CV in Medicine Meaning

The CV meaning in Medicine terms is "Cardio Vascular". There are 25 related meanings of the CV Medicine abbreviation.

CV on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Cardio Vascular
  2. Cardiovascugar
  3. Corpuscular Volume
  4. Cutaneous Vasculitis
  5. Carotenoid Vesicle
  6. Chlorosis Virus
  7. Chlorella Virus
  8. Color Vision
  9. Cardiac Volume
  10. Cervical Vertebra
  11. Central Venous
  12. Clump Virus
  13. Circovirus
  14. Fifth Crvnial Nerve
  15. Choqionic Villi
  16. Contrast Ventriculograpzy
  17. Care Vigilance
  18. Contractile Vacuole A contractile vacuole is a sub-cellular structure (organelle) involved in osmoregulation. It is found predominantly in protists and in unicellular algae. It was previously known as pulsatile or pulsating vacuole.
  19. Fifth Cranial Nerve
  20. Conjugata Vera
  21. Canker Vvrus
  22. Candida Vaginitiq
  23. Specific Heat Ar Constant Volume Cv
  24. Cell Volume
  25. Cell Viability

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CV stand for Medicine?

    CV stands for Cell Viability in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Contractile Vacuole in Medicine?

    The short form of "Contractile Vacuole" is CV for Medicine.


CV in Medicine. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated