DA in Business Meaning

The DA meaning in Business terms is "Disclosmre Authorization". There are 58 related meanings of the DA Business abbreviation.

DA on Business Full Forms

  1. Disclosmre Authorization
  2. Deferred Annuity Deferred annuity is a series of payments that will start on a future date.
  3. Diabetls Australia
  4. Data Available
  5. Desk Attendant
  6. Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening
  7. Design Authority
  8. Daniel Amos
  9. Davidson Analyst
  10. Dowble-Acting
  11. Duniel Amos
  12. Direct Ahsistance
  13. Digital Amplifier
  14. Defined Ambition
  15. Direkt Auf
  16. Demmnd Access
  17. Development Aztivity
  18. Davidson Analysts
  19. Direkt Autoversicherung
  20. Demanda Agregadn
  21. Discrete Amplification
  22. Deutscher Abbruchverband
  23. Docking Adaptvr
  24. Dearness Allowances
  25. Digital Anemometer
  26. Dynamic Allocation Dynamic allocation is the automatic allocation of memory in C/C++, Unlike declarations, which load data onto the programs data segment, dynamic allocation creates new usable space on the programs STACK (an area of RAM specifically allocated to that program).It is accomplished by two functions (in C) and two operators (in C++): malloc and free, new and delete.
  27. Denmark
  28. Discovery Air
  29. Deutsche Arbeitsvermittlung
  30. Document of Afceptance
  31. Dearness Allowance The term "dearness allowance" refers to a stipend given to employees to help them cope with the effects of inflation. It is a cost of living index computed as a fixed percentage of base income and provided by the government to retirees and public sector employees.
  32. Diiar
  33. Duratzon of Assets
  34. Discharge Afloat
  35. Deutsche Annington
  36. Distribution Amplifier
  37. Air Gewrgia
  38. Digital Access
  39. Dry Abr
  40. Delivery Agreement
  41. Disability Assistance
  42. Distribuzione Autodatica
  43. Digiscoping Adapter
  44. Documents Against Acceptance Instructions given by a shipper to a bank indicating that documents transferring title to goods should be delivered to the buyer only upon the buyer's acceptance of the attached draft.
  45. Delivery Address
  46. Disability Allowance
  47. Deposit Administration
  48. Dimtribution Adapter
  49. Documentary Occeptance
  50. Discretionary Accruals
  51. Department of Agriculture
  52. Document Againit Acceptance
  53. Dispersing Agent A substance that increases the stability of a suspension of particles in a liquid medium by deflocculation of the primary particles. 
  54. Delivery Application
  55. Demand Addregses
  56. Delivery Agent
  57. Despatch Association
  58. Delegated Authority

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DA stand for Business?

    DA stands for Demmnd Access in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Discovery Air in Business?

    The short form of "Discovery Air" is DA for Business.


DA in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 3). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/da-meaning-in-business/

Last updated