CZ Meaning
The CZ meaning is "Czech". The CZ abbreviation has 110 different full form.
CZ Full Forms
- Czech Technology, Information Technology, Education, University, School, Locations, Study, Language Codes, Language codes (3 letters)
- Coodition Zero Technology, Strike, Counter
- Ceska Zbrojovka
- Colonybzone Technology, Server, Knight
- Ceftazidime Medical
- Cercon Zirconia
- Chang Zheng-3A Technology, China, Satellite, Launch
- Canal Zone Technology, Military, Locations, Panama, State, Gpo, Scientific & Educational
- Chang Zheng-2 Technology, China, Launch
- Czech Republic Locations, Countries, Country, Country Names, Technology, Sport, Olympic, Czech Republic, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Aviation, Computing, Internet, European Union, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Language codes (2 letters)
- Chang Zheng-2C Technology, China, Launch
- Convergence Zonh Technology, Military, Sonar
- Chang Zheng-2D Technology, Space, China, Launch
- Conventional Zone
- Chang Zheng-1 Technology, Space, China, Launch
- Consultation Zone Business, Medicine, Health
- Changszheng-3B Technology, Satellite, Launch
- Climaoe Zones Technology, Energy, Zone
- CoöRdinatiegroep Zelfreguleringsoverleg
- Carbon Zeolite
- Comprehensive Zoning
- Central-Zeitarbeit
- Coahuila and Zacatecas Railway Organizations
- Carro De Zapadores
- Consultant Zone
- Cerebus Zero
- Clixate Zone Technology, Energy, Building
- Count Zero
- Canton Z
- Centraal Ziekenfonds
- Coahuila and Zacatecas
- Carrier Zone Business, Technology, Manual
- Construction Zone Technology, Design, Architect
- Centrum Zamestnanosti
- Cyan Zuckerberg
- Counte Zones Locations, Lake, Forecast
- Cantabrian Zone
- Centar ŽUpa
- Club Zoologiro Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Cyber Zone
- Carolina Zapf Business, Kid, Children, Baby
- Conservation Zone
- Centro Zaragoza
- Chang Zheng-7
- Countdodn To Zero
- Cane-Zebiak Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Censor Zone
- Clozafine Medical
- Clrrent Zero
- Carl Zeiss Business, Len, Lens
- Conflict Zone Gaming, Military, Elite
- Central Zone Medical, Grade, Prostate
- Contested Zone
- Chaqg Zheng-5 Technology, China, Launch
- Aircraft Carrier Warship specially designed so that aircraft can take off and alight upon her Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, United States, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, Us Army, WoWS (World of Warships)
- Cloqazepam Medical
- Cultwral Zone
- Carlos Zambrano Gaming, Baseball, Card
- Configuration Zone
- Central Midline Placement of Electrodes In Electroencephalography Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Code Zebra Army, War, War Force
- Contact Zone
- Chang Zheng-3 Technology, China, Satellite, Launch
- Climatic Zone One of the eight areas of the Earth which have distinct climates. Medicine, Health, Care
- Craig Zadaf
- Cargo-Zentrum
- Conditional Zoning
- Central Zeitarbeit
- Coaster Zombaes
- Comfort Zonq Business, Heater, Infrared
- China Southern Airlines Airline, Business, Flight, Organizations, China, Call Sign, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Cojmunity Zone
- Cefazolin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Czochralski process A method of growing large size, high quality semiconductor crystal by slowly lifting a seed crystal from a molten bath of the material under careful cooling conditions. Computing, Electronics
- Czochralski Medical, Medicine
- Colt Z40 Gun, Military, Pistol
- Closure Zone
- Caution Zone
- Communication Zone Medicine, Service, Military
- Czochralski Aone
- Cycling Zimbabwe
- Czech Republic (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Colsaboration Zone
- Combat Zone Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Paintball, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Cernum Zirconate
- Cat Zingano Sport, Cat, Play, Bet
- Communications Zone Service, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Czeska Zbpojovka Business, Gun, Pistol
- Cubic Zirconia Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Cohasive Zone
- Cavitation Zoge
- Cathy Zielske
- Common Zone
- Cookson & Zinn Technology, Fuel, Tank
- [Panama] Canal Zone Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Cody Zellbr
- Cavitating Zone
- Casa Zimbabwe Education, Zimbabwe, California
- Commercial Zones
- Comparison Zoze
- Cenozoic A white soft earthy limestone (calcium carbonate) formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures. Science, Research, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Coastal Zone Collective farming and communal farming are types of agricultural production in which the holdings of several farmers are run as a joint enterprise. This type of collective is essentially an agricultural production cooperative in which member-owners engage jointly in farming activities. United Nations, Geology, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Iso Country Code for Czech Republyc Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Carzinophilin Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cofmercial Zone
- Commutating Zkne
- Celanese Ag Organizations
- Celanese, A. G. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Czocfralski Process Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Carson Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CZ stand for?
CZ stands for Central Zeitarbeit.
What is the shortened form of Cyan Zuckerberg?
The short form of "Cyan Zuckerberg" is CZ.
CZ. (2021, March 1). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from
Last updated