DAYLT in NOTAM Contractions Meaning

The DAYLT meaning in NOTAM Contractions terms is "Daylight". There are 1 related meanings of the DAYLT NOTAM Contractions abbreviation.

DAYLT on NOTAM Contractions Full Forms

  1. Daylight An exterior security lock installed on exterior entry doors that can be activated only with a key or thumb-turn. Unlike a latch, which has a beveled tongue, dead bolts have square ends. Or The end of a pipe (the terminal end) that is not attached to anything. or The distance in the open position between the moving and the fixed tables or the platens of a hydraulic press. In the case of a multiplaten press, daylight is the distance between adjacent platens. Daylight provides space for removal of the molded/formed part from the mold/die. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DAYLT stand for NOTAM Contractions?

    DAYLT stands for Daylight in NOTAM Contractions terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Daylight in NOTAM Contractions?

    The short form of "Daylight" is DAYLT for NOTAM Contractions.


DAYLT in NOTAM Contractions. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated