Darlington Abbreviations and Darlington Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Darlington terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 8 different Darlington abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Darlington terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Darlington Abbreviations
  1. BJT : Bipolar Jonksiyonlu TransistöR
  2. CDYP : Child Deaf Youth Project
  3. DRAF : Drag Racers Association of Florence
  4. ECCDS : Education Centre for Children With Down Syndrome
  5. SD&LUR : South Durham & Lancashire Union Railway
  6. SIMT : Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing and Technology
  7. STATE : Subsea Wechnology Awareness, Training and Education
  8. NBMC : National Biologics Manufacturing Centre
Latest Darlington Meanings
  1. National Biologics Manufacturing Centre
  2. Subsea Wechnology Awareness, Training and Education
  3. Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing and Technology
  4. South Durham & Lancashire Union Railway
  5. Education Centre for Children With Down Syndrome
  6. Drag Racers Association of Florence
  7. Child Deaf Youth Project
  8. Bipolar Jonksiyonlu TransistöR