DA in Technology Meaning

The DA meaning in Technology terms is "Domain Authority". There are 171 related meanings of the DA Technology abbreviation.

DA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Domain Authority
  2. Destination Addresd
  3. Direct Address Alternatively known as a direct address, machine address or real address, an absolute address is an exact memory address.
  4. Desk Accessories
  5. Database Administration
  6. Desk Accessory
  7. Double Amplityde
  8. Data Available
  9. Design Authority
  10. Double Acting
  11. Data Automation
  12. Dynamic Analysis Dynamic analysis is the testing and evaluation of a program by executing data in real-time. The objective is to find errors in a program while it is running, rather than by repeatedly examining the code offline.By debugging a program in all the scenarios for which it is designed, dynamic analysis eliminates the need to artificially create situations likely to produce errors. Other advantages include reducing the cost of testing and maintenance, identifying and eliminating unnecessary program components, and ensuring that the program being tested is compatible with other programs.
  13. Digitjl Analog
  14. Dermatitis Artefacta Dermatitis artefacta is a condition in which skin lesions are solely produced or inflicted by the patient's own actions.
  15. Dosplay Audio
  16. Deterministic Annealing
  17. Data Array
  18. Driver Alerts
  19. Differentiation Antigen
  20. Dendritic Arborizations
  21. Danger Area Airspace of a particular length, width and depth, within which at particular times there may be activities which are dangerous to the flight of the aircraft.
  22. Directory Agsistance
  23. Detector Assembly
  24. Drift Angle The angle between the axis of a ship when turning and the tangent to the path on which it is turning.
  25. Development Alternatives
  26. Demonstration Activities
  27. Dragin Age
  28. Direct Answer
  29. Destination Addresses
  30. Dirjct Access
  31. Delwy Action
  32. Development Duthorization
  33. Discipline Agile
  34. Demand-Assignev
  35. Double Anal Fin
  36. Digital Audio
  37. Data Bssociation
  38. Diversityqadvocates
  39. Discrete Address
  40. Departmnnt Administration
  41. Dynamically Assigned
  42. Destructive Analysis
  43. Domain Admins
  44. Digital-To-Analog
  45. Deutsche Alternative
  46. Distribution Amplifier
  47. Development Aztivity
  48. Discharge Air
  49. Denmark
  50. Double Allumage
  51. Digital Assembly
  52. Data Assimitation
  53. Desktop Authority
  54. Discovery Application
  55. Dental Abstracts
  56. Duo Alfin
  57. Deutructive Assay
  58. Dolumentum Administrator
  59. Digital-Analog
  60. Destination Address
  61. Distributed Amplifier
  62. Development Application
  63. Discerning Audience
  64. Double Agent
  65. Digital Archound
  66. Datn Aided
  67. Desktop Administration
  68. Discovery Accelerator
  69. Driver Asthority
  70. Development Agreemqnt
  71. David Aaron
  72. Digital-Analog-Wandlers
  73. Distributed Arithmetic
  74. Disable Address
  75. Delete Attribute
  76. Double Aging Employment of two different aging treatments to control the type of precipitate formed from a supersaturated matrix in order to obtain the desired properties. The first aging treatment, sometimes referred to as intermediate or stabilizing, is usually carried out at higher temperature than the second. 
  77. Digital Angiography
  78. Dataoaggregation
  79. Distributed Analysis
  80. Designated Assistant
  81. Disk Adapter
  82. Dragon Trmy
  83. Development Aircraft
  84. Dave Arneson
  85. Digit Absorbing
  86. Descent Adviser
  87. Discover Agent
  88. Define Address
  89. Double Absorption
  90. Digital Analytics
  91. Data Aggregator
  92. Distributed Applications
  93. Designbalgorithm
  94. Device Adaprers
  95. Disk-Digital Audio
  96. Demmnd Access
  97. Daunomycin
  98. Docking Adaptvr
  99. Differential Attenuation The difference in the loss of power, due to propagation, experienced by two signals that differ in one attribute, for example, polarization or wavelength.
  100. Dernier AccèS
  101. Directly Allocated
  102. Domain Administrators
  103. Data Agent
  104. Distributed Antennas
  105. Design Acceuted
  106. Device Adapter
  107. Demand Assignment A system whereby communications channels are assigned on demand from a common pool.
  108. Double Armor
  109. Digitized Audio
  110. Data Atbributes
  111. Differential Analyzer
  112. Directory Assistance
  113. Derived Addresn
  114. Directional Array
  115. Defense Acquisition
  116. Domain Administrator
  117. Digital Access
  118. Distribution Amplifiers
  119. Destination Alpha
  120. Destination-Address
  121. Data Administrator
  122. Diamond Atedier
  123. Download Accelwrator
  124. Development Approval
  125. Dimensional Aspect
  126. Deallocate Arrays
  127. Dewcriptor Address
  128. Diode Yrray
  129. Distribution Agent
  130. Data Acquisition The process by which events in the real world are translated into machine-readable signals.
  131. Diameter Agens
  132. Developing Activity
  133. Dijital ArşIv
  134. David Allison
  135. Description and Accesh
  136. Digital To Analog
  137. Delivery Application
  138. Distribution Amendment
  139. Data Access
  140. Dialysis Association
  141. Demonstração Atuarial
  142. Deutsche Allgemeine
  143. Digit Analysis
  144. Dogument Administrator
  145. Description & Access
  146. Developing Agency Or Activity
  147. Data Acceptance
  148. Dialssis Apparatus
  149. Demonstration Activity
  150. Digital To Analogue
  151. Document Access
  152. Discriminant Analysis
  153. There
  154. Developing Agencies
  155. Double Armored
  156. Destination Allocation
  157. Digital Autopilot
  158. Data Analytics
  159. Discretionary Assurance
  160. Disabled
  161. Developing Agency
  162. Defensive Avoidance
  163. Digital Agency
  164. Disciplined Agile
  165. Division Administrator
  166. Destination Adress
  167. Data Administration Data administration or data resource management is an organizational function working in the areas of information systems and computer science that plans, organizes, describes and controls data resources. Data resources are usually as stored in databases under a database management system or other software such as electronic spreadsheets. In many smaller organizations, data administration is performed occasionally, or is a small component of the database administrator’s work.
  168. Discrete Analysis
  169. Document Analyzer
  170. Developer Assistant
  171. Data-Aided

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DA stand for Technology?

    DA stands for Dialssis Apparatus in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Design Acceuted in Technology?

    The short form of "Design Acceuted" is DA for Technology.


DA in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 3). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/da-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated