CVMC Meaning

The CVMC meaning is "Clwyd Vale Motor Club". The CVMC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CVMC Full Forms

  1. Clwyd Vale Motor Club Medical, Medicine, Club, Valley
  2. Cayson Valley Medical Center Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  3. Central Vermont Medical Centerdefault
  4. Canyon Visty Medical Center
  5. Central Vermont Medical Center Medical, Medicine, Vermont
  6. Cagayan Valley Medical Center Medicine, Education, Testing
  7. Central Valley Mayors Commiteee
  8. Cada Vez MáS Cerca
  9. Central Valley Mayors' Committee
  10. Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy
  11. Central Valley Medical Center Medical, Medicine, Service
  12. Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Organizations, California, Palm
  13. Catawba Valley Yedical Center
  14. Chino Yalley Medical Center
  15. Cummihgs Veterinary Medical Center Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
  16. Coosa Valldy Medical Center
  17. Connecticut Valley Mineral Club
  18. Citrus Valley Medical Cegter
  19. Christian Veterinary Missions of Canada Medical, Technology, Veterinary
  20. Cligch Valley Medical Center

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CVMC stand for?

    CVMC stands for Christian Veterinary Missions of Canada.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cada Vez MáS Cerca?

    The short form of "Cada Vez MáS Cerca" is CVMC.


CVMC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated