CVH Meaning

The CVH meaning is "Coventry Health Care, Inc.". The CVH abbreviation has 39 different full form.

CVH Full Forms

  1. Coventry Health Care, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  2. Colegio Vista Hermosa
  3. Cache Valley Hospital
  4. Community Voices Heard Organizations, City, Voice
  5. Carbondale Veterinary Hospital
  6. Changi Village Hotel
  7. Credit Valley Hospital Medical, Medicine, Health
  8. Common Variable Hypogammaglobulinemia Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  9. Car and Van Hire
  10. Cervicovaginal Hood Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  11. Common Variable Hypogammaglobulinaemia Medical, Science, Biology
  12. Canyon View High Education
  13. Certified Veterinary Homeopath Medical, Pet, Homeopathy
  14. Commercial Vehicle Hydraulics
  15. Canton Victory Honda
  16. Compound Valve Hemi
  17. Cerebroventricular Hemorrhage Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  18. Canadian Virtual Hospice
  19. Compound Valve Hemispherical
  20. Cerebroventricular Haemorrhage Medical
  21. Colorado Vacation Home
  22. Cajon Valley Home Education
  23. Compound-Valve-Angle Hemispherical
  24. Carmel Valley High Education
  25. V/Stol Aircraft Carrier Military, Intelligence, Defense
  26. Conejo Valley Homeschoolers
  27. Crossroads Veterinary Hospital
  28. Conejo Valley High Education
  29. Country Varmint Hunter
  30. Caviahue, Lafontaine, Argentina Argentina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  31. Compound Valve-Angle Hemispherical-Head
  32. Countryside Veterinary Hospital
  33. Caviahue, NE, Argentina Airport codes
  34. Corona Vista High Education
  35. Combined Ventricular Hypertrophy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  36. V/STOL Aircraft Carrier Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  37. Coquille Valley Hospital
  38. Cavanagh Grp. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  39. Connecticut Valley Hospital Hospital, Psychiatry, Connecticut

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CVH stand for?

    CVH stands for Canyon View High.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cervicovaginal Hood?

    The short form of "Cervicovaginal Hood" is CVH.


CVH. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated