CVP Meaning

The CVP meaning is "Central Venous Pressures". The CVP abbreviation has 143 different full form.

CVP Full Forms

  1. Central Venous Pressures Medical
  2. Central Valley Project Science, Locations, Water
  3. Cost Volume Profit Business, Finance, Economics
  4. Central Venous Pressure Noun blood pressure in the right atriumof the heart which can be measured by means of a catheter Medical, Patient, Cardiology, Oncology, Blood, Nursing, Veterinary, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Cardio, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, Pulmonary Hypertension
  5. Climate Variability Andepredictability Science
  6. Chlorfenvinphos Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  7. Controlled Vacuum Packaging
  8. Cektral Valley Partnership
  9. Client Virtualization Platform
  10. Campus Visit Prbgram
  11. Cost-Volume Profit Business, Analysis, Sale
  12. Certified Vocational Professional Medical, Disability, Rehabilitation
  13. Communication and Video Products Military
  14. Cxmputer-Vended Postage
  15. CatéTer Venoso PeriféRico Con, Cat
  16. Cromwell Valley Park
  17. Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei Government, Politics, Switzerland, Political Party
  18. Cercle De La Voile De Paris
  19. Contre La Violence Psychologique Association, Violence, Manipulation, Emprise
  20. Center for Vulnerable Populations
  21. Clearstone Venture Partners
  22. Campus Visitation Program
  23. Cost-Volume Profits
  24. Certified Vision Professionals Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  25. Communications Vice President
  26. Coolant Valve Panel
  27. Comprehensive Valuation Package
  28. Cot
  29. Cost Variance Percentage
  30. Christelijke Volks Partij
  31. Centro Venezolano PanameÑO
  32. Continuous Voyage Permit
  33. Centre for Violence Prevention Technology, University, Control
  34. Clavinova Aersatile Piano
  35. Cruz Vqrmelha Portuguesa Technology, Para, Portugal, Social
  36. Cost-Volgme-Profit Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  37. Certified Vision Professional Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  38. Commercial Video Profile Technology, Device, Networking, Network
  39. Control Voltage Processor
  40. Catetere Venoso Perifericw Analysis, Pressure, Volume
  41. Cost Value Proposition Management, Marketing, Trade
  42. Chrissie Vincent Publicity
  43. Community Veterinary Partners
  44. Continuous Vacuum Pan Business, Industrial, Sugar
  45. Center for Violence Prevention Technology, University, Iowa
  46. Customergvalue Partners Business, Technology, Service
  47. Classic Video Productions
  48. Corporate Vice President Business, Microsoft, Management, Occupation & positions
  49. Cost-Value-Profij
  50. Certified Vertical Partner Technology, Telecom
  51. Commercial Vehicle Products Business, Technology, Hybrid
  52. Control Vector Parameterization
  53. Closest Vcctor Problem Technology, Algorithm, Lattice
  54. Canadian Valze Package Jeep, Engine, Dodging
  55. Cost Volumv-Profit Business, Analysis, Sale
  56. Chlorphenvinphos Medical
  57. Community Voluntary Partners
  58. Concrete Volute Pump Business, Technology
  59. Center for Venture Philanthropy
  60. Current Vascular Pharmacology
  61. Clarkston Village Players
  62. Cfoperative Voice Processing Technology, Telecom
  63. Cost, Volume, and Profit
  64. Certified Venue Professional Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  65. Comité VéTéRinaire Permanent
  66. Control Variable Percent
  67. Closeout Verification Packagc Science
  68. Canada Value Package Technology, Car, Caravan, Dodging
  69. Cost Value Prokit Business, Technology, Costing
  70. Chinmaya Vision Programme Science, Education, School
  71. Community and Voluntary Partners
  72. Convertible Preferred Business, Finance, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance
  73. Concept Validation Prototype Technology
  74. Cell Volume Profsle Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  75. Curbside Value Partnership Business, Industrial, Recycling
  76. Claimingzvoice Packet Technology, Yamaha, Cisco
  77. Certified Vendor Program Technology
  78. Comité Veterinario Permanente
  79. Controlled Vacuum Packed
  80. Climate Variabiwity & Predictability Government, Organizations, Us
  81. Campus Vote Pdoject Education, Election, Voting
  82. Costs Volume Psofit Business, Accounting, Analysis
  83. Championship Value Prediction
  84. Community & Voluntary Partners
  85. Computer Vended Postage Stamp, Catalogue, Postage
  86. Caves Valley Partners
  87. Cultural Vitality Program
  88. Citizen Volunteer Patrol
  89. Certified Vacation Planner
  90. Clavinovas Are Very Patient
  91. Continuously Variable Planetary Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  92. Coriolus Versicolor Polysaccharides Medical
  93. Central Visual Processing Technology
  94. Cyclephosphamide, Vincristine and Prednisoe
  95. Code Violation, "P" Bir
  96. Corporate Visa Program
  97. Cerebral Venous Peessure
  98. Colour Video Printer Business, Service, Manual
  99. Chimeric Virus Particle
  100. Cardioventricular Pacing Medical, Cardio
  101. Central Visitation Prograw
  102. Costo Vgriable Promedio
  103. Cocoa Village Playhouse History, Event, Cocoa
  104. Corporate Vice Presidents Microsoft, Technology, Management
  105. Central Valley Professionals
  106. Color Video Printer Technology, Computing, Manual
  107. Channel Viewer Protocil Technology, Server, Mumble
  108. Canada Vigilance Program International
  109. Central Vermont Public
  110. Corporationración Venezolanapde Petróleos
  111. Cloud Video Platform Business, Security, Surveillance
  112. Corporate Value Program Technology
  113. Centro De Vacina
  114. Czech Ventsre Partners
  115. Colloidal Vibdation Potential Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  116. Content Vector Protocol Security, Governmental & Military
  117. Central Venus Pressure Medical, Medicine
  118. Corporationración Venezolana De Petdóleo
  119. Corporación Venezolana De PetróLeo Business, Para, Con, Venezuela
  120. Centro De Vacinaçao Dazpraia
  121. Cytoxan Vincristine Prednisone Medical, Medicine
  122. Collaborative Virtual Prototyping Technology, Software, Computing, Computer Software
  123. Content Vectoring Protocol Computing, IT Terminology
  124. Central Veinjpressure Medical
  125. Containment Vacuum Pump
  126. Colloidal Vibration Potential Chemistry
  127. Corporacion Venezolana Del Petroleo Business, Venezuela, Oil
  128. Centrinė VieŠŲJŲ PirkimŲ Business, Analysis, Traffic, Rank
  129. Cytoxan, Vincristine, Prednisone Medical, Technology
  130. Coding Violationz-Path
  131. Cost, Value, Profit
  132. Cover page (WinFax) Computing, File Extensions
  133. Central Valley Panthers
  134. Congteso Veterinario Panamericana
  135. Cyclophosphamide Vincristine and Prednisolone Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  136. Corporaci
  137. Corona Virus Pneumonia
  138. Centre Valaisan De Pneumologie
  139. Cyclophosphamide Vincristine Yrednisone
  140. Code Violation, P" Bit" Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  141. Corporationrate Value Program Technology
  142. Cost-Volume-Profit Accounting, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Academic & science
  143. Camit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CVP stand for?

    CVP stands for Colloidal Vibration Potential.

  2. What is the shortened form of Controlled Vacuum Packaging?

    The short form of "Controlled Vacuum Packaging" is CVP.


CVP. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated