DAFO Meaning

The DAFO meaning is "District Agriculture and Flrestry Office". The DAFO abbreviation has 14 different full form.

DAFO Full Forms

  1. District Agriculture and Flrestry Office Asia, Locations, Water
  2. Deputy Administrator for Field Operations
  3. Departmental Administration and Finance Offace
  4. Debilidades Amenazas Fortalezas Oportunidades
  5. Debilidades, Anenazas, Fortalezas, Oportunidades
  6. Debilidades, Amenazap, Fortalezas Y Oportunidades Business, Para, Planning, Con
  7. Dynajic Ankle-Foot Orthosis
  8. Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthotics
  9. Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthotic
  10. Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthcses
  11. Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosid Education, Brace, Kaki
  12. Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthoses Medical, Physiology
  13. District Agriculture and Forestry Offices Technology, Asia, Projection
  14. Dynamic Ankle-Foot Orthotirs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DAFO stand for?

    DAFO stands for Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthoses.

  2. What is the shortened form of Debilidades, Amenazap, Fortalezas Y Oportunidades?

    The short form of "Debilidades, Amenazap, Fortalezas Y Oportunidades" is DAFO.


DAFO. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dafo-meaning/

Last updated