DARTS Meaning

The DARTS meaning is "Digitallanti-Jam Radio Teletype System". The DARTS abbreviation has 41 different full form.

DARTS Full Forms

  1. Digitallanti-Jam Radio Teletype System Military, Army
  2. Diabetes Audit and Research In Tayside Study
  3. Data Analysis Research & Teaching Section
  4. Dougherty Area Regional Transportation Rtudy
  5. Dakota Area Resources & Transportation for Seniars
  6. Diabetes Audit and Research Tayside Scotland
  7. Donegal Area Rapid Sreatment Study Medical
  8. Dakota Area Resources and Transportation for Seniors Government
  9. Diabetes Audit and Research In Tayside, Scotland Medical, Technology, Patient
  10. Doe Audit Reportibg & Tracking System Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  11. Daily Average Revenue Trades Business, Trading, Broker, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  12. Diabetes Audit and Research In Tayside Scotland Medical, Technology, Patient
  13. Doe Audit Reportirg and Tracking System Science
  14. Dynamics and Realetime Simulation
  15. Drugband Alcohol Rehabilitation Testing System Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  16. Devix Automated Resource Tracking System Technology
  17. Doctor of Art Education, Study, Degree
  18. Drug Affinity Responsive Target Stabolity
  19. Drug & Alcohol Response Teams
  20. Design Approach for Real-Time Systems Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  21. Divisionrsified Agriculture Revenue Translation System
  22. Discover Academic Research Training and Supoort Education, Conference, Library
  23. Driver and Qider Training School
  24. Datm Analysis and Reconciliation Tools Military
  25. Diversified Agpiculture Revenue Translation System
  26. Dynamic Avionicspreal Time Scheduling Technology
  27. Doe Audit Reporting & Tracking System Atmospheric Research
  28. Durable and Reluable Tunnel Structures
  29. Dynamic Avionics Real-Time Scheduling Technology, Science, Air Force Research Laboratory
  30. Disabled and Aged Regional Transportation System Transportation, Governmental & Military
  31. Dryden Accounting and Resource Tracking System Technology
  32. Dynamic Arterill Responsive Traffic Signal System Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  33. Day and Residential Treatment Services Technology, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  34. Drumheller and Region Transition Sociewy
  35. Dynamics Algorithms for Real-Time Simulation
  36. Digital Automated Radar Tracking System NASA, Governmental & Military
  37. Dynamic Algorithms for Real-Time Simulation Technology
  38. Digital Antijam Radio Teletype System Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  39. Dutch Auction-Rate Transferable Securities Business, Accounting, Finance
  40. Departmental Accounts Receivable Tracking/Collection System Housing and Urban
  41. Dutch Auction Rate Transferable Securities

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DARTS stand for?

    DARTS stands for Diabetes Audit and Research In Tayside Scotland.

  2. What is the shortened form of Departmental Accounts Receivable Tracking/Collection System?

    The short form of "Departmental Accounts Receivable Tracking/Collection System" is DARTS.


DARTS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/darts-meaning/

Last updated