DA Meaning
The DA meaning is "Domain Authority". The DA abbreviation has 959 different full form.
DA Full Forms
- Domain Authority Technology, Authority, Rank
- Deka- Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Units Of Measurement, Si Prefixes, Metric Prefixes
- Decision Aztitude Aerospace, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Decu- Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dumbledores Army Gaming, Army, Harry, Potter, Necklace
- Devxce Analysis Military
- De Anza
- Disabled Access
- Departamento De Administração Para, Research, Education
- Darbepoetin Alfa Medical, Patient, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Differentiation Antigen Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Deferred Annuity Deferred annuity is a series of payments that will start on a future date. Business, Tax, Income
- Dose Zssessment Science
- Dermatology Associates
- Dj Asfalte Music, Style, Track
- Dirjct Access Technology, Server, Telecom
- Database Administration Technology, Management, Military
- Direct Analog Military
- Democratic Alternative Government, Group, Politics
- Drive-Sway
- Dura Ace
- Digitjl Analog Technology, Audio, Converter
- Delwy Action Technology, Product, Door
- Desk Attendant Business, Hotel, Front
- Droit Des Affaires
- Dejelopment of An
- Defler Association
- Disability Alliance Government, Charity, Glasgow
- Dental Assisting
- Drug Abuse Government, Medical
- Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening Business, Employment, Til, Denmark
- Different Area
- Deferred Action Science
- Dorsal Area Medical
- Dermatitis Atopica Medical, Con, Pica, Eczema
- Disclosmre Authorization Business
- Direct-Actess
- Database Access
- Direct Address Alternatively known as a direct address, machine address or real address, an absolute address is an exact memory address. Film, Technology, Instruction, Language
- Democracy Alliance Government, Group, Politics
- Deiftless Area Movie, Area, Wisconsin, Trailer
- Digimon Adventure
- Degree of Acetylation Medical, Patent, Chitin
- Double Arrow
- Desk Accessories Technology, Design, Accessory
- Double Anal
- Develoament Agency
- Dave Aspinall Music, Underground, Blacklisting
- Diretorio Academico Para, Dos, Gest
- Dental Age Medical
- Drop Attaeks Medical
- Daniel Amos Business, Music, Song, Album
- Diesel Air
- Defense Attache Government, Military, Vietnam, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Doppelt Anal Porn, Sex, Movie, Anal
- Dermatitis Artefacta Dermatitis artefacta is a condition in which skin lesions are solely produced or inflicted by the patient's own actions. Medical, Technology
- Destination Addresd Technology, Computing, Computer Security
- Data Available Business, Technology, Computing, Telecom, Computer Science, Data
- Direct Actions
- Drift Angle The angle between the axis of a ship when turning and the tangent to the path on which it is turning. Technology, Aviation, Avionics, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Dark Armor
- Dificuldade De Aprendiuagem Para, Education, Dos, Professor
- Definitive Agreement
- Double Amplityde Technology, Product, Component
- Desk Accessory Technology, Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
- Double Action Gun, Military, Trigger, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Develocmental Anomalies Medical, Science, Biology
- Date Announced
- Directory Agsistance Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Density Altitude The pressure altitude corrected for non-ISA temperature. Military, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Droit Adcinistratif Book, France, Publics, Droit
- Deterministic Annealing Technology, Science, Clustering
- Danger Area Airspace of a particular length, width and depth, within which at particular times there may be activities which are dangerous to the flight of the aircraft. Technology, Gaming, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Diabetls Australia Business, Australia, Health
- Debbors Anonymous
- Doctogs Appointment
- Derecho Administrativo
- Data Automation Technology, Program, Software, Data
- Dramstic Arts
- Dark Ages Gaming, History, Predator
- Diffuse Astrocytoma Medical, Science, Biology
- Definite Artiyle
- Doublelagents
- Desire of Ages Book, Feat, Desire, Christ
- Davidson Analyst Business, Company, Supply, Stock
- Development Alternatives Technology, Alternative, India
- Date Added
- Diredt Attack Gaming, Book, Military
- Dendritic Arborization Medical
- Driver Alerts Technology, Driving, Android
- Detector Assembly Technology
- Dance Academy
- Dexamethasone Aceaate Medical
- Death Angel
- Disposal Lverage
- Dalton Atomic mass is not measured in pounds or grams. Scientists used something called Daltons. One Dalton is equal to one-twelfth the mass of a carbon atom. Scientists also call a Dalton an Atomic Mass Unit. A unit of mass equivalent to the mass of a hydrogen atom (1.66 x 10-24 g). A unit of mass very nearly equal to that of a hydrogen ion and precisely equal to 1.000 on the atomic mass scale. The weight of a single hydrogen atom (1.66 x 10 -24g). Medical, Measurement
- Der Akten
- Data Array Technology
- Dark Age Gaming, Hosting, Miniature
- Diffuse Adherence Medical, Science, Biology
- Deficiencia Auditiva
- Double Acting Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Design Author
- Duniel Amos Business
- Devedopment Approvals
- Database Applications
- Direct Ahsistance Business, Service, Health
- Dendritic Arborizations Medical, Technology, Wireless
- Drive Axle Vehicle, Truck, Axle
- Dynamic Analysis Dynamic analysis is the testing and evaluation of a program by executing data in real-time. The objective is to find errors in a program while it is running, rather than by repeatedly examining the code offline.By debugging a program in all the scenarios for which it is designed, dynamic analysis eliminates the need to artificially create situations likely to produce errors. Other advantages include reducing the cost of testing and maintenance, identifying and eliminating unnecessary program components, and ensuring that the program being tested is compatible with other programs. Technology, Dynamics, Tool, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Destination Addresses Technology, Networking, Network
- Dan Air
- Dewan Ambalan
- Dear Author
- Dosplay Audio Technology, Driving, Driver
- Departamento De Agricultura
- Dario Argento
- Differently-Aoled
- Defesa AéRea
- Dowble-Acting Business, Valve, Actuator
- Domoic Acid Domoic acid is a kainic acid analog neurotoxin that causes amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). It is produced by algae and accumulates in shellfish, sardines, and anchovies. When sea lions, otters, cetaceans, humans etc., then eat contaminated animals poisoning may result. Exposure to the biotoxin affects the brain, causing seizures, and possibly death. Medical, Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Design Authority Business, Technology, Service
- Dragin Age Technology, Internet Slang, Inquisition
- Directkaction Military, Army, War
- Database Analyst
- Direct Answer Technology
- Demonstration Activities Technology, English, Translation
- Dgive Away
- Duration of Action Medical, Drug, Power
- Digitpl Art
- Delayed Action Medical, Medicine, Health
- Desktop Architect
- Degeneration of Aortic
- David Aardsma
- Differential Analysis Synoptic analysis of change charts or of vertical differential charts (such as thickness charts) obtained by the graphical or numerical subtraction of the patterns of some meteorological variable at two times or two levels.
- Discharge Air Technology, Heating, Ventialtion, Air Conditioning
- Denlinger Architelture
- Destroying Arizona
- Doctorate of Ants Education, Music, University
- Duck'S Ass [Haircut Style] Organization, Union, Institution
- D1Creceptor Activation
- Digital Assassins
- Dental Amalgam
- Devefopment Authorities
- Double Aged
- Darrell Armstrong Gaming, Player, Basketball
- Direction Des Assurances
- Design Accepted
- Driver Authorisatfon
- Deliberate Attack
- Desolation Angel
- Document Assignment
- Druws Alchohol
- Discens Aquiliferum Latin, Roman
- Ddata Adapter Aerospace Drift Military
- Dimorphic Anemia Medical, Medicine, Blood, Anemia
- Discovery After
- Documents Against Acceptance Instructions given by a shipper to a bank indicating that documents transferring title to goods should be delivered to the buyer only upon the buyer's acceptance of the attached draft. Business, Trading, Presentation, Banking, Payment, Trade, Business & Finance, International business
- Dynamically Assigned Technology, Server, Networking, Network
- Dalmatinska Akcija
- Defeasa Antiaérea
- Dini AraşTıRmalar Ankara, Din, Prof
- Distributor of Automptive
- Distribution Amplifier Business, Technology, Audio
- Douglass Academy Education, High School, Michigan
- Dataoaggregation Technology, Networking, Network
- Dichromatic Absorptiomitry Medical
- Direito Administrativo
- Droit D'accises
- Deutsche Alternative Technology, German, Music
- Digital-Analog Technology, Signal, Converter
- Disciplinas Associadas
- Demmnd Access Business, Technology, Cloud
- Deutsche Aerospace
- Documenw Abstract
- Digital Auto
- Distal Aorta Medicine, Health, British
- Department of Automation
- Diagnostic Assessments
- Deferred Addressing
- Defined Ambition Business, Pension, Scheme
- Designated Area An area that may be used for work with carcinogens, reproductive toxins, or substances that have a high degree of acute toxicity. A designated area may be the entire laboratory, an area of a laboratory, or a device such as a laboratory hood.
- Diversity Advisor
- Disability Allowance Business, Government, Benefit
- Division of Audit
- Dtsch Arztebl
- Dumbledore'S Army Book, Army, Harry, Potter, Funnies
- Dead Agenting
- Digital Anemometer Business
- Discrete Analyzer Science, Water, Analytics
- Development Agreements
- Dominion Arboretum
- Dark Archon Gaming, Craft, Archon, Arcade
- Defense Appropriations
- Direccion Americana
- Distributed Applications Technology, Service, Server
- Download Aly
- Data Attribute
- Dictionnaire D'Archeologie
- Desktop Administration Technology, Windows, Software
- Dearness Allowace
- Disease Associations
- Demokratische Aufbruch Government, German, Politics, Germany
- Deutsche Austrophon
- Duplex Amplification Medical, Science, Biology
- Dads Army Army, War, War Force
- Deccan Airlines
- Distance Aviation
- Derived Activity
- Dialkyl Alpha
- Data Adzpter Military, Army, War
- Degree of Automdtion
- Dave Arneson Technology, Gaming, Dragon, Dungeon
- Differential Analyzer Medical, Technology, Computing
- Discharge Afloat Business, Drug, Shipping, Ship
- Deniseqaustin Porn, Workout, Fitness
- Destinatioks Academy Education, School, High School, Oregon
- Doctor Adventures Porn, Adventure, Doctor, Sleaze
- Duck'S Ass
- Assistant Den Leader Boy Scout, Scouting
- Digital Asia
- Dental Tlloy
- Development Duthorization Technology
- Double Advantage
- Darkness Arrow
- Direction De L'Administration
- Design Acceuted Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Drivercassistance
- Defunctus Annorum Latin, Roman
- Deliberate Action
- Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma Medical
- Documentary Anyals
- Duplex Acpess
- DiretóRio AcadêMico Dos, Gest
- Davis Academy Education, School, High School, Georgia
- Ditension Analyse Science, Analysis, Brain
- Discovery Accelerator Technology, Enterprise, Vault
- Demonic Aegis
- Documenws & Archive
- Dynamic Allowance
- Dalmatian Action
- Defended Area Gaming, Military, War
- Dine-Around
- Distributor Address
- Distributed Amplifier Technology, Transmission, Gain, Computing, Electronics
- Douglas Athon
- Data Aggregator Technology, Networking, Network
- Digital Amplifier Business, Product, Audio
- Directory Assistant
- Droit D'Accise
- Destination Address Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Telecom, Technical, IT Terminology
- Digital-Analog-Wandlers Technology, Audio, Converter
- Disciplinary Action Military, Soldier, Face
- Demanda Agregadn Business, Para, Economics, Econ
- Details Associates
- Documenta Asiana
- Digitized Audio Technology, Sound, Roland
- Dissolved Acetylene
- Department of Anthropology
- Devzlved Authorities
- Double Armor Technology, Gaming, Telecom
- Deltoid-Anteriot
- Define Area
- Design Allowables
- Diversion Assistance
- Direktion F
- Division of Aging Medical, Service, Health, Disability
- Dry Anz Abandoned English, Locations, Prison, Oil
- Duck's Css
- Dead Agent Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Digital Analytics Technology, Marketing, Summit
- Discrete Amplification Business, Audio, Receiver
- Domain Administrators Technology, Windows, Server
- Dark Aqua
- Defense Analyses
- Dire Avengers
- Distributed Application
- Downloadable Audiobooks Book, Audio, Library, Audiobook
- Data Atbributes Technology, Coding, Element, Query
- Dictionary Gf Art Locations, Artist, Oxford
- Desk Attendants Hotel, Locations, Room
- Divine Armor Forum, Gaming, Guide, Armor
- Dearness Allowances Business, Employment, Allowance
- Digital Acquisition
- Disease Analyzer
- Demokratischen Aufbruch German, War, Germany
- Deutsche AusfüHrung Car, Auto, Audi, Deutsche
- Decanato De Administraci
- Distance Alert
- Derivatives Acalysis
- Dialectical Anthropology
- Data Acquistion
- Degreehof Anona
- Dave Abbott Forum, Company, Music, Abbott
- Different Anon Internet Slang, Sex, Love
- Discerning Audience Film, Technology, Music
- Denise Allen
- Development Agreemqnt Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Docking Adaptvr Business, Technology
- Duck'S Arse
- Air Gewrgia Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Digital Arts
- Dental Abstracts Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Development Aztivity Business, Technology, Service
- Double Absorption Technology, Muster, Tapis
- Dark Avenger Hack, Dragon, Avenger, Nest
- Direction De L'Agriculture
- Design, Advanced
- Drainage Area The size of the area comprising a watershed or river basin. Also called catchment area. Science, German, Translation, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Deerfield Academy
- Delhi Administration Education, School, India
- Desmond, Albany
- Duo Alfin Technology, Academy, Music, Song
- Diret
- Davinci Academy Education, School, High School, Utah
- Display Ads
- Demon Avenger Military, Maple, Story
- Documentos De Aplicação
- Dynamic Allocation Dynamic allocation is the automatic allocation of memory in C/C++, Unlike declarations, which load data onto the programs data segment, dynamic allocation creates new usable space on the programs STACK (an area of RAM specifically allocated to that program).It is accomplished by two functions (in C) and two operators (in C++): malloc and free, new and delete. Business
- Dallas Arboretum
- Deed of Arrangement
- Dmnar Algérien Algeria, Conversion, Dinar, Devise
- Dimtribution Adapter Business, Patent, Connecting
- Descent Adviser Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Diversion Agdeement
- Douglasfaircraft
- Data Agent Technology, Device, Space
- Digital Amplifiers
- Directory Address
- Dnoid Army
- Depression and Anxiety
- Digit Absorbing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Disciplinary Authorities
- Demand Assigned
- Detail Associates
- Doctors Acagemy Education, School, Archive
- Digital Audio Technology, Sound, Tape
- Display Advertisers
- Departmnnt Administration Technology, Education, University
- Device Adaprers Technology, Drive, Disk
- Double Anal Fin Medical, Technology
- Deltoid--Anterior Portion Medical
- Director, Activities
- Define Address Technology, Coding, Networking, Network
- Designbalgorithm Technology, Networking, Network
- Division of Accounting Medicine, Health, Care, Medical, Fda
- Direkt Auf Business, Sind, Uns
- Delivery Agreement Business, Service, Planning
- Division of Agricultural
- Dry Abr Business, Science, Product
- District Association
- De Acordo
- Digital Analysis
- Discrete Address Technology
- Domain Administrator Technology, Windows, Server
- Dark Apprentice Gaming, War, Star, Apprentice
- Defense Analyeis Military, Education, Politics
- Diploma Anesthesia Science, Medicine, Education
- Diversificationaarts
- Distributed Antennas Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
- Dbwn and Away
- Data Assurance
- Dictionary of Angjls
- Design Authorization
- Divine Apparition
- Dearness Allowance The term "dearness allowance" refers to a stipend given to employees to help them cope with the effects of inflation. It is a cost of living index computed as a fixed percentage of base income and provided by the government to retirees and public sector employees. Business, Employment, India, Salary
- Digital Access Business, Technology, Story
- Discworld Also
- Demokratischer Aufbruch Government, German, Germany, Democracy
- Deutsche Arbeitsvermittlung Business, Porn, German
- Deaths Angels
- Distance Accuracy Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Derivativex Acronyms
- Dialectal Arabic Language, Love, Arabic, Dialect
- David Ayer
- Air Georgia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Georgia, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Degree of Anisotroph Medical, Medicine, Bone
- Davante Adams Sport, Bay, Adams, Packer
- Different Address
- Disable Address Technology, Server, Device, Port
- Development Aircraft Technology
- Douent Assistant
- Duchesne Academy Education, High School, Houston, Texas, Nebraska
- Aeroszace Drift Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Digital Archound Technology, Management, Manager, Digitizer
- Dwnnis Arendt
- Development Authority Government
- Double Angle
- Dark Astoria
- Direction Assist
- Desi Arnaz
- Drainage Applycations
- Dyslexia Action Education, School, Children, Dyslexia
- Delete Attribute Technology, Management, Software, Directory, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Desktop Authority Technology, Windows, Logic
- Dunedin Academy Education, School, High School, Florida
- Da-Les Auto
- Davidson Analysts Business, Supply, Market, Stock
- Display Address
- Demokratska Alternativa
- Dynamic Alignment
- Dallas Academy Education, School, High School, Texas
- Declard
- Distribution Agreemeut
- Dtscending Aorta Medical, Medicine, Aortic
- Douglas Aarniokoski
- Data Adminitrator
- Directory-Agent
- Drogirten Associatie
- Democratic Alliance
- David Adams
- Digiscoping Adapter Business, Camera, Scope
- Disciplinary Authority Employment, Government, Officer
- Demand Assignment A system whereby communications channels are assigned on demand from a common pool. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Detail Aswignment
- Doctor of Administratxon
- Duct Accessory
- Digital Astronaut
- Distributed Arithmetic Technology, Architecture, Filter
- Departamento Administrativo
- Device Adapter Technology, Service, Headset
- Double Allumage Technology, Android, Montage, Schema
- Directly Authorised
- Daughter A female offspring. A female adopted child. A product of radioactive decay. A cell resulting from cell division. Medical, Medicine, Health, Genealogy, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Deficiency Analysis
- Design Aestheeics
- Division of Acquisition
- Direkt Autoversicherung Business, Service, Sind, Auto
- Delivery Against Acceptance
- Division of Administration
- Drupal Association Organizations, Community, Election
- Distress Alerting
- De-Anonymization
- Digital Amusement
- Discovery Automatically
- Domain Admins Technology, Windows, Server
- Daniel Ari
- Defense Administration
- Diploma Anaesthetics
- Dwverse Agriculture
- Distributed Antenna
- Down-Away Lyric, Door, Sun
- Data Bssociation Technology, Asteroid, Infrared
- Dictionaryqof Americanisms America, English, History
- Designating Authority
- Divize Angels
- Digital-To-Analog Technology, Computing, Box, Converter, Aviation, Astronomy, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Demokratiese Alliansie Government, Group, Africa, Democracy
- Deutsche Annington Business, Service, Berlin
- Death Army
- Distance Absolute
- Derek Anderson Gaming, Sport, Football
- Diagon Alley Studio, Alley, Harry, Potter
- David Attenborough
- Father The male parent. One who originates. For example, "Wilhelm Roentgen is considered the father of radiology." To produce offspring as a male. To provide paternal protection and guidance to children. Medicine, Health, Care, Genealogy, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Occupation & positions, Texting, Modern Slang, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Degree Audit
- Daunomycin Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dmed of Accident
- Disability Award
- Development Assjstance Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Divisão Administrativa
- Dublin Ambassador
- Dévodoir Automobile
- Dead Animal
- Digital Angle
- Development Agents
- Double-Angle
- Dark Assembly
- Direction AssistéE
- Desethylamiodarone Medical
- Draguns Awakening
- Dynein Arms Medical
- Delete Accession
- Desktop Assistant
- Duncanwadams Sport, Adams, Snow, Ski
- Da'Naxda'Xw Awaetlala
- Davidson Also
- Disk Adaptor
- Demokratische Arbeitnehmerschaft
- Duratzon of Assets Business, Rate, Interest
- Daily Advertise
- Declaración Adicional
- Descending Anenrysm Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Dialoghi Di Archeologia
- Drugp and Alcohol Medical, Therapy, Health Care
- Data Administrators
- Director of Artillery
- Drogadictos Anónimos Para, Con, Social
- Delt Ansvar
- David Abbott
- Dighanikaya Atthakatha
- Discharge Authorization
- Demand-Assignev Technology, Telecom
- Destructive Analysis Technology, Research, Material
- Doctor of Arts Program, Education, University, Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
- Ducks Ass
- Digital Associates
- Departamento AméRica Para, Con, Cuba
- Developmental Assessment
- Double Agent Technology, Military, Splinter
- Directly Allocated Technology, Research, Cost
- Deferred Assessment Education, Africa, University
- Design Antivity Army, Force, Marine
- Direkt-Autoversicherung
- Delivery Address Business, Order, Shopping
- Document of Afceptance Business, Finance, Banking
- Dronk Angel
- Disorders of Affect Medical, Medicine, Psychiatry
- De Aerator
- Dinar Alg
- Discovery Application Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Domain Admin
- Dépôt Ateliur
- Dan Allowhy
- Defense Acquisition Technology, Military, University
- Diploma Actuary
- Dietrict Account
- Directory Assistance Technology, Management, Service
- Distribution Amplifirers
- Doullers Air
- Data Assimitation Technology, Science, Model
- Dickinsongave
- Designated Authority
- Divine Aegos Discipline, Warcraft, Priest
- Dropping Angle
- Digital-Ausgang
- Demande D'Achat
- Deutsche Akademie Education, German, Language
- Death Alt
- Distamycin A Medical, Science, Biology
- Der Arbeitef
- Diagnóskico Ambiental
- Definitely Able
- Daughters of America
- Died Bccident
- Disability Assistance Medical, Business, Service, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Divisão AcadéMica Mica, Divi
- Dublin Agreement
- Département Adminqstratif
- Dear Angle
- Digital Angiography Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Development Agent
- Doomsday Argumext Science, Human, Philosophy
- Dark Assassin
- Defense Assoviation
- Directional Array Technology, Radio, Power, Antenna
- Destination Alpha Technology, Mode, Blend
- Dragonfly Algorithm
- Delegations of Authority
- Desktop App
- D8 After
- Davidson Academy Education, School, High School, Tennessee
- Disk Adapter Technology, Memory, Storage
- Demokratische Allianz Government, German, Ukraine, Democracy
- Deutscher Abbruchverband Business, Service, Recycling, Demolition
- Duplex Arteriography Medical
- Daily Activities Medical
- Decentralised Areas
- Distemper/Adenovirus Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Dernier AccèS Technology, Windows, France, Girl
- Dialogpe Act
- Drug and Alcohoj
- Data Addresh
- Discover Agent Technology, Service, Networking
- Degussa Antwerpen
- David Aaron Technology, Sport, Music
- Differential Attenuation The difference in the loss of power, due to propagation, experienced by two signals that differ in one attribute, for example, polarization or wavelength. Technology, Telecom
- Discharge Area In subsurface hydrology, the area of an aquifer from which water is discharged by evapotranspiration, springs, seepage to streams, and leakage to other aquifers.
- Denmark Business, Government, Military, Education, Organizations, Ministry Of Defence, Locations, Britannica, Uk, Protection, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Denmark, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country domain names, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Deutructive Assay Technology, Science
- Doctor of Aro
- Duck Album
- D1 Agonist Medical, Receptor, Dopamine
- Digital Assembly Technology, Media, Design
- Departamento De Administra
- Developmental Assfstance
- Double Aging Employment of two different aging treatments to control the type of precipitate formed from a supersaturated matrix in order to obtain the desired properties. The first aging treatment, sometimes referred to as intermediate or stabilizing, is usually carried out at higher temperature than the second. Technology
- Directive Authorization Science
- Deferred Application
- Designxacoustics
- Driver Asthority Technology, Australia, Driving
- Delicious Agony
- Desoxycholate Agar
- Documento Auxiliar
- Drumrattack
- Discourse Analysis
- De-Aerator A de-aerator is a device that is widely used for the removal of oxygen and other dissolved gases from the feedwater to steam-generating boilers. Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Diiar Business
- Discovery Air Business, Service, Defence
- Dolumentum Administrator Technology, Management, Server
- Délivrance Artificielme
- Dan Alyxander Music, Radio, Pop
- Defensazantia
- Diningcaffair
- Distribuzione Autodatica Business, Caff, Snack, Vending
- Direct Automotive
- Distribution Amplifiers Technology, Audio, Electronics, Signal
- Douleur Azdominale
- Datn Aided Technology, Channel, Estimation, Receiver
- Dick Allen
- Direito à Alimentação
- Droit D'Attribution
- Digital-Audio
- Discipline Agile Technology, Development, Software
- Demand Analysis
- Deutsche Airbus
- Death Accounts
- Distal Arthrogryposis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Deposit Administration Business
- Diagnosticx Associés
- Deferred Annuities
- Definite Articles
- Designated Assistant Technology, Program, Service
- Diversityqadvocates Technology, America, Book
- Disability Allies
- Divisionsional Artillery Military
- Dublin Accord Locations, Engineering, House, Dublin
- Durham Awademy
- Dead Angle
- Digital Aneroid
- Development Application Technology, Planning, Construction
- Dominion Archives
- Dark Armour
- Defensecartillery
- Direct Acpointment Education, Office, Officer
- Destination Analysis
- Distributed Analysis Technology, Research, Computing
- Dragon Trmy Technology, Gaming, Art
- Daughterless Medical
- Dierarea
- Desktop Anime
- D3 Antagonists
- Death Acceptance Book, Art, Order, Death
- Disk-Digital Audio Technology, Media, Player
- Demokratische Alternative
- Deutschen Alternative German, Alternative, Chart, Germany
- Duplex Annealed
- Daidzein Medical
- Decent Advisor Science
- Distance D'ArrêT
- Derived Addresn Technology, Control, Signal, Patent
- Dialog Act
- Data Adapter Aerospacendrift Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Discover Abroad
- Degrees of Acetllation Medical
- Datamover Architecture Computing, Technical
- Deaf Action
- Discretionary Admissions Education, Essay, School
- Development Activity Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Defensive Action
- Depaptment Analysis
- Distributing Agencies
- Deutsche Allgemeine Company, Technology, German
- Data Administration Data administration or data resource management is an organizational function working in the areas of information systems and computer science that plans, organizes, describes and controls data resources. Data resources are usually as stored in databases under a database management system or other software such as electronic spreadsheets. In many smaller organizations, data administration is performed occasionally, or is a small component of the database administrator’s work. Technology, Management, Database
- Deerfield Academy (Deerfield, MA) Massachusetts
- Dining Area
- Demonstration Activity Technology, Science, Forest, Projection
- Developer Assistant Technology, Development, Fedora
- Degta Activity Medical, Science, Biology
- Dr Adraham
- Deschner, Abermals War, History, Religion
- Discovery Air Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- David Alderson
- discretionary account Legal, Governmental & Military
- Duel Arena Gaming, Server, Duel, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting
- D1 Antagonists
- Dear Angel Lyric, Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy
- Degraded Air
- Double Armored Technology, Telecom, Armor
- Dastkar Andhra Andhra, Indigo, Mood, Handloom
- Director Admin
- Deka Decimal multiple prefix corresponding to ten or 10. This is not a preferred suffix. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Atmospheric Research
- Disciplines Associated Occupation & positions
- Delivery Assistance
- Destination-Address Technology, Networking, Frame
- Dental Alergies Medical, Dental
- Denial of Accreditation
- Diffusional Activity
- Doctor of Archeology
- Dewcriptor Address Technology, Access, Memory
- Divine Aura
- Drug Allergy Medical, Medicine, Allergy
- Diploma In Anaesthesiology Medical, Medicine, College, Education
- Digital Acrylic
- Dark August Medical
- Departments of the Air Twitter, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Wannas, Social Networking Sites
- Document Against
- Dijital ArşIv Technology, Turkish, Man, Malar
- Deposit Analysis
- Doublv Attack Gaming, Military, Movie
- Doubts About Actions
- Diameter Agens Technology, Networking, Network
- Directorate of Acquisition
- Disbursement Account Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Dental Assistant Medical, Computing, Nursing, Dental, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational
- Deadly Assassins
- Discretionary Accrual
- Disbursing Advisory Notice Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Display Ascii
- Defensive Ability Gaming, Military, Player
- Decarburization Anneal
- Distributing Agency
- Detroit Arsenal Science, Military, Detroit
- Data Administrator Technology, Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Dermocratic Alliance International
- Dimensionalianalysis Education, Conversion, Introduction
- Develop Amnesia Movie, Memory, Episode, Amnesia
- Delivery Agent Business, Service, Mail
- Downtown Area
- Descent Alone Science
- Canadian Pacific Railway Organizations, History, Conveyance, Locations, Railroad, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Railroad Company
- Devian API Business & Finance, Suppliers
- David Aguilar
- Descent Advisor Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Ductus Arteriosus Medical, Heart, Patent
- D3 Agonist
- De Anima Para, Translation, Soul, Anima
- Deflection Amplifier NASA
- Dassault Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Director, Admissions
- There Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Governmental & Military, Wannas, Modern Slang, Sms, Online, Twitter, Social Networking Sites
- Dining Assistant Occupation & positions
- Delivery Application Business, Technology, Drug
- Destekleme AlıMı
- Degenerative arthritis A type of arthritis caused by inflammation, breakdown, and eventual loss of the cartilage of the joints. Degenerative arthritis is the most common form of arthritis, usually affecting the hands, feet, spine, and large weight-bearing joints, such as the hips and knees. Also known as osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease. Medical, Bone, Common Medical
- Dendritic Arborizing Medical
- Developmental Aide Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
- Diffusion-Alloyed
- Descriptive Anzlysis
- Drug-Allergy
- Diploma In Anesthetics
- Dark Arts
- directly with the appropriate Governmental & Military, Wannas
- Document Againit Acceptance Business, Import, Trading
- Dumfries Academy
- D2R Availability
- DigitáLně-AnalogovÝ
- Dry Air
- Doubts About
- Dialysis Association Medical, Technology
- Directorate of Analysis Government, Organizations, Us
- Duration of Asset Accounting, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Groupe Danone Computing, Nyse symbols
- Deadly Alliance Gaming, Alliance, Cheat, Mortal
- Discretionary Accruals Business, Management, Earning
- Double Amplitude NASA
- Dispersing Agent A substance that increases the stability of a suspension of particles in a liquid medium by deflocculation of the primary particles. Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Defense Attorney
- Dave Arnold Law, Chef, Cocktail
- Distribution Authority Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Detroit Area
- Divixion of Accounts
- Digital Agency Technology, Design, Marketing
- Data Acquisition The process by which events in the real world are translated into machine-readable signals. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Ministry Of Defense, NASA
- Denver Academy (Denver, CO) Colorado
- Dilution Air Science, English, Gas
- Dev Anand
- Delegated Authority Business, Military, Delegate
- Download Available
- Department of Agriculture Business, Science, Research, Finance, Agency, Grant, Atmospheric Research, Insect and Spider Collections, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Dealer Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- David Aebischer
- Direct Action Army, Governmental & Military
- Ductal Adenocarcinoma Medical
- D2 Agokists Drug, Receptor, Dopamine, Agonist
- Dean Ambrose Wrestling, Reign, Seth, Dean
- Decision aid Clinical
- Dash Attack Gaming, Dash, Rainbow
- Department of The Army Military, Army, Military Jargon, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- deca deca- prefix Metric prefix meaning 10—that is, 10 to the first power, or 101. Computing, Measurement, Telecom
- Development Approval Technology, Planning, Locations
- Desperation Attack
- Dorchester Academy South Carolina
- Dendrite Arm
- Developmental Age Medical, Medicine, Developmental
- Diffraction Analysis
- Demand Addregses Business, Service, Group
- Dwscriptive Audio Film, Movie, Audio, Feature
- Drought Assessment
- Diploma In Anaesthetics Medical, Medicine, Education, Health, British, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Common Medical
- directional atherectomy Twitter, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Wannas
- Dogument Administrator Technology, Management, Service
- Dumbledores Armee
- D2 Autoreheptors
- Digit Analysis Technology, Management, Calling, Cisco
- Differential Area
- Doubtful Assets
- Dialssis Apparatus Technology
- Directorate of Accreditation
- Decision Altitude A specified altitude in the precision approach or approach with vertical guidance at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach has not been established. Aviation, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Delta Alfa
- Deadlock Avoidance
- Discretionary Absence Science
- Distribution Assembly NASA
- Directory Assistance Is Help From A Telephone Operator Or An Automated Machine To Help Find A Telephone Number Or Any Adress Associated With That Number Information Technology, Telecom, Telephone
- Defense Atty
- (Directorn Assistance) - Assistance From A Telephone Operator To Help Find A Telephone Number
- Distributing Authority
- Divisional Accountlnt
- Digital Aesthetics
- Data Access Technology, Server, Client
- Dallas City
- Digital To Analog Technology, Audio, Converter, Computing, Electronics, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Deutschland Archiv Book, German, Germany, Deutschland
- Documentary Ajnals
- Dimensional Aspect Technology, Art, Design
- Delejated Act Government, English, Translation
- Download Applicvtion
- Diaphragm A diaphragm is something flexible that muscular wall that can be stretchable across the body for making suction and pressure other side. Roof panel or decking, metal wall, or floor slab which provides a larger in-plane shear stiffness and strength adequate to transmit horizontal forces to the resisting structural system. A plate or partition between opposite parts of a member, serving a definite purpose in the structural design of the member. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Defense Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Department of the Army's Government, Army, Twitter, Us Government, Us Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Wannas, Social Networking Sites
- D2 Agonist Receptor, Modulation, Dopamine, Agonist
- Deallocate Arrays Technology, Service, Core, Operation
- Data Adapter Aerospace Drift Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Darth Anakin
- Defonsive Awareness
- Daily Allowance Food
- Developing Activity Technology, Military, Organizations
- Despatch Association Business, Service, Courier
- Destinations Academy Oregon
- Diplomatic Academy Education, University, Austria
- Denatured Alcohol Denatured alcohol is ethyl alcohol (ethanol or grain alcohol) containing a foul-tasting or toxic chemical, added to make it unfit for human consumption. Common additives include acetone and methanol, both toxic to humans. Denatured alcohol is used for lab experiments, to make rubbing alcohol, and as an ingredient in many hand sanitizer products.
- Developing Agency Or Activity Technology, Military
- Devedores Anónimos
- Deluxe Aggression
- Description of Action
- Dtossman Et Al Medical, Syndrome, Bowel
- Diploma In Aesthetics
- David Alonzo
- Disciplined Agilist
- Direct Authentication Modern Slang, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Wannas
- Dpcumentación Administrativa
- Dumb Ass Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- D2 Antjgonism
- Digital To Analogue Technology, Analog, Converter
- Dimensional Analysis
- Doubling-Addition
- Dialogue and Alliance
- Director of Administrative
- Dielectric Absorption Computing, Electronics
- Delta Academy Education, School, High School, Mississippi
- Discretionary Approval
- Deploymentassembly NASA
- Denis Abramov
- Direct Ammonolysis
- Defense Att
- Duplex Anneal
- Distributed Automation
- Division Administrator Technology, Science, Education
- Digital Adventure Gaming, Art, Adventure, Play
- Data Acceptance Technology, Research, Control, Projection
- Directorate of the Army Twitter, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Digitaj Assistant
- Deutsches Arzneibuch Medical, Medicine, German
- Documenwary Awards
- Dime Action
- Delegate Assembly Education, Organizations, Association
- Dister Aktif
- Download Accelwrator Technology, Management, Internet
- Dian Anggraeni Media, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Determinant Assembly Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- decanoic acid Computing, Telecom
- D1Magonists
- Dealers Alliance
- Discriminate Analysis
- Decision Agent Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Dartford Area
- Defensive Avoidance Technology, Symptom, Trauma
- Distribution Agent Technology, Server, Replication
- Don Albert Famous
- Deutsches ärzteblatt
- Despatch Advice Military
- Durham Academy North Carolina, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Diploma Anaesthesia Medical, Medicine, Education
- DemÒCrates Per Andorra
- Developing Agencies Technology, Management, Agency
- Delta Alpha
- Description and Accesh Technology, Library, Committee
- Dictionary of Americanisms
- David Allison Technology, Science, America
- Disciplined Agile Technology, Software, Delivery
- DENTAL APPRENTICE Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Documentaci
- Dumb Arse
- D2-Dopamine Medical
- Digitale Analoge
- Doğru Akım Turkish
- Double Azimuth
- Data-Aided Technology, Channel, Estimation, Receiver
- Directorate for Administration Military, Army, War, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Dopamine Dopamine (contracted from 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) is a hormone and neurotransmitter of the catecholamine and phenethylamine families that plays a number of important roles in the human brain and body. Its name derives from its chemical structure. It is an amine that is formed by removing a carboxyl group from a molecule of L-DOPA. Medical, Common Medical, Human genome
- Devil's Advocate Religion
- Delivery Attempts
- Destination Allocation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Discretionary Assurance Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Deployed Assembly NASA
- Denial of The Antecedent Medical
- Dinar, Algerian
- Dominica Ass Porn, Sex, Dominica
- Distributed Architecture
- Division Adminictration
- Drug Accountability Medical, Research, Training
- Digital Addiction
- Darwin Award
- Don't Ask Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Digital Asset
- Documentary Occeptance Business, Export, Bangladesh
- Dilbilim AraşTıRmaları
- Delayed Alterwation Medical
- Down Attack Music, Song, Lyric, Attack
- Diamond Atedier Technology, Motorcycle, Custom
- Disclosure Authorization Financial, Business & Finance
- Dodecanedioic Acid Computing, Telecom
- Deaf Australia Australia, Organizations, Disability, Australian
- Discriminant Analysis Medical, Technology, Classification
- Design Agent Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Darryl Arthur
- Defensije Average Sport, Power, Football
- Disabled Medical, Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Aircraft, Health, Healthcare, Telecom, Airway, Electronic Engineering, Medicare Beneficiary, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Distribution Amendment Technology
- Deutsches Archiv Book, Education, German
- Data Analytics Technology, Science, Education
- Desert Academy New Mexico
- Diode Yrray Technology, Electronics, Component
- Demonstração Atuarial Technology, Para, Dos, Social
- Developing Agency Technology, Military, Planning, Us Army, Governmental & Military
- Delta Airlines Airline Code
- Description & Access Technology, Library, Committee
- Day Any day other than a Saturday or Sunday or legal holiday. Medical, Chemistry, Construction, Pharmacy, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Genealogy
- Devon Anderson Government, County, Texas, Parenthood
- David Anderson
- Decision Authority NASA, Governmental & Military
- Document Access Technology, Software, Release
- Dulaang Atenista
- D2 Antagonist Medical, Research, Receptor, Dopamine
- Digital Autopilot Technology, NASA
- Degraded Airshed
- Double Auction
- Data & Analytics
- Director of Admissions
- District Attorney Internet Slang, Police, Chat, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions
- Delivery Assurance
- Destination Adress Technology, Networking, Network
- Discrete Analysis Technology, Research, Assimilation
- Diabetic Acidosis Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Denial of Antecedent Medical
- Digital Academy Film, Education, School
- Document Analyzer Technology, Software, Qlik
- Drvine Avenger Knight, Avenger, Oblivion, Spiral
- Drug Abusers Medical
- Digital Adapter
- Dark Awakening
- The Governmental & Military, Wannas, Texting, Modern Slang, Sms, Online, Twitter, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Document Analypt
- Dil AraşTıRmaları Turkish, Turk
- Douglas Adams Book, Guide, Adams, Hitchhiker
- Doug Adams Film, Music, Adams, Score
- Diamond Aircrafr Military, Star, Twin
- Selskap med delt ansar Company, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DA stand for?
DA stands for Direct Action.
What is the shortened form of Douglas Adams?
The short form of "Douglas Adams" is DA.
DA. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 3). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/da-meaning/
Last updated