CVHS Meaning

The CVHS meaning is "Canley Vale High School". The CVHS abbreviation has 38 different full form.

CVHS Full Forms

  1. Canley Vale High School Education
  2. Casa Verde High School Education, School, High School, Arizona
  3. Crescenta Valley Hogh School Education, School, Song
  4. Caney Valley High School Education, High School, Kansas, Oklahoma
  5. Carnegie Vanguard High School Education, High School, Houston, Texas
  6. Colne Valley High School
  7. Camp Verde High School Education, School, High School, Arizona
  8. Capistrano Valley High School Education, School, Mission, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
  9. Chino Valley High School Education, School, High School, Arizona
  10. Campo Verde High School
  11. Clearwater Valley High School Education, School, High School, Idaho
  12. Canyon View High School Education, High School, California, Utah
  13. Chelmer Valley High School
  14. Carmel Valley High School
  15. Chattanooga Valley High School
  16. Capo Valley High School Tube, Mission, Valley
  17. Chattahoochee Valley Historical Society
  18. Crescent Valley High School Education, School, High School, Oregon
  19. Castle View High School Colorado
  20. Cocheco Valley Humane Society Organizations, Dog, Animal
  21. Costa Verde High School
  22. Central Valley High School School, High School, Washington, California, Scientific & Educational
  23. Coachella Valley High School Education, School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
  24. Cortez Village Historical Society
  25. Crescenta Valley High School California
  26. Co-Operative Vehicle Highway Systems
  27. Cooperative Vehicle-Highway Systems
  28. Clayton Valley High School School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
  29. Cooperative Vehicle Highway Systems
  30. Chula Vista High School California
  31. Cuyama Valleyehigh School Education
  32. Chartiers Valley High School Pennsylvania
  33. Conneaut Valley High School Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
  34. Castro Valley High School School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
  35. Cumberland Valley High School Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
  36. Chippewa Valley High School Michigan
  37. Conestoga Valley High School Education, School, High School, Pennsylvania
  38. Credenda Virtual High School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CVHS stand for?

    CVHS stands for Carnegie Vanguard High School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cocheco Valley Humane Society?

    The short form of "Cocheco Valley Humane Society" is CVHS.


CVHS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

Last updated