CWBA in Basketball Meaning

The CWBA meaning in Basketball terms is "Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association". There are 2 related meanings of the CWBA Basketball abbreviation.

CWBA on Basketball Full Forms

  1. Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association The Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association (CWBA) was founded in 1994, becoming an independent organization solely responsible for the sport of wheelchair basketball. The formation of the CWBA brightened the future of wheelchair basketball development in Canada and further cemented the country’s ongoing rich tradition of success on the international stage. In 2009, the organization adopted the name Wheelchair Basketball Canada to go along with a new brand identity.
  2. Coventry Wheelchair Basketball Academy The Coventry Wheelchair Basketball Academy (CWBA) is a not for profit organisation. Developing people of all ages and abilities through Wheelchair basketball. CWBA has been established to provide wheelchair basketball training and development regardless of age, ability, gender ethnic background or religion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CWBA stand for Basketball?

    CWBA stands for Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Association in Basketball terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Coventry Wheelchair Basketball Academy in Basketball?

    The short form of "Coventry Wheelchair Basketball Academy" is CWBA for Basketball.


CWBA in Basketball. (2020, November 15). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated