DAL Meaning

The DAL meaning is "Dedicated Access Line". The DAL abbreviation has 109 different full form.

DAL Full Forms

  1. Dedicated Access Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
  2. Data-Access Layer
  3. Dalton Atomic mass is not measured in pounds or grams. Scientists used something called Daltons. One Dalton is equal to one-twelfth the mass of a carbon atom. Scientists also call a Dalton an Atomic Mass Unit.  A unit of mass equivalent to the mass of a hydrogen atom (1.66 x 10-24 g). A unit of mass very nearly equal to that of a hydrogen ion and precisely equal to 1.000 on the atomic mass scale. The weight of a single hydrogen atom (1.66 x 10 -24g). Medical, Measurement
  4. Data Aided Loop Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  5. Dallas Mavericks Sports, Team, Basketball, Basketball Team
  6. Dallas Cowboys Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics, Football, Nfl teams
  7. Data Acquisition List Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Data
  8. Dallas Love Field Dallas, Texas,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, Aviation
  9. Data Access Language Technology, Computing, Language
  10. Data Accession List Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  11. Data Abstraction Layer Technology, Database, Development
  12. Direct Akcess Level
  13. Direct Algebraic Logic Technology, Science, Calculator
  14. Department of Agriculture and Livestock Business, Papua, Guinea
  15. Dog At Large
  16. Data Access Line Technology, Control, Telecom
  17. Deutsche-Afrika Linien
  18. Digital Arts Lab
  19. Dedicated Access Iines Technology, Service, Calling
  20. Data Application Layer
  21. Deutscher Arbeitsring F
  22. Direct Access Link Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  23. Darkness and Light Technology, Gaming, Battle
  24. Defence Acquisition Learning Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  25. Division of Analytical Laboratories
  26. Data Assessment Layer
  27. Deutsch-Arabische Lehrabteilung German, Regiment, Legion
  28. Decrease Access Lekel
  29. Down Avoiding Lyne Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy
  30. Data Analysis Laboratory Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
  31. Deutscher Arbeitsring FüR LärmbekäMpfung
  32. Diplomatic Academy of London
  33. Defect Actiov Levels Medical, Product, Food, Safety
  34. Division of Adult Learning
  35. Data Access Layers Technology, Database, Coding
  36. Depot Activity Letterkenny Technology
  37. Decentraliqation and Local Government, Economics, Politics
  38. DonnéEs Administratives Longitudinales
  39. Data Access Logic Technology, Database, Coding
  40. Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing
  41. Dinosaur Adventure Land
  42. Defect Action Level Medical, Science, Control, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
  43. Divbsion of Administrative Law
  44. Data Access Layer Technology, Database, Coding, Science, Scientific & Educational
  45. Deposit and Loan
  46. Data Access Library Technology, Database, Coding
  47. Deutsche Anlagen Leasing
  48. Digital Audioslink
  49. Deepxabiding Love Movie, Music, Kid, Love
  50. Direct Applied Labor Technology
  51. Dalaran Gaming, Play, Pastime
  52. Dependency-Based Action Language
  53. Data Access List Accounting, Computing, Data
  54. Deutsche Akademie Der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften
  55. Digital Budio Labs
  56. Dedicated Advertjsing Location
  57. Development Assurance Level Technology, Aircraft, Safety, Federal Aviation Administration
  58. Direct Algebraic Iogic Accounting, Computing, Data
  59. Daily Activity Log Technology, Management, Software
  60. Department of Agriculture & Livestock
  61. Dominion Arsenal, Lindsay
  62. Data Access Lines Technology, Control, Circuit, Interface
  63. Deutsche Afrika Linien Business, Service, Shipping
  64. Dioital Asset Library Technology, Management, Presentation
  65. Dedicated Advertiser Location Technology, Advertising, Broadcasting, Computing, IT Terminology
  66. Developing Aerospace Leaders
  67. Dvd-lab Project File Computing, File Extensions
  68. DéPartement De L'Appareil Locomoteur
  69. David Allen Lewis
  70. Dictionary of Affective Language
  71. Down Avoiding Lane Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  72. Download Accelerator List Technology
  73. Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas. USA International
  74. Dywizjon Artylerii Lekkiej Army, War, War Force
  75. Database Administration Language Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  76. Dial A Lift
  77. Download and Leave Assembly, Business & Finance
  78. Digital Ad Lab
  79. Love Field, Dallas, Texas USA Airport codes
  80. Dynamic Yctor Layer
  81. Database Access Library
  82. Dial-A-Lift
  83. Digital Addressable Lighting
  84. Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texas, United States Transportation, Texas, United States, Governmental & Military, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  85. Dunlavy Audio Labs Audio, Loudspeaker, Speaker
  86. Database Access Layer
  87. Device Abstraction Layer
  88. Data Address Liut
  89. Dear Administrator Letter
  90. Digital Access Line Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  91. Direct Address Line
  92. Delta Air Lines, Inc. of Delaware Computing, Nyse symbols
  93. Drug Admicistration Law
  94. Database Access Language
  95. Development Assurance Levels Technology, Software, Safety
  96. Iata Code for Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, Texasx United States Locations
  97. De Anza League
  98. DiferençAs De Acréscimos Legais
  99. Dictionary of Affect In Language Technology, Analysis, Emotion, Sentiment
  100. Detached Address Label Usps, postal service
  101. Dragon Analytical Laboratory
  102. Database Abstraction Layers
  103. Download Accelerator Plus Url List Computing, File Extensions
  104. Dévidoir Automobila Léger
  105. Dead Ass Last
  106. Diferen
  107. Dalhousie University Insect and Spider Collections
  108. Doğaltaş Analiz Laboratucarı
  109. Database Abstraction Layer A database abstraction layer (DBAL or DAL) is an application programming interface that connects a computer application to databases like SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQLite. Traditionally, every database provider has their own user interface that is specific to their products. The application programmer is responsible for writing code for the database interfaces that the application will support. Technology, Coding, Development, Computing, Computer, Database

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DAL stand for?

    DAL stands for Down Avoiding Lane.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data Access Library?

    The short form of "Data Access Library" is DAL.


DAL. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dal-meaning/

Last updated