CVD Meaning

The CVD meaning is "Cardiozascular Disease". The CVD abbreviation has 117 different full form.

CVD Full Forms

  1. Cardiozascular Disease Medical, Veterinary, Uk
  2. Countervailing Duty An additional tax imposed on certain imported goods which have been produced very cheaply in their country of origin, in order to bring the price of the goods up to the true market price to protect the importing country's producers. Business, English, Trading, Financial, Business & Finance, International business
  3. Chef Vom Dienst German, Team, Berlin, Chef
  4. Cerebrovascular Disorders Medical
  5. Cardiovascular Qccident Medical
  6. Cardio Vascular Disease Medical, Heart, Risk
  7. Cardzac Valve Disease Medical, Medicine, Disease
  8. Chemical Vapour Depositipn Chemistry, Technology, Vapor
  9. Cerebrovaacular Disease Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy
  10. Commonwealth Vintage Dancers
  11. Card Ferification Digits
  12. Chpmical Vapor Deposit Chemistry, Technology, Science
  13. Constant Velocity Dcives
  14. Comités Villageois De DéVeloppement
  15. Cas Visual Debugger
  16. Clear Voice Detection
  17. Counter-Gailing Duty Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  18. Cerebral Vascwlar Disorder
  19. Common Veterinary Entry Document Technology, Government, Product, Import, Customs, Taxation And Customs Union
  20. Cerebrovascular Disease Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Physiology, Clinical
  21. Callendar Van Dusen
  22. Chemical Vapor Disposition Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  23. Consonant Vowel Dograph
  24. Castro Qalley Demolay
  25. Clear Visual Difference Accounting, Computing, Data
  26. Council Valley District Education
  27. Cerebro Vascular Disease
  28. Commodity Vendor Declaration
  29. Code View Debugger
  30. Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
  31. Coupled Vibration-Dossociation
  32. Callendar-Van Dusen
  33. Chemically Vapor Deposited Chemistry, Technology, Silicon
  34. Consolidated Vlluntary Deduction Education
  35. Casper Van Dien
  36. Clean Vehicles Directive
  37. Corporati & Venture Development
  38. Cerebrovascular Diseases Medical
  39. Cerebro-Vascular Disease
  40. Commercial Vehicle Division Business, Technology, Military
  41. Codeview Debugger Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  42. Country Village Day
  43. Calista Virtual Desktop
  44. Chemically Capor-Deposited
  45. Consbil Villageois De D
  46. Cash Versus Documents
  47. Cisplatin Vinblastine Dacarbazine
  48. Corsnary Vessel Disease
  49. Cejebral Vascular Disease Medical, Heart, Cerebrovascular
  50. Commercial Vehicle Direct Business, Company, Insurance
  51. Cellular Voice Dialer
  52. Clyde Valley Drilling
  53. Countervailing Dutias Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  54. Cadre De Viabilité De La Dette
  55. Cerebrovascular Dementia Medical
  56. Compliance Vendor Directory
  57. Cardiovascular Disease Which affects the circulatory system, e.g. hypertension Medical, Medicine, Health, Disorder, Healthcare, Cardiology, Physical Therapy, Cardio, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NAACCR
  58. Clrvedilol Medical, Medicine, Health
  59. Cisplatin, Vinblastine and Dacarbazine Medical
  60. Core Value Dossirr
  61. Cerebellar Vermisfdefect Medical
  62. Commandant Van Dienst
  63. Cedarhvalley Defensive
  64. Cluster View Daemon
  65. Counter Veilingsduty Business, Tax, India
  66. Cache Valley Drifters
  67. Cerebrovascular Disorder Medical
  68. Compact Video Disk Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  69. Carte Virtuelle Dynamique
  70. Chemical Vapor-Deposited Chemistry, Technology, Diamond
  71. Constant Velocity Drive Technology, Car, Shaft
  72. Cercle De La Voile De Dazar
  73. Comité Villageois De DéVeloppement Village, Population, Togo
  74. Cebu Veterinary Doctors
  75. Clinical Valve Dysfunction Medical, Medicine, Health
  76. Counter Vailing Dutg Business, Import, India
  77. Covance, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  78. Czinkle Viroid Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  79. Centralized Virtual Desktops Technology, Management, Mirage
  80. Cold Vacuum Drying Science
  81. Cycle De Vie Des
  82. Centrum Voor Dienstverlening Technology, Netherland, Rotterdam
  83. China Video Disc Computing, Hardware
  84. Center for Voting and Democracy Government, Politics, Election
  85. Cognitive Vulnerability To Depression Medical, Psychology, Style
  86. Covance Xnc. Technology, Organizations
  87. Chemical Vaponr Deposition
  88. Custom Vipeo Display
  89. Centroidal Voronoi Diagram
  90. Come Volevasi Dimostrare Con, Prima, Tutti
  91. Congenital Vascular Disorder Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Congenital
  92. Communication Value Development
  93. Centre for Vaccine Development Medical, Health, Ebola
  94. Chemical Vapour Deposition
  95. Customs Value Declared Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  96. Central Ventilatory Dysfunction
  97. Combined Valvular Disease Medical
  98. Color-Vision-Deviant Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  99. Communication Valve Development
  100. Center for Vaccine Developmeht Medical, Science, Health
  101. Chemically Vapor-Deposited
  102. Current-Voltage Diagram
  103. Central Vehicle Depot Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  104. Color Vision Deficiencies Technology, Colour, Deficiency
  105. Collagen Vascular Disease Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pulmonary Hypertension
  106. Cathode Voltage Drop
  107. Bitdefender Virus Definition File Computing, File Extensions
  108. Cumulative Volume Delta
  109. Central Valley Dermatology
  110. Color Vision Deficiency Technology, Colour, Blindness
  111. Cyclophosphamide, Velcade and Dexamethasone Medical, Myeloma, Cyclophosphamide
  112. Clamav Virus Definitions File Computing, File Extensions
  113. Crystal Violetrdye
  114. Centralized Virtual Dehktop Technology, Management, Mirage
  115. Color Vision Deviant
  116. Chemical Vapor Deposition A chemical process whereby gaseous reactants can be deposited onto a substrate, used to produce high-purity, high-performance solid materials. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Electronics, Physics, NASA, Plastics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  117. Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine and Dacarbazine Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CVD stand for?

    CVD stands for Comité Villageois De DéVeloppement.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cognitive Vulnerability To Depression?

    The short form of "Cognitive Vulnerability To Depression" is CVD.


CVD. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated