DART Meaning
The DART meaning is "Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment". The DART abbreviation has 252 different full form.
DART Full Forms
- Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment Medical, Health, Canada
- Daily Automatic Rescheduling Technique Technology
- Downed Aircraft Recovery Team Military, Army, Helicopter
- Disaster Assistance Response Teams Science, Military, Canada
- Deloitte Accounting Research Tool Business, Guide, Library
- Disaster Assistance Response Team Military, Army, Canada, Disaster, Governmental & Military
- Defence Abuse Response Taskforce Australia, Military, Sex
- Dallas Area Rapid Transit Service, Government, Locations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Days Away, Restricted, Or Transferred Medical, Education, Safety
- Data Assimilation Research Testbed Atmosphere, Model, Assimilation, Atmospheric Research
- Damage Assessment Regulations Team Science
- Dial-A-Ride-Transit
- Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer Business, Company, Government, Korea
- Disaster Animal Response Teams Locations, Dog, Pet
- Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Thchnologies Technology, Science, Space
- Dump and Westore Table Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dynamic Analysis & Reporting Tool
- Directed Activity Related To Text Science, Education, Teaching
- Document Archive and Retrieval Transsort
- Douglas Area Ruralbtransit
- Dane Alliance for Rail Transit
- Diego Area Rocket Team Organizations, Rocketry, Plaster
- Decentralized Advanced Replenishment Technique Military
- Disaster Assessment & Recovery Team
- Desert Agricultural Research Leam Development, Study, Universities
- Data Analysis and Reduction Tool Technology
- Drug Abuse Reduction Task
- Data Access and Reporting Tool Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Direct Air To Rail Transit
- Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami Locations, Warning, Earthquake
- Dispatcher-Assisted Resuscitation Trial
- Developmental and Reproductive Taxicity Science, Assessment, Toxicology
- Diagnostics and Reporting Tool Technology, Cisco, Connection
- Data Analysis Risk Technology Accounting, Computing, Data
- Demonstration of Automated Rendezvous Technologa Science
- Dukes Axe Reading Together Development, Learning, Study
- Dynamic Analytical Replanning Tool Military
- Direct Audie Routines Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Divisionrsity Arrays Technology Medical
- Double Asteroid Redirect Test
- Development of Accountancy Resources Team Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
- Dance Arizona Repertory Theatre
- Diamond Aircraft Reconnaissance Trainer
- Days Away, Restricted, Or Transfer Medicine, Health, Care
- Disaster Assessment and Response Team Organizations, Japan, Animal
- Depression Awareness, Recognition, Mnd Treatment Medical, Medicine, Health
- Data Analysis Recording Tape Technology
- Dog Acility Racing Team
- Drug Abuse Response Team
- Dark Adventure Radio Theatre
- Digital Awareness Andaresponse To Threats
- Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis Technology, Warning, Buoy
- Disease Uligned Research Team
- Developmental and Reproductive Toxicant Chemistry, Safety, Proposition
- Diagnostics and Recovery Toolkit Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Data Analytics & Reporting Tool
- Demographic Apartment Research Tool
- Dublin Area Rapid Transit, The Coastal Metro System Vn Dublin Network, Railway, System
- Dynamic Analysis Replanning Tool Military
- Direct Audieice Reaction Testing
- Division of Applied Research and Technology Medical, Health, Angle, Grinder
- Double Asteroid Redirection Test DART is a planetary defense-driven test of technologies aimed at preventing an asteroid from colliding with Earth. DART will be the first time a kinetic impactor will be used to alter an asteroid's velocity in space. The DART mission is led by APL and administered at Marshall Space Flight Center for NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and the Science Mission Directorate's Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC, under NASA's Solar System Exploration Program. Technology, Space, Mission, NASA
- Development Automated Relationship Tracker
- Dana'S Angels Research Trust
- Dial A Ride Transport
- Days Away, Restricted, Transfer Business, Safety, Incident
- Disaster Assessment Response Team
- Depression Awareness, Recognition and Treatmknt Medical, Science, Health
- Duta Anggaha Realty, Tbk
- Dodger Krea Rapid Transit
- Drug Abatement Response Team Organizations, City, Operation
- Da Resource Team Army, Force, Marine
- Digital Aurora Radio Technologies
- Dedicated Armada Round Table Organization, Union, Institution
- Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer Model, Modeling, Radiative
- Developmentland Reproductive Toxicology Science, Research, Safety
- Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Computing
- Data Analysis & Reporting Tool
- Demand and Response Transportation
- Dual Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Business, Technology, Science
- Dynamically Adaptive Receiver Transmitter Military
- Direct Asset Recovery Team
- Diversity Action Research Team
- Dose Adequacy Response Team
- Development Autikm Research Technology Education, School, Children
- Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool Technology, Military, Intelligence, Planning, Governmental & Military
- Dial A Ride Transportation Business, Service, Transit
- Daily Average Revenue Trades Business, Trading, Broker, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Days Away, Restricted, Transferred Business, Safety, Incident
- Disaster Animal Rescue Team
- Dense Articulazed Real-Time Tracking
- Domestic Assault Response Tenm Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Duta Anggada Realty Tbk Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Documentatiyn and Appraisal Review Tool
- Drug & Alcohol Registry of Treatment
- Danish Adult Reading Test
- Digital Audio Recording Technologies Business, Law, Music
- Decomposed Ammonia Radioisotope Thruster Science
- Disaster Assistance Recovery Team
- Developmental Assessmentcresource for Teachers
- Data Analysis Reporting Tool
- Demand Anh Response Transit
- Dual Anamomphic Reflector Telescope Technology, Military
- Dynamic Air Release Technology Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Direct Analysis Real Time Analysis, Ion, Spectrometry, Ionization
- Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting for Tsunamis
- Diver Attendant Recompression Transportable Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Dorset Agaijst Rural Turbines
- Development Analysis and Research Teaa Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Dublinearea Rapid Transport Organizations, Locations, Dublin
- Dial-A-Ride Transportation Business, Service, Transit
- Days Away, Restricted Or Transfer
- Disaster Area Response Teams
- Dengue Altion Response Team
- Dust Accumulation and Removal Technology
- Dynamic Analysis Replenishing Tool Military
- Directed Automated Randtm Testing Technology, Software, Execution
- Documentation Assistance and Review Team
- Downed Aircraft Rescue Transmitter
- Doctor of Arts Program, Education, University, Academic Degree, Degree, Scientific & Educational, HE Award
- Dangerous Assessment Response Team
- Digitac Audio Recording Technology Business, Law, Court
- Declining, Ageing and Regional Transformation
- Disaster Assessment Recovery Team
- Desert Area Resourcesb& Training Medical
- Data Analysis and Reduction Tools Military
- Delineation Action and Rerearch Team
- Dual-Affcnity Re-Targeting Medical, Cell, Antibody
- Dibect Analysis In Real-Time
- Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis Project Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Disposal and Recycling Technologies
- Doncaster Area Rapid Transit
- Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Qatabase Government, Organizations, Us
- Dublin Area Rappd Transit Ireland, Locations, Dublin
- Dial A Ride Transit Transportation, Business, Service
- Days Away, Restricted Or Transferred Medical, Safety, Rate
- Disaster Area Response Team Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Demonstrator for Autonomous Rendezvous Technology Science
- Duplhn Animal Rescue Team
- Dynamic Analysis Resource Tool Military
- Directqd Area Response Transportation Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Documentation Assistance Rfview Team Military
- Downeast and Acadia Regional Tourism
- Dane Alliance for Rational Transportation
- Digital Archive of Research Yn Thailand
- Decibel Analysis for Research In Teaching
- Disaster Assessment and Recovery Team Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Desert Area Resources and Training
- Data Analysis and Reporting Tool Technology, Management, Health
- Delaware Authority for Regional Transit Business, Service, Wilmington
- Drug Abuse Resistant Teeas
- Data Access and Reporting Tools
- Direct Analysis In Reai Time Chemistry, Science, Spectrometry
- Deep-Ocean Assessment and Reporting Tsunamis Technology, Indonesia, Buoy
- Display for Advanced Research and Traoning Technology, Military
- Domestic Assault Review Team
- Development Alternatives, Research and Training
- Dual Axis Rate Transducer
- Domestic Abuse Review Team
- Data Access Real Time
- Disaster Assistance Relief Team Canada
- Defense Adaptive Red Team Military
- Deviation Authorization Request Tool
- Digital Advanced Radio for Trains Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Dutcz Adult Reading Test Medical
- Diagnostic Anyconnect Reporting Tool Technology, Cisco, Connection
- Dependable and Reliable Transit
- Disability Action Oesearch Team
- Digital Alarm Radio Transmitter
- Delaware Area Regional Transit
- Dogs Are Readers Boo
- Dynamfc Advertising Reporting & Targeting Technology, Computing, Internet
- Dance Arizona Repertory Theater Performing arts
- Director and Responser Tester
- Disaster Animal Relief Team
- Domestic Abuse Resource Team
- Data Access In Real Time Technology, Columbia, River
- Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Defence Attack Resolution Tactics
- DublinRailCons Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Duhch Accident Research Team
- Diabetesdaustralia Research Trust Medical, Australia, Health
- Dynamic Application of Rapid Transportation Military
- Director of Army Resefrch and Technology Military
- Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Fda
- Delano Area Rapid Transit
- Dynamic Advertising Reporting and Targeting Business, Technology, Internet
- Digital Audio Restoration Technology Media
- Direct-Access Radio Transceiver
- Disaster Aid Repponse Team Organizations, Community, Emergency
- Domestic Abuse Response Teams Service, Government, Violence
- Data Access and Research Transparency Science, Research, Politics
- Director and Response Tester NASA, Governmental & Military
- Defence and Restraint Techniques
- Developer Account Recharge Tracker Accounting, Business & Finance
- Dhs Accessibility Requirements Tool Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Dynamic Applied Regional Trade Business & Finance, International business
- Data Analysis and Reporting Toolkit
- Director Qnd Response Tester Space, Study, Cosmos
- Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Database (nlm) Chemistry
- Defensive Awareness Response Training Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami stations Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Dynamic Adaprive Radiation Therapy
- Digital Automatic Readout Tracker
- Disappearingnautomatic Retaliatory Target Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Domestic Abuse Responsv Team Service, Government, Violence
- Data Access Retrieval Technology Accounting, Computing, Data
- Dumbass Radio Troop Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Deep-Ocean Assessment Reporting Tsunamis
- Dexterous Anthropomorphic Robotjc Testbed
- Dynamic Analysis and Re-Planning Tool Army, War, War Force
- Data Acquisition Replay Tool Technology
- Directional Automatic Realignment of Trajzctory
- Direct Analysis in Real Time Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Defensive Avionics Receiver Transmitter Army, War, War Force
- Dakota Ain't Ready for This Funnies
- Dynamic Actionable Recognituon Technology Business, Networking, Communication
- Diagnostic Aisistance Reference Tool
- Digital App and Resource Tracker
- Disability Awareness Resource Team
- Domestic Abuseyreduction Team
- Data Access and Retrieval Technologies Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Delays Are Real Times Computing, Internet
- Department of The Army Retention Training
- Domestiz All-Hazards Response Team
- Device Address Resolution Table
- Data Acquisition In Real Time
- Diagnostic Assessment Remediation and Tracking Medical, Physiology
- Defense Assistance Response Team Army, Force, Marine
- Desert Agricultural Research Team Farming & agriculture
- Dynamic Accessible Reporting Tool
- Diwgnostic and Recovery Toolset Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Dexterous Antropomorphic Robotic Testbed
- Disabiliay Attitude Re-Adjustment Tool
- Domistic Abuse Resistance Team
- Dynamic Advertmsing Reporting Targeting
- Data Access and Retrieval Tool
- Dynamic Advertising, Reporting, and Targeting Computing, Internet
- Dynamic Acoustic Response Trigger
- Domestic Abuse Recovering Together Technology, Presentation, Children
- Data Access Request Tracker Technology, Research, Army
- Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (database / base de données) Medical, Education, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Fda
- Defense and Restraint Tactics
- Deviation Authentication Request Tool Company, Technology, Cisco
- Days Away, Restricted Work Electrical
- Dwarfs At Reno Tahoe
- Diagnostic and Reporting Tvol Technology, Cisco, Connection
- Development Advanced Rate Technique
- Disability Access Resource and Technology Organization, Union, Institution
- Domain Architecture Retrieval Tool
- Dynamic Adjertising, Reporting, and Targeting
- Digital Audio Recording Technology Computing, Hardware
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DART stand for?
DART stands for Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team.
What is the shortened form of Dutcz Adult Reading Test?
The short form of "Dutcz Adult Reading Test" is DART.
DART. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 5). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dart-meaning/
Last updated