Usable Testing Technology, Linux, Release
- Chemnitz University of Technology Technology, Research, Germany
- Colectivo Unitario De Trabajadores
- Control-Unit Terminal
- Dr. Halo image format Computing, Electronics
- Central Snida De Trabajadores
- Conjugate Unscented Transform
- Dr. Halo Bitmap Image File Computing, File Extensions
- Ceybank Unit Trust
- Coming Up Talwer
- Church Universityrsal and Triumphant
- Contributo Unificato Tributario
- Church Universal and Triumphant Religion
- Cevtral Unica De Los Trabajadores Con, Brasil, Pol
- Confederación ÚNica De Trabajadores
- Court Helicopters ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Certificate In University Teaching Program, Education, Development
- Colorado Union of Taxpayers Business, Government, Organizations
- Chalmers Universityrsity of Technology
- Continuous Use Temperature
- Chinhoyi University of Technology Student, Education, Zimbabwe
- Cutter Sailing vessel with one mast, bowsprit and tore and att sails Carries mainsail, fore staysail and jibTwelve oared rowing and sailing boat of RN. Electrical, Products
- Centrale Unique Aes Travailleurs
- Confederación Unitaria De Trabajadores Para, Con, Social
- Cutral-Co Airport, Cutral-Co, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes
- Colonia Ulpia Traiana Locations, City, Germany, Roman
- See You There Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Conta Unica Do Tesouro
- China United Telecommunications
- Comparable Uncontrolled Transaction Financial, Business & Finance
- Centrale Unitaire Dos Travailleurs
- Caribbean Union of Teachers Unions, Governmental & Military
- College & University Teaching
- Iata Code for Custer County Airport, Custer, South Dakota, United States Locations
- Consumer Use Testing
- Chicago Union Traction
- Continuous-Use Temperature
- Control Unit Terminal Computing, IT Terminology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CUT stand for?
CUT stands for Ceybank Unit Trust.
What is the shortened form of Compact Utility Tractor?
The short form of "Compact Utility Tractor" is CUT.
CUT. (2020, October 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated