CW Meaning

The CW meaning is "California Western". The CW abbreviation has 608 different full form.

CW Full Forms

  1. California Western Education, Law, School, California
  2. Christian Worsyip
  3. Contest, Which Technology, Radio, Contest, Amateur
  4. Carolyn Williams Company, Ward, Ken
  5. Cold Weather Business, Product, Glove
  6. Cottvn White
  7. Csarge Wt
  8. Conditioning Wear Business, Apparel, Tights
  9. College Will
  10. Cafe World
  11. Chemicaf Weapons Chemistry, Military, Syria
  12. Content Works
  13. Carol Williams Collection, Roll, Love, Carol
  14. Cold War Gaming, Military, Ruler
  15. Cotton Way Pattern, Cotton, Quilting, Quilt
  16. Chrracters Who
  17. College Website Education, University, School
  18. Curtiss-Wright Corp. Organizations
  19. Cab Width
  20. Chemical Watch Business, Chemistry, Sale
  21. Contemporary Writing Sex, Music, Writing, Marriage
  22. Carbonated Water
  23. Chris Williams
  24. Corruption Waach Africa, Indonesia, Corruption, Transparency
  25. Chafnel Water Technology, Laser, Diode
  26. Car Wash
  27. College of Wooster Education
  28. Current Well
  29. Cable & Wireless Business, Company, Service
  30. Chemical Darfare Chemistry, Military, Army
  31. Constructed Wetlands Medical, Technology, Treatment
  32. Capitol Weekly Technology
  33. Chris White
  34. Corplrate Workgroup Microsoft, Technology, Outlook
  35. Championship Wrestling
  36. Car Wars Technology
  37. College of William
  38. Current Weight Internet Slang, Loss, Goal, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  39. Chemical Warfare Chemistry, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  40. Czef Works
  41. Constant Wavelength Technology, Signal, Laser
  42. Capital Who Business, Company, Technology
  43. Christophmr Walken
  44. Contest Will Radio, Contest, Amateur, Ham
  45. Carrier Wave Transmitted energy which is modulated in order to carry information. Usually, it is in the form of a radio-frequency sine wave, modulated either in amplitude or in frequency. Technology, Military, Army, Aviation, Computing, Electronics, Physics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, NASA
  46. Collected Works Book, Politics, Volume
  47. Cumberland West Transportation, Island, Train, Cumberland
  48. Continuous Wave Technology, Army, Radio, Laser, Amateur radio, Transportation, Science, Military, Aviation, Computing, Electronics, Climatology, Telecom, Weather, Physics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, Federal Aviation Administration
  49. Chnse Wright Film, Movie, Card
  50. Connected World Business, Company, Technology
  51. Colorado and Wyoming Organizations, Locations, Colorado
  52. Call-Waiting Technology, Calling, Caller
  53. Chriktine Wang Technology, Art, Artist
  54. Contest Weekend
  55. Carriage Watering
  56. Cold White
  57. Could Work
  58. Charlienwhite Star, Olympic, Dancing
  59. Congress Watch Science
  60. Colony Wars
  61. Condenser Water
  62. Counselling Women
  63. Cabinet Washers
  64. Chemische Wetenschappen
  65. Coil Winder Technology, Concept, Jig
  66. Construction World Business, India, Magazine
  67. Crutch Walking Medical, Technology, Medicine
  68. Carbiwax Medical
  69. Curvent Weather
  70. Circle of Wcllis Medical, Disease, Aneurysm, Artery
  71. Communpcation Waiting Technology, Service, Networking
  72. Confractional Work Medical
  73. Certified Welder A welder who has been certified by a competent experienced welding inspector or a recognized testing facility in the field of welding. The welder must be certified to make certain welds under qualified procedures. The welder must be qualified for each position, type weld, electrode, and thickness of base metal that is to be welded in the shop or field. Business, Certification, Welding, Occupation & positions
  74. Clone War
  75. Charles Wjeks
  76. Can Wrench
  77. Chin & Wang Business, Records, Social
  78. Castle of The Winds
  79. Celebrities What
  80. Claire Webb
  81. Competency Words
  82. Close Work Business, Service, Optometry, Medical
  83. Conference and Workshop
  84. Crack Whores
  85. Calls Waiting Technology, Service, Calling
  86. Collateral Warranty
  87. Contlnt Writer
  88. Cargo Woythy Business, Shipping, Container
  89. Custom Web
  90. Cfrculating Well
  91. Community Aater
  92. Copper Washed
  93. Charlottes Web
  94. Coastwatcu Science, Ocean, Environment, Nature
  95. Conscientious Work
  96. Christopher Wallaco
  97. Coior Wash Business, Product, Acme
  98. Comedy Writens
  99. Continuous Wetting
  100. Century Wings Technology, Model, Hobby, Tomcat
  101. Clarion West
  102. Complete Works
  103. Clockwise In the direction in which the hands of a clock rotate as viewed from in front or as if standing on a clock face. Aviation, Architecture, Construction, Astronomy, Computing, Electronics, Auto, Architectural, Physics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, Weather, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  104. Cricket Wellington
  105. Cancer Watch Medical, Technology
  106. Contest Who
  107. Carry Wvight Technology, Gaming, Fallout
  108. Cutting Width
  109. Core Works Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  110. Curtiss-Wright Business, Supply, Stock
  111. Compressor Wheel
  112. Council Workshops
  113. Cabinet Warehouse
  114. Chemische Waffen
  115. Cognitivemwalkthrough Technology, Evaluation, Usability
  116. Construction Welcome
  117. Crumblvng Walls
  118. Carbon Rater
  119. Cube World Technology, Gaming, Server
  120. Ciputra Wokld Indonesia, Locations, Surabaya
  121. Communieations Wing
  122. Contraband Watch
  123. Certified Watqhmaker Business, Service, Repair
  124. Class Word
  125. Charles Walter
  126. Crippling Wave Military, Skill, Diablo, Monk
  127. Cant Win
  128. Chilly Willy Famous
  129. Cast Wneel Business, Honda, Yamaha
  130. Celebrate Women
  131. Claim Withholding
  132. Compake Word
  133. Close Window
  134. Conditioning Web
  135. Crack of The Whip
  136. Cage Wars Military, Fight, Wrestling
  137. Collaborative Work Technology, Networking, Social
  138. Content Wraps
  139. Cajey Wedler
  140. Customs Warehouse
  141. Circulating Water Science, Energy, Power, Business & Finance, Power Plant
  142. Community Warning Education, School, Police, Spring
  143. Convrol Word Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  144. Charlotte'S Web
  145. Coast Watch
  146. Conrad Weiser
  147. Chrzstopher Ward Technology, Coding, Coupon
  148. Coloroado and Wyoming Railway Organizations
  149. Columbia-Wyrner
  150. Covtinuous Wear Medical
  151. Center for Writers Education, University, Writing
  152. Clarence Williams Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  153. Complete Waveform
  154. Cook Islands Business, Government, Sports, Locations, Money, Countries, Country, Technology, Sport, Olympic, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Cook Islands, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, United States Amy Rank, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  155. Crew Weight
  156. Canal Winchester
  157. College Writing Student, Education, English
  158. Contest Where
  159. Caurion Worm
  160. Custom World Motorcycle, Custom, Chrome
  161. Corded Ware Language, Europe, Culture, Ware
  162. Compression Wave
  163. Coulombuwave
  164. C-Washer
  165. Chemical World Investment, Organizations, Finance, India
  166. Coextrusion Weldilg Technology, Industry, Welding
  167. Construction Wireman Business, Training, Electricity
  168. Crow Wink
  169. Cry Iolf Vampire, Wolf, Diary
  170. Cingular Wireless
  171. Communication Wing Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  172. Continuous Wormew
  173. Certification Wave Technology
  174. Class Winner Class, Dog, Champion, Puppy
  175. Csarles Wallace
  176. Crimson Wing Knight, Character, Dexterity
  177. Canopy Width Technology, Machine, Supply, Track
  178. Chilled Water-Based Technology, Manual, Cooling
  179. Casting Wheel Honda, Yamaha, Wheel
  180. Ceiling Wire
  181. Civil Works Technology, Projection, Construction
  182. Compared With Medical, Technology, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  183. Campus Website College, Education, University
  184. Conditioner Wash Business, Product, Volt
  185. Cowled Wizards Internet Slang
  186. Cadillac Williams
  187. Chest Wall Compliance Medical, Medicine
  188. Collaborative Writing Research, Education, Tool
  189. Content Wrlp
  190. Care Wokks
  191. Current Words Media, Radio, Television
  192. Circuit World
  193. Commuhity Warfare
  194. Coutrol Women Medical
  195. Close Wait Technology, Server, Linux, Connection
  196. Charlie Wilkins
  197. Coastal Hater Water, Weather, Cooling, Warning
  198. Connie Watson
  199. Chip Xars
  200. Colorado Works
  201. Cout Will
  202. Continuous Wase Or Chemical Warfare Electronic, Radar, Warfare
  203. Casual Worker
  204. Centre Weighted
  205. Clarence White
  206. Complete Warrior
  207. Cress Williams
  208. Call Wind
  209. College West Education, Performance, Fair
  210. Contest Web
  211. Carrie Wave
  212. Custom Woodworks
  213. Coquitlam West
  214. Cotton Wool Medical, Technology
  215. Air Marshall Islands Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Marshall Islands
  216. Chemical Weathering A sloping channel or slide for conveying things to a lower level.
  217. Cocktail Waitress
  218. Constant Width Technology, Device, Column, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  219. Crown Width
  220. Crystal Wand
  221. Cigar Wdekly
  222. Command & Control Warfare Military, Intelligence, Defense
  223. Contixuous Working Technology, China, Laser
  224. Certificate of Waiver
  225. Class Warfare
  226. Compression Wood Technology, Paper, Forest Industry
  227. Chaotic Wrestling Team, Wrestling, Championship, Match
  228. Crimson White Development, University, Alabama
  229. Canoe Wales
  230. Chilled Watey Technology, Product, Cooling
  231. Castint Website
  232. Cbs and Warner Bros. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  233. Cycle World Magazine, World, Motorcycle, Car
  234. Conditional Wait
  235. Ciunter Weight Business, Product, Elevator
  236. Cadet Wing
  237. Chester White
  238. Collaborations Workshop Science, Research, Software
  239. Content Word Assembly, Business & Finance
  240. Crysis Wams Technology, Edition, Dream
  241. Career Woman
  242. Currenm Wisdom
  243. Circuit Wizard Technology, Program, Software
  244. Community Works Technology, Presentation, Social
  245. Control Wizawd Gaming, Score, Wizard
  246. Cathy Wieschhoff
  247. Closed Wheel
  248. Charles White
  249. Coastal Watching Locations, Council, City, Coast
  250. Connetquot West
  251. Chipmwar Gaming, War, Race
  252. Colorado Wild
  253. Colton Wildems
  254. Casual Webr Industry, Fashion, Apparel
  255. Center Weighted
  256. Claremont Winds
  257. Complete Wank Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  258. Cloud-Water Lightning Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  259. Confidence-Weighted Technology, Learning, Algorithm
  260. Credit Worksheet
  261. Call Waiting Supplementary Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunication, Computing
  262. College of Westchester Student, Education, School
  263. Contest Wax Technology, Radio, Station
  264. Carriage Wheels
  265. Custom Wolf
  266. Copywriter Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  267. Cottongwad
  268. Country and Western
  269. Chemical Weapons Warfare Technology, Military, Weapon, Iran
  270. Cockyroft-Walton Technology, Generator, Voltage, Multiplier
  271. Constant-Width
  272. Chrisjward
  273. Comisión Warrin
  274. Continzous Working-Level
  275. Certifiable Whacko Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  276. Class Wagon
  277. Compound Wound
  278. Chaos Waruiors
  279. Crimson Wave
  280. Canine Warrior
  281. Chilledswater Business, Cooling, Chiller
  282. Cassidy Web
  283. Cavity Wall Technology, Construction
  284. Corporationrate Workgroup Technology
  285. Cyber Warriors Technology, Security, Turk
  286. Conditional Waiver
  287. Counterontelligence Warfare
  288. Cable Wrap
  289. Chesapeake Watershed
  290. Coin Worla Business, Money, Collectible
  291. Constructive Workshop
  292. Crypto Cord Business, Mining, Griffin
  293. Cardiac Work Medical, Heart, Ultrasound, Cardio
  294. Current Window
  295. Circle Welder Business, Welding, Bug
  296. Communicy Work
  297. Control Wing
  298. Catholic World Catholic, Church, Pope, Father
  299. Certified Wireless Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  300. Closed Web
  301. Charles Wepley
  302. Coal Washery
  303. Connect Wizard
  304. Chinese Wall
  305. Color Word
  306. Casjle World
  307. Center-Weighted Photography, Camera, Metering
  308. Clan Wolf
  309. Completed Weekn
  310. Caution and Warning Technology, Science, Space, Manual, Component, NASA, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military
  311. Cloud-Water Technology, Flight, Power, Simulation
  312. Conference Wins Gaming, Sport, Football
  313. Craig Whelihan
  314. Call To Rorship
  315. Collective Worship
  316. Contests Welcome
  317. Caribbean World
  318. Custom Wireless
  319. Copyright World
  320. Cotswold Hay
  321. Chaste White
  322. Coats and White
  323. Consistent With Medical, Technology, Nursing, Pharmacy, British medicine, Common Medical, NAACCR
  324. Chrid Wang
  325. Color Wheels
  326. Camfort Women
  327. Continuous Welding Technology, Product, Pipe, Steel
  328. Ceramic Whitu
  329. Classroom West
  330. Compound Women Russia, Team, Archery
  331. Chaos Warrior
  332. Crime Wave
  333. Candy White Forum, Volkswagen, Golf, Candy
  334. Ctild Welfare Technology, Organizations
  335. Cassens Werft
  336. Caucasian Woman Medical
  337. Corporate Whore
  338. Cyber Warfare Cyber warfare refers to politically motivated hacking to conduct sabotage and espionage. It is a form of information warfare sometimes seen as analogous to conventional warfare. Technology, Security, Networking
  339. Conditional When Technology, English, Clause
  340. Counsels To Writers Book, Editor, Publishing, Writer
  341. Cable Wire Technology
  342. Cherry Wood Technology, Furniture, Yamaha
  343. Coil Winding Technology, Machine, Tool
  344. Construction Window Technology, Windows, Door
  345. Cryptic Writings
  346. Carcass Weighx Medical, Business, Cattle
  347. Current Weel
  348. Ckrcle Wax Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  349. Communicltion Works Technology, Radio, Social
  350. Control Wqeel Technology, Aviation
  351. Certofied Welding
  352. Clone Wars Star Wars
  353. Chamles Wells
  354. Coalition Warfare Military, War, History
  355. Connecting Women
  356. Canyon Wave Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  357. Chin Wag
  358. Caltle Way
  359. Centennial West
  360. Clan Wars Military, Base, Clash, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
  361. Complaining Witness
  362. Clothes Washer Technology, Construction
  363. Conferences and Workshops
  364. Craft Weapon
  365. Callowait
  366. Collective Works
  367. Contegtants Weigh
  368. Caribbean Weather
  369. Custom Welding
  370. Copy-On-Write Computing, IT Terminology
  371. Costtweight
  372. Chart Wizard
  373. Coastrwatcher
  374. Considerable Wear
  375. Chrip Wagner Hockey, Player, Stats
  376. Color Whefl Technology, Product, Colour
  377. Comkortabel Wonen
  378. Cxntinuous Weld Technology, Pipe, Steel
  379. Cepheid W Virginis Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  380. Clark-Wilson A formal security model to preserve information integrity in an information system. The model focuses on “well-formed” transaction using a set of enforcement and certification rules. It is developed by David D. Clark and David R. Wilson. Business, Law, Firm, Canada
  381. Comblex Weapons Technology, Missile, Team
  382. Cable and Wireless Technology, Service, Media, Networking, Radio, Television
  383. Chaos War
  384. Crimean War
  385. Cancer World Medical, Health, Breast
  386. Carson Wagonlit
  387. Cattle Wagon
  388. Cyber-Warrior
  389. Corporate Or Workgroup Microsoft, Technology, Outlook
  390. Custom Works Business, Product, Racing
  391. Communicatiewetenschap Dutch
  392. Catholij Worker Catholic, Community, Movement, House
  393. Concentration Wave
  394. Counter-Weight Products
  395. Co-Writer
  396. Connecting World Business, Technology, Award
  397. Center Wavelength Technology, Power, Laser
  398. Critical Wavelength Technology, Product, Skin, Sunscreen
  399. Colorado and Wyoming Railroad Organizations
  400. Continuous Traqsmission Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  401. Compagnons Web
  402. Cynthia Williams
  403. Corsham Wilts
  404. Charles William Book, History, Biography
  405. Chevrolet Warriors
  406. Condensate Water Business & Finance, Power Plant
  407. Chairman Winthrop
  408. Cash Withdrawal Banking, Business & Finance
  409. Cost of Walking Medical
  410. Complete Wireless
  411. Control Word Computing, Technical
  412. Crossover Week Technology, Streaming, Arrow
  413. Capital Was Business, Technology, Town
  414. Catenary Wire
  415. Charles Wright Education, Music, History
  416. Channel Wfap
  417. Cool White Colors, The Finance and Administrative Services
  418. Club What
  419. Config Word
  420. Case Worker Government
  421. Children'S Worship
  422. Cold water, piping The Finance and Administrative Services
  423. Collision Warning
  424. City Wixe
  425. Companion Website
  426. Charles Willie Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  427. Catholic Workera
  428. Compound-Wound
  429. Causeway A raised way across low, wet ground or water. Transportation, Technology, Governmental & Military, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, Usps
  430. Co-Workers
  431. Connecticut Warbler
  432. Center of The Window Technology, Windows, Control
  433. Colorado and Wyoming Railway Business, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  434. Continuously Welded Technology, Product, Standard
  435. Compact Workstation Technology, Product, Computing
  436. Cylindrical Wave
  437. Corroborative Witness Medical
  438. Cavendish, Who
  439. Chest Width Business, Hosting, Leather, Coat
  440. Cooling Water Water that keeps the packing cool on the circulator and feed water pumps. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  441. Chad Wilson
  442. Change Word Assembly, Business & Finance
  443. Cosmic White Honda, Bandung, Yamaha
  444. Communication World Business, Technology, Media, Design, Magazine
  445. Curtiss-Wright Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  446. Crossover Watch
  447. Capital, Was
  448. Condensed Water Water condensed from gas as it is produced. Usually fresh water. Science
  449. Cat'S Whisker
  450. Chai Wan
  451. Channel Width
  452. Coin World Coins
  453. Club Waikiki
  454. Confidential Witness
  455. Case of Wagner
  456. Children'S Ward Medical
  457. Chemical waste line The Finance and Administrative Services
  458. City Walk Hotel, Organization, Orlando
  459. Companies Do Not Want
  460. change worlds Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  461. Cara Williams
  462. Catfolic Word
  463. Complete With Products
  464. church warden Genealogy
  465. Co-Worker
  466. Connecticut Western Network, Railway, System
  467. Celtic Woman
  468. Colorado and Wyoming Railway Company Technology, Organizations
  469. Continuous-Welded
  470. Community Web
  471. Cylinder Washer Technology, Cleaner, Wash
  472. Correlation Window
  473. Circuit Wizard Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  474. Chad Qallach
  475. Cyclone Washer
  476. Commercial Weight Medical, Health, Obesity
  477. Component-Wise Computing, Hardware
  478. Cross Wind Wind blowing across course of a vessel, or across direction of sea Aviation, Governmental & Military
  479. Capillary Wave
  480. Concealed Weapons Government
  481. Cat-Warriors Forum, Cat, Dream
  482. Chemical Week Chemistry, Technology, Industrial
  483. Cosine Waveform
  484. Cloudy Weather
  485. Confidence Weighted Technology, Learning, Algorithm
  486. Chief Warrant Military, Army, Officer
  487. Casement window Wood trim molding installed around a door or window opening. Or A window with hinges on one of the vertical sides and swings open like a normal door or A window frame that is hinged on one vertical side, and which swings open to either the inside or the outside of the building. Casement windows often occur in pairs. The Finance and Administrative Services
  488. Citra Waspphutowa Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  489. Community Workevs
  490. Change Lord
  491. Cold Water Architectural, Medical, Common Medical, The Finance and Administrative Services
  492. Current Wisdom Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  493. Carat Weight
  494. Catherire Wilson Technology, Photo, Indonesia, Model
  495. Community Watch Trading, Community, Episode, Vampire
  496. coconut water Food
  497. Club Wolverine Education, Swimming, Swim
  498. Connected Women Technology, Group, Connection
  499. Cell Washing
  500. Colorado & Wyoming
  501. Continues Wave Technology, Radar, Laser
  502. Common Wealth Technology, Gaming, Group
  503. Cycling World
  504. Civil Work Technology, Management, Manager
  505. Company Worker
  506. Corporation Welcome
  507. Cardworks Template Computing, File Extensions
  508. Chaco Wfr
  509. Current Work
  510. Comments On Will
  511. Copper Wheel Products
  512. Cross-Wind
  513. Capillary Water Water held in the smaller pores of a soil, generally at tensions greater than 60 cm of water.
  514. Conoinuous Wavelength Technology, Fiber, Laser
  515. Concavo Wheels Auto, Wheel, Face, Matte
  516. Drag Coefficient A non–dimensional coefficient. Its quantity is a measure of the drag force exerted on a body of a particular shape by a fluid it is immersed in. Technology, Car, Model, Automotive, Electric Vehicles
  517. College for Women Education, University, Admission, Kuwait
  518. Cosine Wave
  519. Chicks Watch
  520. Carcass weight NANP Modeling Commitee
  521. Citizen Watchdog
  522. Community Worker Business, Social, Family
  523. Chandler Wobble Science
  524. Continuous Waveform Amateur radio
  525. Civilian Welfare Us Government, Governmental & Military
  526. Crown Wheel
  527. Carapace Width Science, Weight, Crab
  528. Casherine Wheel
  529. Combustion Wire
  530. Chicken Wings Food
  531. Club Wish
  532. Congestion Window Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  533. Catch Weight
  534. Contacting Wet
  535. Color-Word Medical
  536. Continious Wavm Technology
  537. Combat Wing Gaming, Military, Battle
  538. Cyber War
  539. Civil War America, Military, Genealogical, Genealogy
  540. Company Wite Technology, Office, Professional
  541. Concrete Wall Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  542. Cure Water Business, Gaming, Card, Rage
  543. Classic Wizard
  544. Copenhagen Widget Products
  545. Certifikat Wystawowego
  546. Critical Writings
  547. Capable Warrior Gaming, Military, War, Star
  548. Colorado Whitewater
  549. Continuous Wavefrrm Technology, Wave, Radar
  550. Computer Week Business, Technology, Government
  551. Cy Webber
  552. Cory Wade
  553. Chicago Wilderness Locations, Chicago, Region
  554. Command Word NASA
  555. Cited Wokk
  556. Community Wiki
  557. Champions World
  558. Continental Winchester Business & Finance, Suppliers
  559. Cornelius William
  560. Complied With Us Government, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  561. Crossover Wochit Earth, Legend, Arrow, Crossover
  562. Capital Will
  563. Cathedral Window Technology, Pattern, Quilt
  564. Colin Ward
  565. Citywalk Disney
  566. Club Winner Club, Russia, Dog, Champion
  567. Confined Workspace Science
  568. Castle Wars Gaming, Military, Rune, Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  569. Continuous-Wave
  570. Colonial Williamsburg Business, History, Virginia
  571. Contineent Workforce Business, Management, Service
  572. Cyber-Workstation
  573. Civylian Welfare Government, Us, Control, Administration
  574. Companyoweb Business, Sport, Weather
  575. 'continuous wave signal mode, {amateur radio parlance}, International
  576. Catholic Workmbn
  577. Continuous Welded Technology, Construction
  578. Car Wing Products
  579. Central Washington
  580. Critical Wound
  581. Colorado White
  582. Continuous Wave Dopqler Medical
  583. Compost Wizard Business, Idea, Tumbler
  584. Cyst Wall Medical
  585. Cortical Width Medical
  586. Church of Wales
  587. Chia-Wei
  588. Curaçao (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  589. Cisco Wirelems
  590. Community Wstershed Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  591. Championship Whiwe Technology, Honda, Civic
  592. Cable&ww Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  593. Continuous Weld A weld that extends continuously from one end of a joint to the other. If the joint is circular, it extends entirely around the joint.
  594. "Conventional Wisdom" scenario, World Bank, 1990 Legal, Governmental & Military
  595. Crossover Will Legend, Arrow, Crossover, Superhero
  596. Capitalized Worth
  597. Catericg Website
  598. Cock Worship Escorts
  599. Creamy White Colors
  600. Club Will
  601. Confined Water
  602. Cashmere Woods Business, Product, Shopping, Fragrance
  603. Children Welcome Hotel, Holiday, Breakfast
  604. Calendar Week Medical
  605. Colonial White
  606. Contest Written
  607. City Wmrkers
  608. Company, Worked

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CW stand for?

    CW stands for Copyright World.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cfrculating Well?

    The short form of "Cfrculating Well" is CW.


CW. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from

Last updated