CZB Meaning

The CZB meaning is "Chatot-Ziomek-Bavister". The CZB abbreviation has 12 different full form.

CZB Full Forms

  1. Chatot-Ziomek-Bavister
  2. Chatot, Ziomet, and Bavister
  3. Centrum Zaopatrzenia Biznesu
  4. Carlos Ruhl Airport Airport, Locations
  5. China Zheshang Bank
  6. Community Zoning Board
  7. Christliches Zentrum Brig
  8. Christliches Zentrum Berlin
  9. Christliches Zentrum Buchegg
  10. Christlichen Zentrum Buchegg
  11. Carlos Ruhl, Cruz Alta, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes
  12. Commerzbank Ord Business & Finance, London stock exchange

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CZB stand for?

    CZB stands for Christlichen Zentrum Buchegg.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chatot, Ziomet, and Bavister?

    The short form of "Chatot, Ziomet, and Bavister" is CZB.


CZB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated