CV in Business Meaning

The CV meaning in Business terms is "Curriculum Vitae". There are 50 related meanings of the CV Business abbreviation.

CV on Business Full Forms

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Cardio Vascular
  3. Convert and Verify
  4. Compensating Variation
  5. Commistionable Volume
  6. Columbia Valley
  7. Check Valves
  8. Chinere Vendor
  9. Convertible A convertible roof is a style in vehicles body, In this roof can be convertible between an open air mode and in-closed mode.
  10. Commanditaire Vennootschap
  11. Culqure and Value
  12. Carrellificio Viceqtino
  13. Commission Value
  14. Checklist Validations
  15. Contact Vanessa
  16. Collateral Value
  17. Cardiff & Vale
  18. Cargolux
  19. Commissionable Value
  20. Cerwin Vega
  21. Caqoric Value
  22. Corporate Volunteering
  23. Commercial Venture
  24. Cerwin-Vega
  25. Commercial Vehicle
  26. Corporate Venturing
  27. Commercial Vehicles
  28. Centrale Verwarmivg
  29. Commanditaire Venoootschap
  30. Caviar & Vodka
  31. Comparative Value
  32. Chris Van
  33. Capital Variuble
  34. Copper Veid
  35. Cash Value
  36. Company Value
  37. Connected Vehicles
  38. Credit View
  39. Connected Vehicle
  40. Cleaning Validation
  41. Conjeclural Variation
  42. Classified Ventures
  43. Continuing Value
  44. Complete Valuation
  45. Classic Vibe
  46. Core Values
  47. Commercial, Vente
  48. Constant Velicity
  49. Commanditaire Vennotschaap
  50. Current Vacanciez

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CV stand for Business?

    CV stands for Convertible in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Classic Vibe in Business?

    The short form of "Classic Vibe" is CV for Business.


CV in Business. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated