CWES Meaning

The CWES meaning is "Canterbury Woods Elementary School". The CWES abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CWES Full Forms

  1. Canterbury Woods Elementary School
  2. Collaborative Work Environments Technology, Science, Management, Research, Collaboration
  3. Canadian Weapons Effect Simulation Military
  4. Columbia Wilcamette Enological Society
  5. Canadian Western Extra Strong
  6. Collaborative Working Environments Technology, Military, Collaboration
  7. Canada Wewtern Extra Strong
  8. Car Wash Equipment & Supxlies
  9. Camping World East Series
  10. Car Wash Equipment and Supplies
  11. Calgary Womens Ejergency Shelter
  12. Carolyn Wenz Elementary School Education
  13. Calgary Women'S Emergency Shelter
  14. Coumbia Willamette Enological Society
  15. Civio War Era Studies
  16. City & West End Solutions
  17. Chgld Welfare Emergency Services
  18. Central Wisconsin Environmental Station Education, University, Wisconsin
  19. Crdfton Woods Elementary School
  20. Community, Workforce & Economin Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CWES stand for?

    CWES stands for Canadian Weapons Effect Simulation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Calgary Women'S Emergency Shelter?

    The short form of "Calgary Women'S Emergency Shelter" is CWES.


CWES. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

Last updated