CYA Meaning

The CYA meaning is "See You". The CYA abbreviation has 70 different full form.

CYA Full Forms

  1. See You Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Communication, Chat, Time, Email, Online, Timely, Radio, Computing, Computer, Telecom, Internet, Morse Code, Sms, Game, Web Slang, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  2. Cover Your Ass Internet Slang, Army Slang, Web Slang, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  3. Cover Your Ass -Or- See Ya Media, Social, Internet
  4. Children'S and Young Adult
  5. See You Later Also abbreviated _CUL8R_; a common way to end a conversation. Internet Slang, Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Text, Email, Online, Forum, Technology, Computing, Sms, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Radio, Computer, Telecom, Morse Code, Game, Social Networking Sites
  6. Colorado Yale Association
  7. Choose Your Adventure
  8. Antoine-Simon Airport Les Cayes, Haiti Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  9. Concerned Youth of America
  10. Cover Your Ass-Ets
  11. Children & Young Adults Book, Education, Library
  12. Cyclase Gene Medical
  13. Chin Youth Association
  14. Canadian Yachting Assoc
  15. Computerize Your Assets Technology, Software, Inventory
  16. Cover Your Assed Business, Technology, Health
  17. Challenge Your Assumptifns
  18. Cyclase Medical
  19. Chinese Yachting Association
  20. Canadian Yachting Association Education, Sailing, Yacht, Sail
  21. Comprehensive Yacht Assurance
  22. Cover Your Assets Business, Service, Organizations
  23. Cemetery of The Year Ayards
  24. Cumbria Youth Alliance
  25. Children and Youth Agency
  26. California Youth Authority Government, High School, California
  27. Community and Youth Agency
  28. County Yield Assurance
  29. Catzolic Youth Apostolate
  30. Cyclosporin A Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical
  31. Crowley Youth Association
  32. Children and Young Adult Book, Education, Writer
  33. See Ya Cya means see ya. It is an abbreviation used to tell someone that you are leaving and will see them around. Cya is an abbreviation for "see ya," which is also an abbreviation as it removes the "later" or "around" part of the farewell. The cya abbreviation was used in spoken conversation informally long before online chat and text speak. Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Game
  34. Community Youth Agency
  35. Christ Youth In Action College, Education, University
  36. Control Your Assets
  37. Cutholic Youth Association Technology
  38. Crazr Young Artists
  39. Children and Young Adults
  40. Community & Youth Agency
  41. Christ'S Youth In Action Organizations, Philippine, Christ
  42. Catholpc Young Adult Sport, Organizations, Tulsa
  43. Confidentially Yours Accounting
  44. Les Cayes Airport, Les Cayes, Haiti Haiti, Iata Airport Codes
  45. Cyclvse Toxin Medical
  46. Czapekcyeast Agar Malaysia, Agar, Sarawak, Strain
  47. Classic Yacht Association
  48. Configure Your Autoexec Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  49. See You Again Gaming, Internet Slang, Radio, Texting, Play, Morse Code, Governmental & Military
  50. College Young Adults
  51. Czapek Yeast Autolysate Agzr Medical
  52. Class F Advisory Area Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  53. Cover Your Associates Medical, Internet Slang, Computing, Texting, Chat, Special Education, Military Slang, Army Slang, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Funnies, Computing Slang, Medical Slang
  54. College Year In Athens Development, Study, Colleges
  55. Cy Youngzaward Baseball, League, Award, Player
  56. Civil Youth Alliance
  57. Century Australia Investments Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  58. Cheyenne Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  59. College and Young Adults
  60. Cyprus Yachting Association
  61. Christian Youth Association
  62. Covert Youth Agency
  63. Cloud Your Application
  64. Cyproterone Acetatl Medical
  65. See Yougall Gaming, Play, Pastime
  66. Cloth for Your Angel
  67. Cyanuric Acid Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  68. Cyclosaorine A Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  69. Les Cayes Airqort Airport, Locations
  70. Clearwater Youth Alliance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CYA stand for?

    CYA stands for Confidentially Yours Accounting.

  2. What is the shortened form of Community Youth Agency?

    The short form of "Community Youth Agency" is CYA.


CYA. (2020, October 19). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated