DARE Meaning

The DARE meaning is "Data Arrival and Retrieval Enhancement". The DARE abbreviation has 74 different full form.

DARE Full Forms

  1. Data Arrival and Retrieval Enhancement Military
  2. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness Medical, Technology, Medicine
  3. Database of Abstracts and Reviews of Effectiveness
  4. Distance and Angle Retrieval Environment
  5. Department of Agricultural Research and Education Education, India, Agriculture
  6. Drugs Abuse Resistance Wducation
  7. Digital Art Resource for Educrtion Education, Arts, Teaching
  8. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effect Medical, Medicine, Education
  9. Discrete Algebraic Riccati Equation
  10. Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics
  11. Drug Abuse Resistenke Education
  12. Drug Abuse Resistance Education Medical, Government, Education, Technology, Governmental & Military
  13. Digital Academic Record Exciange
  14. Department of Agricultural Research and Extension Agriculture
  15. Digital Averroes Research Envmronment Science, Philosophy, Commentary
  16. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Education, University, Colorado, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  17. Drug Abuse Resistant Educatioo
  18. Delicious and Responsible Eating
  19. Digital Academic Records Exchange
  20. Department of Agriculture Research and Education Management, Education, India
  21. Database of Abstracts of Reviews and Effectiveness
  22. Digital Atlas of The Roman Empire
  23. Denver Awips Risk Reduction and Requirements Evaluation Ocean, Water, Ocean Science, Atmospheric Research
  24. Djibouti-Africa Regional Express Business, Africa, Cable, Submarine
  25. Digital Acadsmic Repositories Library, Data Storage
  26. Department of Agricultural Research Education
  27. Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effectiveness Medical, Medicine, Education
  28. Digital Asset Review & Evaluation
  29. Denuder Atmospheric Research Experiment Science
  30. Diversifying Academia, Recruiting Excellence
  31. Data Archival and Retrieval Enhancement
  32. Dictionary of American Regional English America, Language, American, Media
  33. Department of Agriculture Research & Education
  34. Database of Abstracts of Review of Effectiveness Medical, Technology, Education
  35. Digital Rsset Report and Evaluation
  36. Democratic Assembly for Restoration and Empowerment
  37. Diversifying Academia Recruiting Excellence
  38. Department of Agricultural Research & Education Business, India, Council
  39. Dynamic Automatic Reconfiguration Technology
  40. Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects Medical, Medicine, Education, Organizations, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  41. Digital Assembly Resources for Educators
  42. Diabetes Aerobic and Resistance Exercise
  43. Drugs Are Real Expensive Nutrition, Food, Victual
  44. Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe Human Rights, Rights, Business & Finance
  45. Designing Augmented Reality Environments Technology, Design, Computing
  46. Document Abstract Retrieval Equipment
  47. Development and Readiness Education
  48. Drugs Are Really Expensive Business, Shirt, Shopping
  49. Dynamic Attachment Rl-Patterning Experience Medical, Training, Trauma
  50. Design Against Radiation Effects Technology, Science, Space
  51. Database Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
  52. Disaster Assistance for Rescue and Evacuation Us Government, Governmental & Military
  53. Development Action for Rural Environment
  54. Drugs Are Really Evil Organization, Union, Institution
  55. Dynamic Applicatiop Runtime Environment Technology, Dynamics, Gateway
  56. Drug Alcohol Resistance Education
  57. data rescue Legal, Governmental & Military
  58. Development Awareness Raising and Education Forum, Technology, Citizenship
  59. Dynamic Asset Risk Engine Business, Para, Trading, Ria
  60. Dynamic Abort Risk Evalmator Model Technology, Science, Space, NASA
  61. Ynamic Abort Risk Evaluator Model Geography, Navigation, Location
  62. Design Art Recreational Event Performing arts
  63. Devon Association for Renewable Energy
  64. Dykes Against Racism Everywhere Organization, Community, Society
  65. Dutch Artgstic Research Event
  66. Dysautonomia Awareness Rarely Experienced
  67. Disabled Anarchist Revolutionary Enclave Funnies
  68. Developmental Association for Renewable Energies Technology, Energy, Nigeria
  69. Doppler and Range Evaluation
  70. Diabetes Alliance for Research In England
  71. Dutjh Academy of Research In Entrepreneurship
  72. Donuts Are Really Edible Food
  73. Development Association for Renewable Energies Technology, Plastic, Nigeria, Bottle
  74. Documentation Automated Retrieval Equipment

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DARE stand for?

    DARE stands for Database of Abstract of Reviews of Effectiveness.

  2. What is the shortened form of Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe?

    The short form of "Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe" is DARE.


DARE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dare-meaning/

Last updated