DASS Meaning

The DASS meaning is "Defence Aids Sub-System". The DASS abbreviation has 64 different full form.

DASS Full Forms

  1. Defence Aids Sub-System
  2. Defensive Aids Sub-System Technology, Military, Typhoon
  3. Distress Alerting Satpllite System Technology, Satellite, Rescue
  4. Demand Assignment Signaling and Switching Technology
  5. Data Access Services
  6. Diploma In Applied Social Science
  7. Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale
  8. Ditributed Authentication Security Service
  9. Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale Medical, Study, Score
  10. Dashboard Altdrnative School Status
  11. Dinamically Assigned Sockets
  12. Defensive Aid Sub-System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  13. Distribution Authentication Security Service
  14. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale Medical, Health, Psychology
  15. Distributed Authentication Security Service Technology, Computing, Telecom
  16. Dilazep Aspirin Stroke Study Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  17. Defensive Aidsfsub-Systems
  18. Distributed Authentication Security Services
  19. Depression, Anxiety Stress Scales Medical, Psychology, Depression
  20. Direct Access Secondary Storage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  21. Digital Associated Signalling System
  22. Defensive Aids Sub Systems
  23. Distress and Safety System
  24. Depression, Anxiety Stress Scale Medical, Psychology, Depression
  25. Division of Applied Social Sciences Science, Education, Missouri
  26. Digital Access Signalling System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  27. Digital Acoustic Sensor Simulator Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
  28. Depression Anxiety & Stress Scale
  29. Dafensive Aids Subsystem Military
  30. Dirección De Asistencia Y Seguridad Social
  31. Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale Medical, Anxiety, Depression
  32. Divided Attention Steering Simulator
  33. Depression Anxiety Stress Scales Medical, Psychology, Measure
  34. Digital Access Signalling Standard Military
  35. Depression and Anxiety Stress Scale
  36. Defensive Aids Sub System Technology, Aircraft, Typhoon
  37. Diploma In Automation and Scada System Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  38. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales Medical, Anxiety, Depression
  39. Disturbance Analysis and Surveillance System
  40. Digital Access Signaling System Technology, Service, Computing
  41. Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales Medical, Health, Android
  42. Deputy Assistant Secretaries
  43. Diesel Air Start System
  44. Diesel Additive Supply System
  45. Don and Sylvia Shaw
  46. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
  47. Durham Alternative Secondary School
  48. Dialysis Associated Steal Syndrome Porn, Love, Ram
  49. Dominican Association of Secondary Schools
  50. Depressive, Anxiety and Stress Scale
  51. Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Scale
  52. Dialysis Access-Associated Steal Syndrome Medical
  53. Doctor of Applied Social Science
  54. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 Medical, Research, Health
  55. Dubai American Scientific School
  56. Distributed Antenna Systems Business, Technology, Networking, Network
  57. Destitute Asylum Seeker Service
  58. Dual Attachment Stations Technology
  59. Direcci
  60. Design Automation Standards Subcommittee Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  61. Drake Actuarial Students Society
  62. Design Automation Summer School
  63. Diploma In Applied Social Studies
  64. Doppler Acoustic Sounding System Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DASS stand for?

    DASS stands for Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale.

  2. What is the shortened form of Depression Anxiety & Stress Scale?

    The short form of "Depression Anxiety & Stress Scale" is DASS.


DASS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dass-meaning/

Last updated