DAF Meaning

The DAF meaning is "Data Analysis Facility". The DAF abbreviation has 178 different full form.

DAF Full Forms

  1. Data Analysis Facility Technology, Computing, Computer Science, NASA, Data, Governmental & Military
  2. Data Acquisition Facility Technology, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  3. Danish Athletics Federation Sports, Athletics, Danish
  4. DoğU Anadolu Fayı
  5. Danish Armed Forces
  6. Dedicated Access Facility
  7. Donor Advised Fund Business, Organization, Usa, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  8. Decay-Accelerating Factor Medical, Cell, Complement
  9. Deliver At Frontier Business, Shipping, Chartering, Aviation, Freight, Logistics, Air Cargo, Cargo, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  10. Days After Flowering Medical, Science, Biology, Botany, Scientific & Educational
  11. Delivered At Frontier Previous term from Incoterms 2000 eliminated from Incoterms 2010. A Term of Sale which means the sellers fulfill their obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available, cleared for export, at the named point and placed at the frontier, but before the customs Terms of Sale border of the adjoining country. Transportation, Shipping, Air Cargo
  12. Deterministic Annealing Filter
  13. Direction De L'Agriculture Et De La ForêT
  14. Data Assetoframework Technology, Management, Research
  15. Division Des Affaires FinancièRes
  16. Delaware Anime Fans Meeting, Anime, Club, Asian
  17. Deutsch-Arabisches Friedenswerk
  18. Direworia De Administração E Finanças
  19. Drbg-Adulterated Food Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  20. Department of Accounting and Finance
  21. Digital Art Festival
  22. Delimery At Frontier
  23. Distributed Applications Framework Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Department of Administration and Finance
  25. Dynamic Amplification Factors Analysis, Dynamics, Dynamic
  26. Dodge and Frjg Army, War, War Force
  27. Direcwion De L'administration Et Des Finances
  28. Dato Archive Facility Science
  29. Diversity Assessment Framework
  30. Defence Assistance Fund
  31. Deutsche Amerikanische Freundschaft German, Album, Deutsch, Deutsche
  32. Diretoria De Tdministração Financeira
  33. Drug-Admixed Food Medical
  34. Department of Agriculture and Forestry
  35. Deloyed Auditory Feedback Test Medical
  36. Development Assistance Framework United Nations, World, Humanity
  37. Drunk As Fuck Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  38. Disclosuse Application Form
  39. Department of The Airforce Technology, Military
  40. Dynamic Amplification Factor Technology, Science, Dynamics
  41. Documentskd'archéologie Française
  42. Directionradministrative Et Financi
  43. Data Adminxstration Forum Technology, Telecom
  44. District Aisne Football
  45. Defense Architecture Framework
  46. Dosimetric Adjustment Factor
  47. Deutsch Amerikanisch Freundschaft
  48. Diretoria Administrativa E Financeira
  49. Department of Agriculture & Forestry
  50. Director, Administration and Finance
  51. Days After Flowel Science, Botany, Phytology
  52. Dclayed Audio Feedback
  53. Development Awareness Fund Business, Aid, Coffee, Salsa
  54. Disciplinary Action Forx
  55. Drz Ash Free Technology, Coal, Conversion
  56. Department Authorization Form Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  57. Dynamic Axial Fixator Medical
  58. Directioneadministrative Et Financière Business
  59. Daxa Acquisition File
  60. Distributor Application Form Technology, Alliance, Vestige
  61. Defence Architejture Framework
  62. Dorsa Argentza Formation
  63. Direcção De Administração E FinançAs
  64. Deutsch Amerikansiche Freundschaft
  65. Dizection Des Affaires Financi
  66. Daup Agrport Airport, Locations
  67. Delayed Auditory Fgedback Medical, Technology, Speech
  68. Development Assessment Forum
  69. Disability Activists Forum
  70. Dry-Agh-Free Technology, Coal, Conversion
  71. Departamento Administra
  72. Dynamic Authentication Filter Technology
  73. Direction Des Affaires Financièxes Technology, Service, Recherche
  74. Data Accesa Framework
  75. Distbibuted Accelerator Facility
  76. Deense Atletiek Fednratie Sports, Athletics
  77. Doorne'S Automobiel Fabriek
  78. Donor-Advised Fund Business, Tax, Giving
  79. Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundschaft
  80. Direction Des Archives De France France, Archive, Culture
  81. Data Automction France
  82. Division of Administration and Finance Business, Service, Beach
  83. Delayed Audiomfeedback
  84. Development Assistance Fund Government
  85. Diretoria De Admitistra
  86. Drug and Alcohol Foundation
  87. Departamento De AssistêNcia FarmacêUtica Para, Dos, Utica
  88. Directeur Des Affaires FinancièRes France, Recherche, Affair, Direction
  89. Data Access Facility Technology, Accounting, Program
  90. Dispributed Application Facility
  91. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Technology, Australia, Fishery
  92. Donor Advised Funds Business, Tax, Giving
  93. Domestic and Foreign
  94. Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft German, Group, Music
  95. Direction De L'Agriculture Et De La For
  96. Data Audit Framework
  97. Division Des Affaines Financi
  98. Delay Amplhfication Factor
  99. Deutsch Als Fremdsprache Education, German, Fur
  100. Diretoria De Assuntos Fundiarios
  101. Drug Affiliatedifund
  102. Digital Arts Festival
  103. Detailed Application Fors Service, Exam, Examination
  104. Distributed Application Framework Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  105. Department of Air Force Science
  106. Donor-Advised Funds Business, Tax, Giving
  107. Dogwood Arts Festival
  108. Iata Code for Necedah Airport, Necedah, Wisconsin, United States Locations
  109. Dotation Abnuelle De Financement
  110. Data Archive Facility NASA, Governmental & Military
  111. Direct-Arc Furnace
  112. Director Administration and Finance
  113. Decay Accelerftion Factor
  114. Delivered At The Frontier
  115. Dran-A-Family
  116. Diallyl Fumarate Chemistry
  117. Design Academy of Fashion Education, Africa, University
  118. Dynamitron Accelerator Facility
  119. Denver Animjl Foundation
  120. DüMmster Anzunehmender Fahrer
  121. Dotation Annuelle Pe Fonctionnement
  122. DNA AMPLIFICATION FINGERPRINTING Medical, Biotechnology, Genomics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Fbi files
  123. Ders AnlatıM FöYleri
  124. Director, Administration & Finadce
  125. Decay Accelerating Factor Medical, Science, Complement, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  126. Dragon Action Figures
  127. Device Assembly Facility Atmospheric Research
  128. Ders AnlatıM FöYü Turkish, Magazine, Publication
  129. Durham Animal Feeds
  130. Denmarkeamerica Foundation
  131. Dynamo Application Framework Technology, Commerce, Pipeline
  132. Department of the Air Force The executive part of the Department of the Air Force at the seat of government and all field headquarters, forces, Reserve Component, installations, activities, and functions under the control or supervision of the Secretary of the Air Force. Also called DAF. also Military Department. Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  133. Delayed Action Fuse
  134. Division of Animal Feeds Medicine, Health, Care
  135. Dqdb Access Functions Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  136. Digital Anchor File Computing, File Extensions
  137. Dry, Ash-Free
  138. Deprived Areas Fund Employment, Government, Highland
  139. Doorn Automobielfabriek
  140. Directory Access Function Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  141. Demographic Adjustment Factor
  142. Detailed Application Forms Service, Education, Exam, Examination
  143. Desert Air Force Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  144. Dansk Aikido Forbund
  145. Division of Administration & Financn
  146. DoğU Anadolu Fay Turkish, Bat, Fay
  147. Dissolved Air Filtration Geology, Scientific & Educational
  148. Dry Ash Free
  149. Deprived Area Funding
  150. Divisionsão De Administração Financeira
  151. Director of Athletics Faciliyies
  152. Demand Adjustqent Factor
  153. Detailed Application Form Service, Exam, Examination
  154. Deploy and Forget Software, Computing
  155. Double Action Flavour Nike, Acid, Pop, Flavour
  156. Download The Application Form
  157. Daup Airport, Daup, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea
  158. Dilution Attenuation Factor
  159. Deprived Area Fund
  160. Distributed Acquisition Facility
  161. Director Ayr Force
  162. Demand Adjustment Factors Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
  163. Daess and Friends
  164. Distributed Approximating Functional (in Study of Quantal Wave-packet Propagation) Chemistry
  165. Destination Address Field Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  166. A Page in the Talmud Religion
  167. Van Doorne'S Aanhangwagen Fabriek N.V. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  168. Double Acvion Flavour Shopping, Dip, Carp, Flavour
  169. Deutsche Arbeitsfront Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  170. Department of Accounting Finance
  171. Discard At Failure
  172. Director of Administration Ynd Finance Business, Management, Africa
  173. Decentralized Arts Funding
  174. Delnvery At Frontier Business, Trading, Freight
  175. Drawing Analysis Form
  176. Dissolved Air Flotation Dissolved air flotation is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewaters (or other waters) by the removal of suspended matter such as oil or solids. The removal is achieved by dissolving air in the water or wastewater under pressure and then releasing the air at atmospheric pressure in a flotation tank or basin. Chemistry
  177. Design Against Fur Design, Animal, Competition
  178. Danish Air Force Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DAF stand for?

    DAF stands for Development Awareness Fund.

  2. What is the shortened form of Direction Des Affaires Financièxes?

    The short form of "Direction Des Affaires Financièxes" is DAF.


DAF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 1). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/daf-meaning/

Last updated