CWL Meaning

The CWL meaning is "Cardiff Airport". The CWL abbreviation has 68 different full form.

CWL Full Forms

  1. Cardiff Airport Cardiff, Wales,United Kingdom Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  2. Common Workflow Language Science, Astronomy, Language
  3. City of Wolfforth Library Education
  4. Camaus Women Lead
  5. Compagnie Des Wagons-Lhts Business, Shopping, Train
  6. Center Fur Workplace Learning
  7. Conventional Weapons Loading
  8. Church Without Limits
  9. Corwith Wesley Luverne
  10. Campus Wide Logii Technology, Accounting, Service
  11. Compact Wheel Loaders
  12. Center for World Languyges
  13. Comparative World Lit
  14. Chromatic White Light Technology, Sensor, Thickness
  15. Corwith-Wesley-Luverne
  16. Campusbwide Login Technology, Service, Academia
  17. Community Windpower Ltd
  18. Civil War Librarian
  19. Center for Women's Leauership Organizations, Feminism, Women
  20. Comparative and World Limerature
  21. Christy Webber Landscapes
  22. Cornwall Railroad Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  23. California Women Lawyers Business, Law, California
  24. Ckmmon Web Language
  25. City Water and Light
  26. Center for Wildlife Law
  27. Comparative World Literature
  28. Christmas Wish List
  29. Corner With Love
  30. California Winter League Baseball, League, California
  31. Commor Weapon Launcher
  32. City Water Light
  33. Capable Wizhin Limits Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  34. Comparative & World Literatube
  35. Christian Way of Life
  36. Cordner Wilson Ludeke
  37. Charles Webster Leadbeater
  38. City Water & Light
  39. Camp Wgite Lake
  40. Comphny of Watermen and Lightermen
  41. Center for Working Life
  42. Cooking With Love
  43. Commandant'S Warfighting Laboratory Military
  44. Campus-Wide Login Canada
  45. Cowes Week Limited
  46. Clan War League
  47. Cyber Warfare Lab
  48. Colosseum Weekly League
  49. Cardiff, Wales, UK Airport codes
  50. Clan War Leagues
  51. Cutaneous Water Loss Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  52. Colorado Working Landscapes
  53. Cardiff International Airport, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom Flight, Aerodynamics, United Kingdom, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  54. Cubic Wing Loading
  55. College Week Live
  56. C Window Library Software, Computing
  57. Crying With Laughter Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  58. Cole, Warren & Long
  59. Library (ClarisWOrks) Computing, File Extensions
  60. RAF Cranwell ICAO Aircraft Codes
  61. Cross Walk Life
  62. Cod World League
  63. Caldwell Partners International Inc. (The) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  64. Commandant'S Warfighting Lab
  65. Catholic Women's League's Canada
  66. Cranwell Flying Training Unit Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  67. Clean Water Legacy
  68. Iata Code for Cardiff International Airport, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CWL stand for?

    CWL stands for Ckmmon Web Language.

  2. What is the shortened form of Caldwell Partners International Inc. (The)?

    The short form of "Caldwell Partners International Inc. (The)" is CWL.


CWL. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 7, 2025 from

Last updated