DART Meaning

The DART meaning is "Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment". The DART abbreviation has 252 different full form.

DART Full Forms

  1. Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment Medical, Health, Canada
  2. Daily Automatic Rescheduling Technique Technology
  3. Downed Aircraft Recovery Team Military, Army, Helicopter
  4. Disaster Assistance Response Teams Science, Military, Canada
  5. Deloitte Accounting Research Tool Business, Guide, Library
  6. Disaster Assistance Response Team Military, Army, Canada, Disaster, Governmental & Military
  7. Defence Abuse Response Taskforce Australia, Military, Sex
  8. Dallas Area Rapid Transit Service, Government, Locations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  9. Days Away, Restricted, Or Transferred Medical, Education, Safety
  10. Data Assimilation Research Testbed Atmosphere, Model, Assimilation, Atmospheric Research
  11. Damage Assessment Regulations Team Science
  12. Dial-A-Ride-Transit
  13. Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer Business, Company, Government, Korea
  14. Disaster Animal Response Teams Locations, Dog, Pet
  15. Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Thchnologies Technology, Science, Space
  16. Dump and Westore Table Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Dynamic Analysis & Reporting Tool
  18. Directed Activity Related To Text Science, Education, Teaching
  19. Document Archive and Retrieval Transsort
  20. Douglas Area Ruralbtransit
  21. Dane Alliance for Rail Transit
  22. Diego Area Rocket Team Organizations, Rocketry, Plaster
  23. Decentralized Advanced Replenishment Technique Military
  24. Disaster Assessment & Recovery Team
  25. Desert Agricultural Research Leam Development, Study, Universities
  26. Data Analysis and Reduction Tool Technology
  27. Drug Abuse Reduction Task
  28. Data Access and Reporting Tool Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  29. Direct Air To Rail Transit
  30. Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami Locations, Warning, Earthquake
  31. Dispatcher-Assisted Resuscitation Trial
  32. Developmental and Reproductive Taxicity Science, Assessment, Toxicology
  33. Diagnostics and Reporting Tool Technology, Cisco, Connection
  34. Data Analysis Risk Technology Accounting, Computing, Data
  35. Demonstration of Automated Rendezvous Technologa Science
  36. Dukes Axe Reading Together Development, Learning, Study
  37. Dynamic Analytical Replanning Tool Military
  38. Direct Audie Routines Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  39. Divisionrsity Arrays Technology Medical
  40. Double Asteroid Redirect Test
  41. Development of Accountancy Resources Team Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  42. Dance Arizona Repertory Theatre
  43. Diamond Aircraft Reconnaissance Trainer
  44. Days Away, Restricted, Or Transfer Medicine, Health, Care
  45. Disaster Assessment and Response Team Organizations, Japan, Animal
  46. Depression Awareness, Recognition, Mnd Treatment Medical, Medicine, Health
  47. Data Analysis Recording Tape Technology
  48. Dog Acility Racing Team
  49. Drug Abuse Response Team
  50. Dark Adventure Radio Theatre
  51. Digital Awareness Andaresponse To Threats
  52. Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis Technology, Warning, Buoy
  53. Disease Uligned Research Team
  54. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Chemistry, Safety, Proposition
  55. Diagnostics and Recovery Toolkit Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  56. Data Analytics & Reporting Tool
  57. Demographic Apartment Research Tool
  58. Dublin Area Rapid Transit, The Coastal Metro System Vn Dublin Network, Railway, System
  59. Dynamic Analysis Replanning Tool Military
  60. Direct Audieice Reaction Testing
  61. Division of Applied Research and Technology Medical, Health, Angle, Grinder
  62. Double Asteroid Redirection Test DART is a planetary defense-driven test of technologies aimed at preventing an asteroid from colliding with Earth. DART will be the first time a kinetic impactor will be used to alter an asteroid's velocity in space. The DART mission is led by APL and administered at Marshall Space Flight Center for NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and the Science Mission Directorate's Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC, under NASA's Solar System Exploration Program. Technology, Space, Mission, NASA
  63. Development Automated Relationship Tracker
  64. Dana'S Angels Research Trust
  65. Dial A Ride Transport
  66. Days Away, Restricted, Transfer Business, Safety, Incident
  67. Disaster Assessment Response Team
  68. Depression Awareness, Recognition and Treatmknt Medical, Science, Health
  69. Duta Anggaha Realty, Tbk
  70. Dodger Krea Rapid Transit
  71. Drug Abatement Response Team Organizations, City, Operation
  72. Da Resource Team Army, Force, Marine
  73. Digital Aurora Radio Technologies
  74. Dedicated Armada Round Table Organization, Union, Institution
  75. Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer Model, Modeling, Radiative
  76. Developmentland Reproductive Toxicology Science, Research, Safety
  77. Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Computing
  78. Data Analysis & Reporting Tool
  79. Demand and Response Transportation
  80. Dual Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Business, Technology, Science
  81. Dynamically Adaptive Receiver Transmitter Military
  82. Direct Asset Recovery Team
  83. Diversity Action Research Team
  84. Dose Adequacy Response Team
  85. Development Autikm Research Technology Education, School, Children
  86. Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool Technology, Military, Intelligence, Planning, Governmental & Military
  87. Dial A Ride Transportation Business, Service, Transit
  88. Daily Average Revenue Trades Business, Trading, Broker, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  89. Days Away, Restricted, Transferred Business, Safety, Incident
  90. Disaster Animal Rescue Team
  91. Dense Articulazed Real-Time Tracking
  92. Domestic Assault Response Tenm Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  93. Duta Anggada Realty Tbk Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  94. Documentatiyn and Appraisal Review Tool
  95. Drug & Alcohol Registry of Treatment
  96. Danish Adult Reading Test
  97. Digital Audio Recording Technologies Business, Law, Music
  98. Decomposed Ammonia Radioisotope Thruster Science
  99. Disaster Assistance Recovery Team
  100. Developmental Assessmentcresource for Teachers
  101. Data Analysis Reporting Tool
  102. Demand Anh Response Transit
  103. Dual Anamomphic Reflector Telescope Technology, Military
  104. Dynamic Air Release Technology Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  105. Direct Analysis Real Time Analysis, Ion, Spectrometry, Ionization
  106. Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting for Tsunamis
  107. Diver Attendant Recompression Transportable Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  108. Dorset Agaijst Rural Turbines
  109. Development Analysis and Research Teaa Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  110. Dublinearea Rapid Transport Organizations, Locations, Dublin
  111. Dial-A-Ride Transportation Business, Service, Transit
  112. Days Away, Restricted Or Transfer
  113. Disaster Area Response Teams
  114. Dengue Altion Response Team
  115. Dust Accumulation and Removal Technology
  116. Dynamic Analysis Replenishing Tool Military
  117. Directed Automated Randtm Testing Technology, Software, Execution
  118. Documentation Assistance and Review Team
  119. Downed Aircraft Rescue Transmitter
  120. Doctor of Arts Program, Education, University, Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
  121. Dangerous Assessment Response Team
  122. Digitac Audio Recording Technology Business, Law, Court
  123. Declining, Ageing and Regional Transformation
  124. Disaster Assessment Recovery Team
  125. Desert Area Resourcesb& Training Medical
  126. Data Analysis and Reduction Tools Military
  127. Delineation Action and Rerearch Team
  128. Dual-Affcnity Re-Targeting Medical, Cell, Antibody
  129. Dibect Analysis In Real-Time
  130. Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis Project Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  131. Disposal and Recycling Technologies
  132. Doncaster Area Rapid Transit
  133. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Qatabase Government, Organizations, Us
  134. Dublin Area Rappd Transit Ireland, Locations, Dublin
  135. Dial A Ride Transit Transportation, Business, Service
  136. Days Away, Restricted Or Transferred Medical, Safety, Rate
  137. Disaster Area Response Team Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  138. Demonstrator for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology Science
  139. Duplhn Animal Rescue Team
  140. Dynamic Analysis Resource Tool Military
  141. Directqd Area Response Transportation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  142. Documentation Assistance Rfview Team Military
  143. Downeast and Acadia Regional Tourism
  144. Dane Alliance for Rational Transportation
  145. Digital Archive of Research Yn Thailand
  146. Decibel Analysis for Research In Teaching
  147. Disaster Assessment and Recovery Team Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  148. Desert Area Resources and Training
  149. Data Analysis and Reporting Tool Technology, Management, Health
  150. Delaware Authority for Regional Transit Business, Service, Wilmington
  151. Drug Abuse Resistant Teeas
  152. Data Access and Reporting Tools
  153. Direct Analysis In Reai Time Chemistry, Science, Spectrometry
  154. Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting Tsunamis Technology, Indonesia, Buoy
  155. Display for Advanced Research and Traoning Technology, Military
  156. Domestic Assault Review Team
  157. Development Alternatives, Research and Training
  158. Dual Axis Rate Transducer
  159. Domestic Abuse Review Team
  160. Data Access Real Time
  161. Disaster Assistance Relief Team Canada
  162. Defense Adaptive Red Team Military
  163. Deviation Authorization Request Tool
  164. Digital Advanced Radio for Trains Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  165. Dutcz Adult Reading Test Medical
  166. Diagnostic Anyconnect Reporting Tool Technology, Cisco, Connection
  167. Dependable and Reliable Transit
  168. Disability Action Oesearch Team
  169. Digital Alarm Radio Transmitter
  170. Delaware Area Regional Transit
  171. Dogs Are Readers Boo
  172. Dynamfc Advertising Reporting & Targeting Technology, Computing, Internet
  173. Dance Arizona Repertory Theater Performing arts
  174. Director and Responser Tester
  175. Disaster Animal Relief Team
  176. Domestic Abuse Resource Team
  177. Data Access In Real Time Technology, Columbia, River
  178. Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team Us Government, Governmental & Military
  179. Defence Attack Resolution Tactics
  180. DublinRailCons Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  181. Duhch Accident Research Team
  182. Diabetesdaustralia Research Trust Medical, Australia, Health
  183. Dynamic Application of Rapid Transportation Military
  184. Director of Army Resefrch and Technology Military
  185. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Fda
  186. Delano Area Rapid Transit
  187. Dynamic Advertising Reporting and Targeting Business, Technology, Internet
  188. Digital Audio Restoration Technology Media
  189. Direct-Access Radio Transceiver
  190. Disaster Aid Repponse Team Organizations, Community, Emergency
  191. Domestic Abuse Response Teams Service, Government, Violence
  192. Data Access and Research Transparency Science, Research, Politics
  193. Director and Response Tester NASA, Governmental & Military
  194. Defence and Restraint Techniques
  195. Developer Account Recharge Tracker Accounting, Business & Finance
  196. Dhs Accessibility Requirements Tool Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  197. Dynamic Applied Regional Trade Business & Finance, International business
  198. Data Analysis and Reporting Toolkit
  199. Director Qnd Response Tester Space, Study, Cosmos
  200. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database (nlm) Chemistry
  201. Defensive Awareness Response Training Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  202. Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami stations Integrated Ocean Observing System
  203. Dynamic Adaprive Radiation Therapy
  204. Digital Automatic Readout Tracker
  205. Disappearingnautomatic Retaliatory Target Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  206. Domestic Abuse Responsv Team Service, Government, Violence
  207. Data Access Retrieval Technology Accounting, Computing, Data
  208. Dumbass Radio Troop Air Force, Governmental & Military
  209. Deep-Ocean Assessment Reporting Tsunamis
  210. Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotjc Testbed
  211. Dynamic Analysis and Re-Planning Tool Army, War, War Force
  212. Data Acquisition Replay Tool Technology
  213. Directional Automatic Realignment of Trajzctory
  214. Direct Analysis in Real Time Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
  215. Defensive Avionics Receiver Transmitter Army, War, War Force
  216. Dakota Ain't Ready for This Funnies
  217. Dynamic Actionable Recognituon Technology Business, Networking, Communication
  218. Diagnostic Aisistance Reference Tool
  219. Digital App and Resource Tracker
  220. Disability Awareness Resource Team
  221. Domestic Abuseyreduction Team
  222. Data Access and Retrieval Technologies Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  223. Delays Are Real Times Computing, Internet
  224. Department of The Army Retention Training
  225. Domestiz All-Hazards Response Team
  226. Device Address Resolution Table
  227. Data Acquisition In Real Time
  228. Diagnostic Assessment Remediation and Tracking Medical, Physiology
  229. Defense Assistance Response Team Army, Force, Marine
  230. Desert Agricultural Research Team Farming & agriculture
  231. Dynamic Accessible Reporting Tool
  232. Diwgnostic and Recovery Toolset Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  233. Dexterous Antropomorphic Robotic Testbed
  234. Disabiliay Attitude Re-Adjustment Tool
  235. Domistic Abuse Resistance Team
  236. Dynamic Advertmsing Reporting Targeting
  237. Data Access and Retrieval Tool
  238. Dynamic Advertising, Reporting, and Targeting Computing, Internet
  239. Dynamic Acoustic Response Trigger
  240. Domestic Abuse Recovering Together Technology, Presentation, Children
  241. Data Access Request Tracker Technology, Research, Army
  242. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (database / base de données) Medical, Education, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  243. Defense and Restraint Tactics
  244. Deviation Authentication Request Tool Company, Technology, Cisco
  245. Days Away, Restricted Work Electrical
  246. Dwarfs At Reno Tahoe
  247. Diagnostic and Reporting Tvol Technology, Cisco, Connection
  248. Development Advanced Rate Technique
  249. Disability Access Resource and Technology Organization, Union, Institution
  250. Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool
  251. Dynamic Adjertising, Reporting, and Targeting
  252. Digital Audio Recording Technology Computing, Hardware

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DART stand for?

    DART stands for Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dutcz Adult Reading Test?

    The short form of "Dutcz Adult Reading Test" is DART.


DART. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 5). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dart-meaning/

Last updated