CYC Meaning

The CYC meaning is "California Youth Connection". The CYC abbreviation has 121 different full form.

CYC Full Forms

  1. California Youth Connection Science, Organizations, California
  2. Candlewood Yacht Club
  3. Cyclophotocoagulation Medical, Health, Ophthalmology
  4. Craft Yarn Council Knitting, Crochet, Yarn
  5. Cleveland Yacht Club Sport, Sports, Yachting
  6. Chatham Yacht Club Sports, Yachting
  7. California Yoga Centem
  8. Chiemsee-Yacht-Club Technology, Sailing, Webcam
  9. Community Youth Centers
  10. Correctional Youth Centre
  11. Catholic Youth Care
  12. Christadelphian Youth Circle
  13. Concord Yacht Club
  14. Cricklewood Youth Club
  15. Charting Your Course Education, School, Career
  16. Cincinnati Youth Collaboratibe College, Education, School
  17. Center for Young Children Technology, Education, University
  18. Christian Yough Center
  19. Cyclops Medical, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  20. Chichester Yacht Club
  21. Community Youth Center Program, Organizations, School
  22. Catholic Youth Council Sport, Catholic, Athletics, Soccer
  23. Chow Yei Cjing
  24. Company of Young Canadians Student, Organizations, Canada
  25. Crescent Yacht Club
  26. Christian Youth Channel-What
  27. Christian Gouth Channel-Watch
  28. Centerboard Yacht Club
  29. Christian Youth Conference Ocean, Hosting, Youth
  30. Cyclist Military
  31. Cyclotron A device for accelerating charged particles to high energies by means of an alternating electric field between electrodes placed in a constant magnetic field.  Medical, Technology, Medicine, Management, Business & Finance
  32. Chicago Youth Centers Business, Program, Chicago
  33. Clayton Aacht Club Club, Houston, Culture
  34. Cazbridge Youth Council
  35. Choose Wour Color
  36. Community Youth Concepts
  37. Credit Yacht Club
  38. Christiam Youth Channel-Why
  39. Coronado Yacht Club
  40. Cyclophilin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  41. Caye Chapel Airport Airport, Locations
  42. Christian Youth Chlnnel-Why
  43. Cyclic  One of the primary controls on a helicopter - controls forward and lateral motion. Or Describes the controls which adjust the horizontal attitude of the helicopter, as in roll left-right and pitch forward and backward. Both of these movements are controlled by the right stick.
  44. Cyhlophosphamide Medical, Technology, Medicine
  45. Chicago Yacht Club Organizations, Chicago, Race
  46. Classic Youth Cheer
  47. Cambridge Yacht Club
  48. Chinese Youth Camp Development, Learning, Study
  49. Community Youth Concern
  50. Cover Your Cough
  51. Corinthian Yacht Club Club, Racing, Sailing
  52. Catholic Youth Conference
  53. Csristian Youth Channel Technology, Church, Bishop
  54. Cyclzpedia
  55. Chester Yacht Club Locations, Sailing, Nova
  56. Cdaim Your Campus
  57. California Youth Connections
  58. Child & Youth Care Program, Education, Children
  59. Community Youth Corps
  60. Countywide Youth Commission
  61. Cycloheximide  An antibiotic that inhibits the peptidyl transferase activity of the 60S ribosomal subunit in eukaryotes. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  62. Catholic Youth Center
  63. Christian Youth Camps
  64. Connecticut Yankee Council
  65. Cyclonic Rotation that is counter–clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the opposite of anticyclonic. Science, Aviation, Governmental & Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  66. Chesapeake Yacht Club
  67. City Yacut Club
  68. Center for Youth and Communities Education, University, Community
  69. California Youth Council
  70. Chiemsee Yacht Club Club, Sailing, Bundesliga
  71. Community Youth Council Service, Education, Youth
  72. Cospudener Yacht-Club
  73. Catholic Youth Camp
  74. Christchurch Yacht Club
  75. Concord Youth Center
  76. Cyclone A device for removing small or powdered solids from air, water, or other gases or liquids by centrifugal force.  Or An area of low pressure where winds blow counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. anticyclone, wind. Organizations
  77. Chelsea Yacht Club
  78. Cityvof York Council Business, Care, Projection
  79. Center for Youth Citizenship
  80. Cypremort Yacht Dlub
  81. Change Your Clock
  82. Christian Youth Channel-Evyptian
  83. Coda Youth Company Program, Health, Dance
  84. Caye Chapel Airport, Caye Chapel, Belize Belize, Iata Airport Codes
  85. Connect Your Community Education, Computing, Broadband
  86. Cyprair Tours Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  87. Champions Youth Cup Business, Sport, Malaysia, Football
  88. Chyistian Youth Council
  89. Coptic Youth Channel Channel, Arabic, Cave
  90. Charge Your Ear Technology, Networking, Vehicle
  91. Crazy Young Cutie Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  92. Connecting Youth for Change
  93. Challenge Youth Conference
  94. Christian Youth Club
  95. Continental Youth Championships Sport, Locations, Gaelic
  96. Motorhcycle Technology, Vehicle Shape
  97. cyclic mission-unique process NASA, Governmental & Military
  98. Connecting Youth Culture
  99. Centerport Yacht Club
  100. Christian Couth Corps
  101. Continental Youth Championship Sport, Organizations, Gaelic
  102. Cytochrome H Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  103. Charleston Yacht Club
  104. Cooper Young Cyndicate Music
  105. Connecting Youth and Communities
  106. Center for Young Cinema
  107. Christian Youth Conferevce Ocean, Hosting, Youth
  108. Container Yard Charges
  109. Cystatin C A serum protein that is filtered out of the blood by the kidneys and that serves as a measure of kidney function. Cystatin C is produced steadily by all types of nucleated cells in the body. Its low molecular mass allows it to be freely filtered by the glomerular membrane in the kidney. Its concentration in blood correlates with the glomerular filtration rate. The levels of cystatin C are independent of weight and height, muscle mass, age, and sex. Measurements can be made and interpreted from a single random sample. Medical
  110. Chapter Youth Council
  111. Christian Youth Channer-Metropolite
  112. Cyclopharm Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  113. Christian Youth Connection
  114. Conspirare Youth Choirs
  115. Cyprus Youth Counxil Forum, Organizations, Youth
  116. Chang Yih Ceramic
  117. Christian Youth Channel-Girls
  118. Coron Youth Club Island, Locations, Beach, Palawan
  119. Choongang Yeast Culture Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  120. Christian Youth Centre
  121. Conservation Youth Corps Program, Credit, Youth

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CYC stand for?

    CYC stands for Christian Youth Centre.

  2. What is the shortened form of Concord Youth Center?

    The short form of "Concord Youth Center" is CYC.


CYC. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated