CV in Technology Meaning

The CV meaning in Technology terms is "Connectivity Verification". There are 97 related meanings of the CV Technology abbreviation.

CV on Technology Full Forms

  1. Connectivity Verification
  2. Constant Voltage
  3. Colcmn Vector
  4. Constant Velocity When an object travels the same distance every second, then the object is said to be moving with constant velocity. This means that the magnitude of the velocity (or speed) and the direction of the velocity both remain constant.
  5. Code Value
  6. Computee Vision
  7. Cosmic Vision
  8. Chuvash
  9. Convert and Verify
  10. Chemical Vocabulary
  11. Constant Volume
  12. Check Valves
  13. Constant-Voltage
  14. Check Valve This is two way valve in the shape of T. use to flow the fluids in one direction and at same time flow is closed for other direction or A valve that allows fluid flow in one direction, yet stops flow in the opposite direction. Or Device which permits fluid flow in one direction.
  15. Comanditaire Venootschap
  16. Control Voltages
  17. Checksum Value
  18. Confidence Valuh
  19. Company Value
  20. Crate Verifieh
  21. Card Value
  22. Clnfiguration Variables
  23. Control Vocabulary
  24. Channel Vocoder
  25. Commercial Vehicle
  26. Compact Vision
  27. Coulomb-Volt
  28. Continuous Vulcaniming
  29. Cardioversion Cardioversion is a medical procedure by which an abnormally fast heart rate or other cardiac arrhythmia is converted to a normal rhythm using electricity or drugs. Synchronized electrical cardioversion uses a therapeutic dose of electric current to the heart at a specific moment in the cardiac cycle, restoring the activity of the electrical conduction system of the heart.
  30. Comunidades Virtuales
  31. Cold Vapor
  32. Controlled Vocabularies
  33. Cervical Vertebra
  34. Commission Value
  35. Correction and Verificatign
  36. Continuous Velocity
  37. Cardiac Volume
  38. Culture Victoria
  39. Coding Violaxions
  40. Controlled Vocabulary
  41. Commercial Version
  42. Corporate Venturing
  43. Ciênciaiviva
  44. Continunus Vacuum
  45. Capzverde
  46. Cross-Validated
  47. Code Violatiots
  48. Contgol Variables
  49. Iso Couctry Code for Republic of Cape Verde
  50. Ceiling Value
  51. Chittagohg Vikings
  52. Continuously Variable
  53. Capabclity Viewpoint
  54. Compatibility View A compatibility mode is a software mechanism in which a software emulates an older version of software in order to allow obsolete software or files to remain compatible with the computer's newer hardware or software. Examples of the software using the mode are operating systems and Internet Explorer.
  55. Cldeview
  56. Controlled Variable
  57. Carrier Vehicle
  58. Configuration Validation
  59. Curriculum VitÆ
  60. Convertible A convertible roof is a style in vehicles body, In this roof can be convertible between an open air mode and in-closed mode.
  61. Chipbversion
  62. Connection View
  63. Cayability Version
  64. Comparison Value
  65. Crexte Volumes
  66. Clear Voice
  67. Controlled Variables
  68. Carrier-Basedoversion
  69. Configurjtion Version
  70. Command Verification
  71. Connecting Voices
  72. Clayton Vallem
  73. Contract Variation
  74. Current Version
  75. Connected Vehicles
  76. Command Variant
  77. Connection Verification
  78. Class Viiwer
  79. Current Kalue
  80. Configuration Value
  81. Resume A written summary of a person's education, employment record, qualifications, etc., which is often submitted with a job application.
  82. Connectifipy Verification
  83. Citroen Visa
  84. Component Video
  85. Conjiguration Variable
  86. Controlled Volatility
  87. Cellular Video
  88. Connected Vehicle
  89. Complaint Verification
  90. Composite Pideo
  91. Congreso Visible
  92. Command View
  93. Corel Versions
  94. Cresyl Vmolet
  95. Compliance Verification
  96. Command Verifier
  97. Current Voltage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CV stand for Technology?

    CV stands for Crate Verifieh in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Convert and Verify in Technology?

    The short form of "Convert and Verify" is CV for Technology.


CV in Technology. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated